《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》11
Cooper POV
it's been a couple days since the beach and things have been great. Dylan and i couldn't keep our hands off each other. no we haven't had sex yet. but every time we see each other we are kissing, well it's a little more then kissing. but you get the picture, or if where not kissing where holding hands or just some type of touching. she still won't let me touch her ass though. when we kiss and i move my hands down she always moves them back up.
she has this insane obsession with my hair. she's always running her hands threw it while we kiss, or just when we sitting and taking. i don't really mind though it feels great when she runs her fingers threw my hair.
"so where you taking her for your date?" Max asked me as we where in the work out room at practice.
"i haven't quite figured it out. but i got some ideas floating around." i tell him.
"okay like what." he pushed.
"well obviously diner, but i just haven't thought of what to do before that yet." i tell him.
"well it's tomorrow." he reminded me.
"i know and i have a diner reservation booked already." i blew out a breath and put the weight back on the rack. Max was spotting me.
"i knew young guys would end up together. you just had this chemistry about you too." Max was right.
"she's so fiery and sassy." i smiled as i though of her.
"trust me i know" Max has been on the receiving end of it before.
"makes for some interesting times" i smirked.
"yo you tapped that already and didn't say anything" he looked shocked.
"no i haven't yet" i tell him.
"oh well what did you mean then?" he asked as we switched places.
"she just likes to think she's the one running the show." i said.
"ya i can tell that,your disgusting to watch kiss. if you can even call it that" he shivers.
i laughed he's not wrong, so we try to keep our little sessions in a place that isn't so opened. but sometimes it doesn't always work.
"her lips are like heaven so damn soft. and she never has to breath man it's insane probably from her deep breathing practice form Karate." it insane how long she can go, but i am literally not complaining.
"ya you guys are going to be fucking all night long tomorrow i not even going to lie" Max chuckled.
"maybe" i shrugged i wasn't to sure. i mean if we did then i am not going to complain. but if we didn't then it's whatever, with Dylan i don't feel this desire to always want to have sex. i mean i do but there is just so much more to this. then just having sex i want everything with her. i honestly can feel myself falling for her and fast.
and i kinda like it, it's so much better then what i have been doing before. just random girls. there was no connection it was just pure pleaser. but with Dylan there is this connection. i also made sure that i was totally clean, i have only ever used a condom, but i just wanted to make totally sure. and like i knew i was clean but it didn't hurt to just make sure.
"i can tell by the look on your face you have it bad for her." Max huffed out.
"ya i really do man." i wasn't even going to lie. he would see through it anyways.
"well it's okay cause honestly i am the same Hadley is amazing. and it makes it so much better that my mom approves of her being my girlfriend." He was always so worried about his parents. that he never dated much, cause they where very particular about people.
"Girlfriend? when did that happen." i knew they where dating but i didn't know it was like official. i mean i knew it was coming just not when.
"yesterday i got hella jealous about this guy in her program. they where taking and he was flirting with her, she wasn't back. but it was a real wake up call that, even if she was i couldn't be pissed because we weren't really together. so i buckled down and took her to diner and asked her." he explained.
"well dude i am glad, proud of you. look at us actually dating getting into the real world." i couldn't believe it.
"alright boys hit the showers, see you tomorrow for training in the feild" Coach called out.
i was glad to be done, my body was sore. you would think it would be use to it. but i upped my weights today. so i was feeling it. so i decided to sit in the ice bucket for a bit, that helps. after my ice bath then quick shower i pulled out my phone to text Dylan.
i didn't respond to her last one, just changed into my clothes. witch was just shorts and a t shirt. then made my way to the front of the gym. as i walked out the doors, Dylan just sat down on the bench right out front. so i slung my bag over my shoulder and made my way over to her.
"hey you" i sat down beside her.
"hi" she turned to face me with a smile.
"how was practice?" i asked her.
"it was good we got our routine down for the first compaction in two weeks." she says.
