

so everyone starting this book you have to understand that this a slow romance. They won't actually starting dating or kissing quickly but they will but slowly. It a love story and love is patient. So be patient and read the book fully I assure it will get better.

Thank you so much for giving it a. Chance.

I came to stop after running for a solid thirty minutes, It became a part of my morning routine. As it helps my healthy weight.

I then entered my parents mansion. I'm still living with my parents. Not that I don't like that ,My penthouse is still under construction after that I'm moving out. My mom is still sad that I'm moving out; she still sees me as a child.

I chuckle because not all moms think like that. I then see our butler approaching me

"Good morning sir breakfast is ready " he informs me.

I nod and thank him and sprint towards my room for a quick shower.

After my shower I quickly changed into my business suit . I comb my hair and spray some cologne. And I head down towards the kitchen.

When I entered the kitchen I saw both of my parents were already there discussing something about the hospital helping.

"Good morning " I greet them

My mom turns and smiles at me "Good morning sweety"

I chuckle and give her a kiss on her cheek and settle down .

"Good morning zion " my dad greets me

"Morning dad, " I say while our butler puts some pancakes on my plate .

"I thought we would go cycling this morning, " my dad says while drinking his coffee.

"Yeah but I changed. We will go this weekend for a long time. I have a spot" I say .

My dad just hummed in response. My younger sister Athena then came dressed in a pair of jeans and a top .

"Morning " she said and gave me a hug from the back. Slightly choking me.

"Okay enough " I laugh and take her hands from my neck.

She scoffs and gives my mom a kiss on the cheek and my dad a kiss and hug and settles down next to my dad and opposite to me .

"Why did I get only a kiss and not a hug? " my mom asked .

My dad laughs "because I'm her favorite "

My sister motions with her hand jokingly saying I'm not. Which my dad didn't see .

My mom and I chuckle .

"Okay I'm gonna be late. See you at dinner " my sister says and stands up to leave. She gives my mom a hug and ruffles my hair a little and runs off .

That little. I just combed my hair .

My mom notices it and smooths my hair with her hand.

"She loves doing that," she says with a laugh.

"Well I hate it " I protest.

"Siblings " my mom mutters

My dad checks his watch and looks at me. I give him a nod and finish off my breakfast.

"Shall we " my dad ask

"Yes" I nod and get up.

My dad also stands up and gives my mom a kiss on the lips "See you later honey" my dad says .

My mom smiles and adjusts his coat. He then straightens up and walks.

I give my mom a final wave and head out.

We take only one car. Since we are heading to the main office so I didn't take my car.


While in the car I checked my emails and responded to them .

"You have to meet the Lilly jones company for our new hotels " my dad informs me from the side.

I turn my head to him "sure! they are the one that make curtains right" i ask

"Yes I need you to check if it is up to the quality " he says

"Sure " I say

Then our driver stops at our designated place. And we get out.

The new york air greets me. I look up and see IRVINE COMPANY AND CO .

We then moved into the office. We get our greetings along the way and we step into the elevator. My dad steps out on the 20th floor. While I wait till my floor comes.The elevator door opens with a ding.

I then step out and when the elevator door stops at the 50th floor.

I walk towards my office and the words assistant CEO is carved in golden letters at the front of my door.

I push open the door and enter my office. My office is pretty big with white ceilings and glass windows at the front and at the right side.

I then settle myself in my chair. And work on the finance contract that I left yesterday.

After completing it. I hear a knock and Mr. Wills walk in after I said come in .

"We have to go to the Lilly jones in ten minutes sir" he informs me

"Okay is Mr. Jack and Mr. Steve are ready " I ask

"Yes sir "

"Good, we shall leave then, " I say and stand up. And went down to the basement. Where Mr. Jack and Mr. Steve is waiting beside the car.

"Good morning Mr. Irvine " they greet

"Morning " I say and get inside the passenger seat .

After we all seated the driver started the car .

"Give me the details of the company " I say

"Okay sir" Mr. Jack says .

After a moment he gives me the information "The company is currently runed by Miss. Felicity jones her age is twenty four she is also -

"- information on the brand not the owner "

"Sorry .. sorry sir " he says and flips something .

He then informs me about the brand and how it supplies some of the best materials for all the hotels. I take in all the information he gives in.

"We are here sir" the driver informs

I then get out of the car while buttoning my coat in the process.

We then entered the building. The formalities are all handled by both Mr. Jack and Mr.Steve

When we reach the main office. There is an air of silence, dead silence and The people are standing frozen and not moving from the current position While having a fearful look.

Confused at the commotion. But anyway I turn and took a step but stopped by a bold angry voice.

"Did I pay you all for staring? " A female voice shouts. Voice cold and sharp.

When I look at the source of the voice. A girl with dark brown hair which is pulled up in a sleek ponytail wearing a cap sleeve maroon color knee length bodycon dress.

"I asked you a question " she shouts again.

They all flinch at the voice. Having the same horrified face.

"Okay I now pay for mutes completely utter mutes . If you don't speak again consider yourself fired " she says and walks away her heels clicking the floor in the process.


