《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》10
Dylan POV
It's been a couple days since that whole movie night at Coopers house, and honestly since that night. something has changed between us. i mean he still infuriates me to no end. but not as much as before.
we had a really good time, if i am being honest. we laughed the whole time, he was making fun of me for knowing all the song. i even got up and did the dance to Grease Lighting. which he thought was terrible.
"so you and cooper? what's going on there?" Hadley asked as we where sitting at the kitchen doing homework.
i looked up from my text book. "what do you mean?" i questioned.
"mhm i don't know, you spend the night at his house. then your always texting each other. and when you see him at the field, you don't rip him a new one. something is going on there, so as your best fiend it's your duty to tell me." Hadley demanded to know.
"honestly it was a mistake that i spent the night. we where watching movies and it was like already two in the morning. and i just crashed nothing even happened so it's no big deal." i shrugged it off.
"you like him." Hadley blurted out.
"what no" i rushed out to quickly.
"your lying to me, you didn't look me in the eyes. and your nose crinkled it dose that when you lie. oh my gosh you actually like Copper." Hadley was smiling.
"okay so maybe i kinda sorta do like him. like a little bit, but it's whatever." i knew nothing would come about this.
"i knew it i knew it, the way you two fight is like an old married couple." Hadley was grinning.
"so what's going on with you and Max?" i decided to change the subject.
"honestly it's going good, we are dating. he hasn't officially asked me to be his girlfriend. but it's only been a couple weeks. but man he has soft lips i tell you." she informed me.
"mhm didn't need to know that. but i need a brake, i am going mad." i stood up from the table to stretch.
"it's a nice day out, we should hit the beach. i need some mega sun action." Hadley suggested.
"yes i am so game." i honestly didn't even think of going to the beach.
"alright we should hit the store, and get a few things. some food and maybe some drinks?" Hadley wondered.
"ya more mostly drinks with out alcohol, since one of us will be DD"informed her.
"agreed, so let's hit the store." she jumped up off the chair.
i nodded grabbed the keys and my purse. i mean i looked kinda terrible in baggy shorts and a messy bun. but i honestly didn't care. i wasn't changing just to have to change again.
the store was only like a five minute drive from our place.
"alright so i think we should get more snack stuff then go up to the beach hut restaurant after." i suggested to Hadley.
"oh that's a good idea, we haven't been there in forever. there cheese fries are literally everything and more." Hadley was so right they really where.
"well well well what do we have here?" it was non other then Cooper.
"sup Coop" i bumped my shoulder with his.
"just getting food i am starving and have nothing." he shrugged.
"mhm well enjoy." i turned to walk away.
"well what about you, what you doing today?" he questioned before i could get to far.
"Hadley and i are going to the beach" i tell him.
"dude i am totally coming with." he invited him self.
"well you can't sit with us." i was totally joking.
"ya well miss sass it's a public place so i can sit where ever the heck i want." he smirked.
"mhm" was all i said.
"beside you know you went to see all this shirtless" he motioned to his body.
"Copper you forgot that i see you shirtless more often then my eyes can handle. it's nothing new to me and frankly not that impressive." that was a bold face lie. the man was ripped.
"ohh we both know that all your doing is lying baby doll." he could get the smirk of his face.
"dream on, now if you excuse me i have shopping to do." i turned to walk away. and i could feel his eyes glued to my ass.
"pervert" i turned around and called out.
"nah just enjoying a good view is all." he makes me so mad sometimes.
"what did i tell you, that you fight like and old married couple. besides you know you live to see Cooper shirtless" Hadley called my bluff.
"mhm" i didn't want to talk any more about Cooper.
"well anyways Max already texted me that's he's catching a ride with Cooper. i mean i figured we much." Hardly tells me.
"alright you got all the snacks you want?" i tried to change the subject off of boys.
"ya i just want to get some vitamin water." she nodded.
"oh yes i almost forgot that too" we started our eat there.
i just finished putting on my bathing suit. when Hadley burst into my room.