"you have a competition in two weeks? why didn't you say anything" i asked.
"i just did right now" she smirked.
"you know what i ment" i attacked her sides which caused her to laugh.
"Cooper stop" she was laughing.
"i love you laugh." i leaned into to kiss her.
she smiled then gave me a quick kiss,i knew that it was only quick cause we where out in the opened. but it was still satisfying.
"so about tomorrow" she says after we pulled away.
"what about it." i grabbed her hand so we could stand up. she grabbed her bag off the ground.
"well what are we doing? so that i know what to wear." she says.
"well all i will tell you, is that you should dress nice, and maybe bring a jacket for later." i wanted to keep it some what of a surprise.
"mhm interesting so like nice or fancy?" she wondered and honestly i didn't know the difference.
"well i mean what's the difference?" i was clueless.
"okay so like nice can mean kinda casual, but fancy is like dress and heels all dulled up." she explained it for me.
"oh well more fancy, i guess" i knew that where we where going diner was on the higher end.
"alright" she smiled.
"you want to come over?" i asked her once we got close to her car.
"i have a ton of home work to do" she say.
"well so do i, just bring it. we can do it together." i just wanted to be with her right now.
"you should go" Hadley came out of nowhere.
"will you drive me back home?" Dylan looks at me.
"of course" i nodded.
"alright here" she tossed Hadley the keys.
"Have fun" Hadley smirked at us.
"bye wait let me put my gym bag in the car." she called out to Hadley.
she quickly placed her gym bag in the car then came back over to me.
"okay good" she smiled then grabbed my hand.
we walked to my truck which was a couple rows away from hers. i opened the door for her and she climbed up. then once she was in i shut it and walked around to my side.
"you look tired" Dylan says as we where driving.
"just a long day, i had a nine o'clock class, then my work out. thank gosh i am done and it's friday." i sighed in relief.
"ya i feel you on that one, i have been busting my but trying to type my ten thousand word essay on How is the youth representation in the media industry in your country." she explained to me.
"damn ten thousand words that's insane." i was shocked.
"not really ten thousand was the minimum, i am almost at my conclusion and already at nine hundred and fifty thousand. so i will be over ten thousand for sure." my jaw dropped damn my girl is hella smart.
"well look at you miss brainiac" i smiled.
"i try" she smiled and opened her door since we pulled into the parking lot.
"we should have a nap first before homework" i wrapped my arms around her waist as soon as we stepped inside.
"no way man, i can't nap right now. to much work." she tried to shake out of my grip.
"just a quick one?" i pushed.
"Cooper" she glared at me.
"fine" i huffed.
Dylan POV
"you and Cooper are so nasty" Hadley wrinkled her nose as we walked on to the field for practice.
"he just has these soft lips that i never want to let go of." i shrugged.
"ya i know, you kissed him for like ever yesterday." she says.
"but they are just so kissable. plus he doesn't like the fact that i try and run the show when we kiss." i chuckled.
"you are just so extra i can't with you some times." Hadley laughs.
"i know i can't help it." i mean that's kinda a lie.
"girl you know he loves your ass. he's always staring at it" she was right.
"i know he's always trying to grab it while we kiss, but i keep moving his hands up." i said as we sat down and started to stretch.
"why though?" she wondered.
"cause we always in public, i mean we haven't been to each other house since this whole thing happened at the beach the other day." i reminded her.
"true true" she says.
practice was over and Cooper was texting me to meet him out front of the gym. i haven't seen him all day. so i decided to agree. i sat down on the bench and waited for him.
hey you" he came and sat down beside me
"hi" i turned to face him with a smile.
"how was practice?" he asked me
"it was good we got our routine down for the first compaction in two weeks." i tell him
"you have a competition in two weeks? why didn't you say anything" he asked.
"i just did right now" i smirked.