Phew that was a show. I never see anyone shouting like this. Her voice was cold as water.The venom in her voice can be easily detected. And the anger in her face and the cold face anyone would be feared out of.

"That is Miss. Jones" Mr. Steve informs

My eyes widened at the information, surely I did not picture this in my head. Maybe running the company you got to be strict but not this kind of personality.

I shake my head and walk away. We then enter the elevator. While entering a man who looks like to be in his 30's steps out.

"You must be Mr.Irvine " he ask


"I'm Mark. We are waiting for you to come let me lead the way " he says and we enter the elevator.

The elevator door opens at the eighth floor .

"This way " he motions with his hands .

He then opens the door which looks like a meeting room with a big square table at the front ,some chairs at the sides,and a small cabin located at the sides.

Modern and sheek.

A door opens at the side and Miss.jones walk in her head held up high.

"Oh It's Nice to finally meet you ." She says . Her voice is full tone professional. It's like a robotic tone assigned to talk in the tone .

"Nice to meet you too " I say

"Miss.jones" she says and extends her hand

"Zion Irvine " I say and she shakes her soft hand .

"Let's settle down " she says and walks over to the table and settles in the chair .

I take the seat opposite to her and settle down . Both Mr. Jack and Mr.Steve sit at the side of the tables instead of sitting beside me .

"Out mark!" she says without looking .

After a few moments I heard the door open and close .

Okay that was plainly rude . That man is obviously older than her by possibly ten years . Even Though she is the boss, she does not know the word respect.

"I heard you wanted our material for your new hotels " she says in her robotic business tone .

"Indeed we are gonna have to check the material before we put it out there " I say

"Of Course you can . What is your proposal " she says

"We need the material from you . The design is on our company" I propose

She looks at me and meets my eyes "I'm afraid that is not possible " she says

"Why is that "

"We make the design we don't just give the material " she confirms

I shake my head "Well that's what we needed to talk about " I say and turn my head to my right. Signaling them to handle me the file .

Mr. Jack takes the file and handles me. I open the file and push towards her

"That material I'm gonna buy is going over for all the hotels across New York . The amount we need is quite big either way there is a huge amount from your side . It is a win win situation" I say

Of Course it's a win-win situation. We need the material only we dont need their design. Irvine hotels are huge and are famous all over the USA.

"This is a big project I accept that . But we can't have our material alone be sold, we don't do that . Lily jones is famous not only for the quality but for the design also. If we do this to you alone then our company will don't be recognized for what it is . We give the whole product not the material Mr.Irvine " she finalizes

I realize this is the first time she is addressing me by name. But back to the point she did have a point though . But no I can't just leave it like that .

"I understand that Miss.jones but you have to understand we are a multi million dollar company . We need the material . And you get a pretty big amount of profit " I say .

I look at her and her face is blank and firm . She thinks to herself for a second.

She then casually turned her head towards me, her eyes meeting my gaze . I see that she has somewhat grey eyes. Cold grey eyes.

"I can't Mr.Irvine "

From the corner of my eyes I see Mr. Jack and Mr. Steve share a look .

Before I could close the deal . She speaks again

"I can show you some of our designs then you can choose it " she offers .

Well she would be stupid if she if let a deal this this .

I look straight at her "lead the way miss.jones" i say

She then stands up "let's go to the 3rd floor " she says .

We all stand up and exit the room . We enter the elevator . A girl then comes towards the elevator when she sees us standing inside the elevator. Her eyes widened.

Before she could come inside .

"Out" Miss.jones tells in a low cold voice .

She then nods and quickly runs away .

Mr. Jack and Mr.Steve again share a look between them . Obviously disturbed by the situation.

But I stand still with my eyes focused on the doors of the elevator.

Even Though my posture is still . But can't think about what happened. How can a person be this cruel and cold . That too their own gender .

I move away from the thought . It is not my business . If she acts like a cold headed spoiled person that's not my concern. My only concern is the material I came in .

We then enter the third floor . She leads us to a glass door and opens it .

When we entered there were some people chatting and working . When they saw us or should I say Miss.jones. they all stopped working and frozen in their spot .

I began to think that she has the effect on all the people that are working for her .

Poor people

A woman in her late 40's came towards us .

"Miss.jones" she acknowledges

"We are here to see the new design" she says coming straight to the point .

"Okay ma'am " she says

Miss.jones then nods and motions us to follow .

We then enter another part of the room . Where there are different roles and curtains hung for display .

"This is our design " she says and runs her hands at the curtain that hangs .

I then step forward and inspect it . I brush the material between my thumb and index finger .

It was linen drape with a border . It was elegant with a grey colour and unique spiral border.

Good ! But not up to our mark

"Do you have more Miss.jones? " I say, turning my head to the side where she is standing.

"Yes mr. Irvine this way" she says and moves forward.

We then went on various designs from floral to shading effects. Everything was nice and elegant, not too wordy but not too plain . We went into some traditional velvet curtain,which was elegant with the centre designed for a unique pattern of the traditional style.

But their white floral design and their grey drape broder stood out the most .

"We need some samples to test out and approved by our designers " I say brushing a material that is in front of me .