"what are you wearing over top of your bathing suit? and plus i am low key borrowing that suit one day." she rushed out.
"i was just going to put a pair of jean shorts on." i shrugged.
"alright i guess i will to. i was going to put on a cover up, but then was like nah." she turned to walk out of my room.
i just chuckled at her. then grabbed my jean shorts and pulled them over top of my bathing suit.
i haven't gotten a chance to ware this bathing suit yet, so i decided that i would today and i loved it. i threw my hair into two fish tail braid. so that when i take it out it will be all wavy.
"yo girl you ready" i called out as i walked out of my bed room.
"coming." Hadley stepped out of her room. looking bomb in her bathing suit and shorts.
"ohh can you fish tail my hair quickly too." she questioned as hers was just down and flowling.
i nodded so she walked to the kitchen and sat down at one of the chairs.
"two or one?" i asked her.
"mhm two" she decided.
"okay" i went and grabbed my comb and brush,then got to work. it only took me five minutes to do the two braids.
"thanks best friend" Hadley smiled as she looked in the mirror.
"your welcome, now let's hit the beach. i need some vitamin D"
just wanted to give you some nice pictures to look at and kinda see what them boys looks like at the beach. (Cooper will obviously take his shirt off. but i still love this picture of him)
Coopers POV
"dude you have got it bad" Max laughed as he laid on my coach.
Max and i worked out all our issues, that's the thing he knows to give me me space for a day or so, and the same for i know when to give him his space.
"no i don't" i scoffed as i put my food away.
"ya you do, just stop being a chicken and ask her out. or kiss her or something" Max threw his hands up for dramatic effect.
"she's will beat me up if i kiss her." i wasn't afraid of her. okay that's a lie i was.
"dude man the fuck up. you know that if you don't. someone else will and it will be too late for you." Max pushed.
i knew he was right, i knew that ever since she came over there has been a shift in our very complicated relationship. but i didn't know if i wanted to take that step, i mean ya i liked her. but did she like me? and i don't know if i wanted to be a tied down right now. i mean i am only twenty three.
"dude your face says it all. you don't have to marry this girl. you can just date and have fun. Don't you just kinda get tired off not having someone who cares about you? or who you can just talk about anything with? or not have to kick them out of your bed when your done?" Max ranted and he made sense.
"i mean kinda i don't know" i ran my hands down my face.
"all i am saying is your going to lose your chance if you don't act soon." Max stood up.
"where you going?" i asked him.
"put my trunks on, be right back." he left and went over to his place. which was only three doors down from mine.
we didn't want to live together but we wanted to live close. we lived together our freshman year in residence, and that was enough for us. Max was tired of having to leave the room so i could bring my company over, and i was tired of him humming in his sleep. so we knew that it was just best that we didn't live together. and we where both okay with that.
i knew that i had to get ready too, but i decided to text Dylan to ask when she was leaving.
she didn't respond to my last text which caused me to laugh. she hates it when i call her that. i know she dose, but i do it anyways to bug her.
so i decided that i should get ready since she is leaving. it was about a twenty minute drive to the beach. we road in Max car. he texted Hadley where they where so we could meet them.
"they are by the beach hut down near the front." he read the text that had there location.
i nodded and headed in that direction, then i saw Dylan. she was pulling down her tiny ass jean shorts. damn she was so sexy.
"dude" Max bumped into my which caused me to brake my gaze from starting.
"what" i knew what it was for.
he just shook his head and went over to Hadley. she smiled then they shared a kiss gross. i turned my attention to Dylan.
"well this looks like a nice spot." i tried to get Dylan's attention.
"oh i am sorry that spot is taken for someone else, so i am afraid i am going to have to ask you to leave" she has a shit eating grin on her face.
i laughed and then so did she. i placed my towel down beside hers.
"it's so dang nice out" she sighed and the reached over to her bag beside her. she pulled out a bottle of sun screen. then started to rub it on her arms and legs.
"want some?" she looked at me.