"you know what i ment" he started to attacked my sides which caused me to bust out laughing
"Cooper stop" i was laughing.
"i love you laugh." he leaned into to kiss me
i smiled then gave him a quick kiss, since we where out in public.
"so about tomorrow" i says after we pulled away.
"what about it." he grabbed my hand so we could stand up. but i made sure to grabbed my bag off the ground.
"well what are we doing? so that i know what to wear." i ask him
"well all i will tell you, is that you should dress nice, and maybe bring a jacket for later." was all he says.
"mhm interesting so like nice or fancy?" he had a clueless look on his face.
"well i mean what's the difference?" he truly was clueless.
"okay so like nice can mean kinda casual, but fancy is like dress and heels all dulled up." i explained it for him best i could.
"oh well more fancy, i guess" was his response.
"alright" i smiled.
"you want to come over?" he asked me once we got close to her my car
"i have a ton of home work to do" i admit.
"well so do i, just bring it. we can do it together." he pushed.
"you should go" Hadley came out of nowhere.
"will you drive me back home?" i wondered.
"of course" he nodded.
"alright here" i tossed Hadley the keys.
"Have fun" Hadley smirked at us.
"bye wait let me put my gym bag in the car." i called out to Hadley.
i quickly placed my gym bag in the car then came back over to him.
"okay good" i smiled then grabbed his hand.
when we got to his truck which was a bit away from mine, he opened then closed my door for me.
"you look tired" i noticed.
"just a long day, i had a nine o'clock class, then my work out. thank gosh i am done and it's friday." he sighed in relief.
"ya i feel you on that one, i have been busting my but trying to type my ten thousand word essay on How is the youth representation in the media industry in your country." i explained to him
"damn ten thousand words that's insane." he was shocked.
"not really ten thousand was the minimum, i am almost at my conclusion and already at nine hundred and fifty thousand. so i will be over ten thousand for sure."
"well look at you miss brainiac" he smiled.
"i try" i smiled and opened the door since we pulled into the parking lot.
"we should have a nap first before homework" he wrapped my arms around my waist as soon as we stepped inside.
"no way man, i can't nap right now. to much work." i tried to shake out of his grip.
"just a quick one?" je pushed.
"Cooper" i glared at me.
"fine" he huffed.
i went and sat down at the table, he came and sat down beside me, i pulled out my lap top so that i could finish this assignment. i was almost done, which was a huge relief, it was due tomorrow at midnight. so if i finished it now, i would have most of the day to edit it.
"i can't do this anymore." Cooper huffed and stood up from his chair.
"and done" i hit the save button. i had finally finished.
"that was the longest two hours of my life." he ran his hands down his face.
"oh you poor baby" i teased then moved to stand in front of him.
"ya i know, my arms and back are killing me." he stretched.
he must have worked out extra hard today.
"come on." i dragged his arm down the hall way.
"what are you doing." he looked amused.
"where's your room?" i didn't really know my way around his place yet.
"this one." he pushed opened the first door on the right. it was a nice size room.
"take your shirt off" i demand.
"dang baby trying to get me naked." he joked but did as i said.
"hush." i said then point to the bed. he flopped down on his back. i motioned with my finger for him to roll over. once he was laying on his stomach i moved to straddle him. then started to give her shoulders a massage.
"dang this feels so good" he groaned out. his shoulders where really tight.
"your shoulders are tight." i said.
"mhm i upped my bench press weight today." he informed me.
"well that will do it." i moved my thumb up the side of his neck.
"fuck me" he muttered into the bed.
i smirked that spot has a pressure point.
"how the hell are you so good at this." he groaned.
"Hadley had thought me a lot about mussels and stuff." witch was true with her in Kinesiology i learned a lot.
i moved my hands down his back now.
"this will not be the last time you do this, just so you know." he informed me.
"figured you better be ready to repay the favour one day." i was not kidding either.
"mhm sure" he muttered.