"We can do that if you specify which material you want" she says not an annoyance can be traced in her voice .

"I will let you know through our company members' 'I say and turn around to face them .

She nods "I will be expecting then" she says

"I will let you know by today evening and go through the samples the following week " I suggest .

"That would be great, " she says, her voice plain and bland.

I nod" we will be leaving then" I say .

"It was good meeting you Mr. Irvine " she says and extends her hand .

I look at her and shake her soft hand .

"Likewise Miss.jones" I say .

I turn and instruct Mr. Steve to do the formalities . I turn and walk away .

The woman from earlier comes and leads the way . I thank her and get into the elevator and towards the front.

A bodyguard in the front who looked like he would be in his mid fifties told me that my car would arrive soon .

I just nodded. Mr. Jack and Mr.Steve came by the time my car arrived

We all got in and rode to the office. It was already half past five . But I had to meet some of the board members to talk about our newest hotels .

We reached the office at six and I got down and went to the office . By the time I reached the board members were already settled.

When they saw me they all stood and gave their greetings . I nodded and went to sit down at the front.

"We have the presentation ready sir" Mr. Winston said

I nodded "go ahead"

The presentation went on about the new construction for our hotel . After the presentation the lights were put on .

"Who was the engineer again" i asked

"Andrew lee" one of the broad members said .

"I need to meet him tomorrow I'm not satisfied with the construction " I said

Their eyes widened but quickly composed it .

"We can arrange that sir . But we already made a contract that if we back out it will be a loss on our point, " Mr.David said .

"Well if the engineer can't come up with modern design we have to cancel we will see about that " I said

There were few arguments here and there . By the time we finished it was half past eight .

"We will see how it goes . But what I finalize will be the end . Now thank you for coming to the meeting you can leave " I said my voice firm . That I don't take any more opinion.

They all silent for a minute but reluctantly they all nodded and went out of the office.

I lingered there for a minute or two but after that I went out of the office my driver was waiting there for me . I then settled in and he drove .

"Boss left around six sir " my driver informed me .

I nodded. My dad most of the time went early . I stay a little longer and finish off the work .

The car stopped at the large black gates . The intercom buzzed in after a few seconds the doors opened and the car drove along the large driveway. And stopped at the entrance.

I then got out and went into the mansion. My butler informed me that all are waiting for me at dinner .

Shit. I should come early .

I then quickly went to my room and took a quick shower and changed into some pants and t-shirt .

"Did I make you wait?" I ask when I reach the dining table.

"No sweety . Come sit down and eat I bet it was a long day" my mom said

"You bet" I sighed and sat down.

"Everyday is a long day in college . I feel time slows down especially when I enter college. What kind of nonsense is that " Athena growled and put her head on the table.

"Tsk Tsk we all been there sis" I said

She scoffed, not taking her head up . "I bet working is more fun . You go to clubs, you get your own money . While I'm here struck for a whole day learning god know what . " she groaned and pushed herself up . "The exams I swear are making me whole wreck " she said and hit her head against the table .

Someone is on their period .

"Don't worry sweetie you will be okay " my mom said .

"You can join me and your brother for cycling this weekend, " my dad suggested.

"I..will..ry" her voice came muffled because of her head lowered down to the table . Her hair covering her whole face in the process .


"How the meeting went with lily jones" my dad asked

"Not bad . She didn't give the materials but the design was not bad either . So it is hanging in there " I said .

My dad hummed " show me the design. I have heard that they are pretty good but never seen it, " my dad said .

"Sure . Miss.jones said that she will send in some samples" i said and took a sip of water.

Athena jerked her head up " miss.jones like in felicity Jones who is inhumane and a chapjack . Known to be the worst nightmare for every employer. As in that jones " my sister asked .

My mom gave her a disapproving look "sweety you can't such words like that " my mom said

"But mom that is true" atena argued

My mom shook her head disapprovingly "True or not you can't say such hurtful thing like that " my mom said

"Okay . Maybe .... what can I say like she is a little harsh person " Athena suggested.

My mom just sighed.

"She has quite a reputation. " my dad said joining us

"How was she in person? " Athena asked, looking at me curiously.

Even Though those words are the worst to describe a person . I can't help but agree . I never seen someone this unkind and rude . Now that I seen it real I can't help but think all the athena said was true.

Maybe I might be wrong . Maybe she was on her bad days . I can't judge by spending one day at her office. Well maybe everyone is afraid of her. That's true .

"I really can't say anything . She was professional and did her job . " i said I can't say what I saw . I could be wrong, it is too quick to judge. Mom will be disappointed if I said anything like that .

"That's why her business is doing well even though she has a bad reputation, " my dad said.

"I don't think so, she lost many magazine cover shoots . Because of her personality . Maybe she has a rotten personality. But she has the looks . I would be lying if I say she is not beautiful she is certainly gorgeous " athena said

"You should stop reading the gossip stories '' my mom said .

"I read only one or two times after that I stopped, " she said, giving my mom a sly smile .

"Okay enough . Finish your dinner" my dad said .

We all then went back to eating.

"Was she pretty? " Athena whispered to me .

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