"nah" i declined then pulled my shirt off so that i could tan. i saw her looking at me from the corner of my eyes and smirked.
she started to rub it on her shoulders, and i could tell she was having a hard time. so being the nice guy i am, i held my hand out for the bottle.
"you just said you didn't want any" she raised an eye brow.
"just pass me the bottle and lay down would you." i rolled my eyes.
"i don't need you to put sun screen on me." she sassed me.
"clearly you can't reach your own back. so just give me the bottle." i argued.
"ugh fine." she slapped the bottle down on my hand. then laid down i smirked.
i looked over and noticed Max and Hadley weren't beside us. they where down by the shore. but i was glad right now. so i squeezed some in my hands then started to rub her shoulder and her back. i knew that she was enjoying this she but she would never admit it.
i started to get lower to her ass just to see what she would do.
"hey now my back is up more mister" she called out and then moved so she could get up.
"i didn't rub it all in." i lied i just wanted to keep touching her.
"mhm i am sure." she rolled her eyes. but then smirked.
"you sure you don't want any sunscreen?" i think i knew where this was going.
"well i mean if your going to put it on for me then heck ya i do." i wouldn't complain.
"okay." she had a look in her eyes that i wasn't sure about. she got behind me then squeezed some in her hands, and i thought she was going to rub it in my back. but all of a sudden her band came and mash it all in my face.
she laughed and started to run towards the water. i was shocked but not for long i jumped up and ran after her. i was faster then her, i grabbed her by the waist and flung her over my shoulder and ran is right into to the water. she was laughing the whole time. once we where deep enough i threw her into the water.
she knew it was coming cause her mouth was closed and her eyes so where her eyes. she didn't resurface right away like i thought she would. so i got a little worried, but that didn't last long as i felt something grab my legs and pull me under. i took the time to wipe all the sunscreen of my face. then resurfaced to a laughing Dylan.
"oh you are so going to get it." i splashed the water at her.
"ohh i am so scared" she joked.
"you better be" i tell her.
"you got a big clump in you hair" she moved her hand to try and get it out. but before that i grabbed her waist and threw us back under the water, with my arms still wrapped around her.
"your not funny" she says as we resurfaced.
"i am too funny." i defended.
"and you still didn't get it all" she said.
so i leaned my face down in the water and she took her hand and ran it threw my hair to get it all out. i flung back up a few seconds later and shook my hair out like a wet dog would do.
"hey" she laughed and tried to block the water from coming on her face.
"you too make me sick" I heard Max voice. so i turned around and he was there with Hadley.
i am not sure if Dylan heard him or not. but i chose to ignore him.
we have been at the beach for hours, and it was honestly so much fun. just laughing and having a good time. we just finished eating at the Beach Hut. since they have such awesome food. and the sun was setting and it was really beautiful. i knew i didn't want this night to end. so i decided to be bold.
"want to go watch the sun down by the shore" i kinda whispered to Dylan.
"ya." she agreed.
"we will be back" i stood up and so did Dylan.
Max shoot me a smirk and i rolled my eyes at him. we walked down by the shore and sat down. the view was amazing and not just the sun set.
"today was fun" she broke our short moment of silence.
"ya it really was, a nice break from all this studying." i carried on.
"ya" was all she said.
"Dylan" i said her name so she would turn to look at me.
"mhm" she turned to look at me. and looked me in the eyes. we held our gaze for a few seconds. before i brought my hand to her face. then we both just kinda leaned in. and when our lips touched it felt different then any other time i have kissed someone.
i was surprised when i felt Dylan bite on my bottom lip. but she took that short moment to deepen this kiss. it was then i knew i had to take control of this kiss. so i slowly pushed her so she was laying back in the sand. and slowly climbed on top of her. her hands gripped the back of my hair. and dang if that didn't feel good.
i broke the kiss well more like make out session, so that i could breath. but Dylan didn't let me pull away from her to far. i smiled and pressed my forehead against here's.
"go on a date with me" i whispered.
"yes" she whispered then pulled my lips back down to hers.
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