"Cooper are you sleeping?" i tried not to laugh.
"no" he lied.
i smiled i knew he was tired so i kissed the back of his neck the climbed off him.
"no more" he whined half asleep.
"shh just go to sleep." i went beside him.
"mmh" he groaned and flipped off his stomach on to his back. then pulled me up against him.
"thank you" he whispered.
"welcome." i was now more just light rubbing his back now. as we laid close together.
i didn't fall asleep i just laid beside him, i wasn't really that tired but about forty minutes later Cooper started to wake up.
"well good morning" i joked.
"you didn't sleep?" his voice was laced with sleep.
"nah." i tell him.
"how come?" he asked.
"i don't know i am not a big nap person. i mean sometimes i nap, but usually only when i am sick." i admit.
"oh damn i live for naps." he moved his arm and rubbed eyes.
"i can tell, you snore you no that." i was serious.
"i know Max use to tell me all the time." he chuckled.
"apparently i use to sleep walk" i confessed.
"really?" he looked intrigued.
"ya when i was a kid, my mom said every night she would walk up and find me in the kitchen. from the time i was eight to eleven. once i somehow even managed to make my way outside down the drive way." he laughed at this.
"no way" he was laughing still.
"mhm i was at Hadley house when it happened." i tell him.
"that's literally insane." but it really was though.
"ya mom was terrified when i told her, so she put like six locks on the door. just so that i wouldn't walk out the front door again." i remembered.
"damn though i would be to though." he agreed.
"what about you?" i decided to ask.
"what about me?" he raised an eye brow.
"tell me something crazy you did as a kid." i moved so that i could see his face better.
"mhm just one thing?" he looked deep in thought for a second.
"wow you must have been such a terrible kid." i joked.
"no just stupid, but um oh i remember this one time, i think i was fifteen. my friend wanted to go dirt biking. but like in the dark, don't ask me why. but we did, so i had to sneak out. and it was all going good until i had to get back in the house. you see my parents knew that i had snuck out, so they locked all the doors and windows. expect for the basement window. so i crawled threw there, but i got stuck, and we had to call the fire department to come and get me un stuck, and it was like almost one in the morning." he revels me his story.
"the fire department really" i couldn't help but burst out laughing.
"ya i know it was the talk of the neighborhood for weeks" he looked kinda embarrassed.
"oh you embarrassed." i teased him.
"no" he lied and tuned his face away from me.
"that a lie" i laughed but kissed his cheek.
"mhm no lips" he tuned his head and point to his lips.
i rolled my eyes and sighed like it was the hardest thing i have done. but complied. since i haven't really kissed him today.
if your not comfortable with mature stuff then skip this part of the chapter.
it started off kinda as a quick peck, but before i could pull away he grabbed me and pulled me back to his lips. then slowly grabbed my legs so that he could pull me on top of him. i pulled away from his lips, then moved to so that i could kiss his neck.
"damn" he moaned.
i smiled at this but didn't let up, his hands slowly started to move down my legs, i knew he was going to put them on my ass. but since we weren't in public i wasn't going to stop him. but much to my surprise he stopped right before. instead they moved up my back and he gripped my shirt and started to pull it up. so i moved so that could sit up and raised my arms for him to pull off my shirt.
he sat up a little bit more, which caused me to move lower on him. he groaned a little bit as i was now totally sitting on his shaft, which was very hard. once my shirt was off he moved his face and started to kiss between my chest.
i wasn't a virgin by any means, and i felt comfortable in my body, so i wasn't really shy. so i moved my hands around my back and un did my bra.
Cooper was quick to pull it off and throw it across the room. he immediately put his mouth on my left nipple witch caused me to let out a loud moan.
"that's like music to my ears" he growled. but went right back but this time my right.
i pulled on his hair hard, which in turn caused him to moan. i knew he loved it when i played with his hair, but i have never really grabbed it.
"Cooper" i couldn't help but moan out.
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