《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》12
Dylan POV
"girl there is no way" Hadley was shocked when i told her all about my night and morning.
"i am literally not even joking you, we had sex seven times last night, not including one oral each. then we had sex twice this morning before i came here." i stated.
"damn girl" she laughed.
"i literally couldn't get enough of him. i swear, i am pretty sure i need go give him a rest tonight. i tired my poor baby out." i pouted.
i literally couldn't stop, i just wanted to keep going, but i knew he needed a rest, we went three times last night with maybe a quick second to recover. then the rest there was like an hour brake in between. then this morning we had sex right when we woke up, well i woke him up, then we had sex in the shower.
"and this is the kicker no barrier" i tell her.
"girl you went raw!" she gasped.
"fuck ya, i got a IDU but damn its literally the best feeling. fuck it was like no other." i was getting myself worked up again.
"okay you need to chill, since when do you have this high of a sex drive." Hadley questioned.
"i kinda always have, i mean usually i would go at least two or threes times threw out the night. but with Cooper i just didn't want to stop. i literally couldn't stop." i have never had that feeling before but with Cooper there was just such a intense connection that i didn't want to stop.
"damn I mean Max and i usually go two rounds. well the other day we went four. but damn not that short in between." she says.
"literally we found our self some great man in the sack we are lucky." i smirked.
"ya we did, now we need to start getting you ready." it was going on three o'clock and Cooper was picking me up at six thirty.
"so Cooper said something fancy" i informed Hadley.
"alright well you go shower, then i so start to pick something out." she devices and plan.
i nodded and made my way to my bathroom. but before i stepped into the shower i decided to send Cooper a text.
i go into the shower, so i could probably clean myself, i mean we washed but we didn't really wash. plus i had to use his body wash, and i just wanted to smell like myself again. not that i don't love the way he smells, just on him i love it. not on me, so after my shower i walked back into my room with rob on to see that Hadley had laid out the perfect dress.
"yes oh i wouldn't have even thought about that one it's perfect." i gushed.
"i know it's new the tag was still on it." she tells me.
"ya i planed on wearing it soon, but i haven't really needed to dress up lately." i tell her.
"true since your parents love to show off there price and joy." she didn't say it rudely but proudly.
"ya they are proud of there baby." i flipped my hair for dramatic effect.
"okay so how should we do your hair?" she questioned.
"i definitely want to keep it down, maybe like a cute braid somewhere?" i decided.
"alright i see curls not straight" Hadley suggested.
"ya i love the way that the Dyson does the curls." i truly was in love with it. they just made the best curls.
"they really do though." she agreed.
so we blow dried my hair so it was dry, then once it was dry, she used the air curler. then we did a few different braided styles before we decided on the right one. then we did my make up, which i just kept natural. with some foundation, highlight, eye shadow and lastly mascara. well and some lips stick, a night light pink.
i did a quick double to to make side i was okay, then slipped into my dress. then added my heels.
then sprayed on some perfume, made sure my clutch was packed with gum, phone, wallet and my lip stick. the. grabbed a light jacket like he said. and just as i walked out of my room. there was a knock on the door.
i knew it was Cooper cause it was exactly six thirty. i smiled and opened the door. he stood there looking dashingly handsome, with a bouquet of roses.
"oh Cooper" i smiled and excepted the roses.
"damn you look beautiful" he smiled.
"thanks you look extremely handsome let me just go put theses in water." i said.
"dang roses too, mhm i will go put them in water for you." she held out her hands for them.
"thank you." i smiled.
"have fun" she called out.
"so are you really not going to tell me where we are going?" i wanted to know.
"no i am not," he smiled and opened the door for me to get into his truck.
he got in and i leaned over to give him a quick kiss. he grinned as we pulled away.
"here you got some lip stick on you" i laughed and used my figure to whip it off.
"better by smudge proof form now on." he joked.
i just shook my head at him. we where just getting ready to back out of the spot when his phone rang. it came there the bluetooth on his truck, it was his mom and i grinned.
"you not going to pick it up?" i raised and eye brow.
"no cause she will want to talk all night." he says.
i laughed at him, and she hung up after a couple rings. then my phone started to ring. i pulled it out and it was his mom.
"should have picked up" i show him my phone.
"don't pick up" he said but me being me smirk and pick up.
"hi Shawna." i stuck my tounge out at cooper.
"hey beautiful girl, is my son with you?" she questioned.
he mouthed no. i smiled he smacked his forehead.
"ya actually he is, i can put you on speaker he's driving." i informed her.
"mhm interesting the two of you driving together. where you going?" she pressed.
"just out mother" he yelled out so she could hear him and i decided to put it on speaker phone.
"you best check who your taking to with that tone boy." his mother scolded him and i tried not to laugh.
"sorry" he groaned.
"now where you guys going?" she asked again.
"we are going out, like two grown adults do." he didn't look impressed.
"ohhh are you on a date" she gasped.
he rolled his eyes, "yes mother we are going on a date"
"ohhh my baby yes okay okay i am going to hang up now. you best be calling me tomorrow boy. or i will blow up your phone." she was serious.
"bye mother" he hit the end button on my phone.
"your so mean to her" i was joking.
"she just needs to stop being nosy. she has to other sons to bug" he complained.
"well your her baby the oldest, and the only one away from home. so she wants to know what your doing." i reminded him.
"i know" he grumbled.
but before i could reply i got text message form my mom. which caused me to laugh.
"what's so funny?" Cooper looked over at me quickly.
"my mother just texted me" i tell him.
"ya so what's funny about that" he pushed.
"your mom informed her about our date. and she says she should have bet money on us getting together cause she knew we would end up together." i exclaimed.
"damn her, she's not going to leave you alone now. she's probably going to make us all sit down for a combined family diner, then plan our wedding at the same time. maybe even name out kids." he ranted.
"well where having all girls just so you know" i decided to joke.
"oh no no no no, all boys maybe one girl." he put his dession in.
"mhm well i am birthing them so it's my desion." i know it doesn't work that way.
"ya wish it's my sperm that decides, but you best be ready for a set of twins they are on my side of the family." he tells me.
"damn it mine too." i huffed.
"ya we definitely having twins." he laughed.
Cooper POV
"dude you did what!" Max yelled out after i told him about my night.
"fuck ya man, it was insane." i couldn't believe we went nine times it was insane.
"how the hell you have anything left in you." he was beyond shocked.
"fuck man i don't know, but shit i don't think i have ever said this, but i can't have sex tonight. i need to let my damn self load back up." i laughed as i laid down in my coach.
"dude that's fucking nuts you got your self a good one there" Max spoke the truth.
"Fuck man it gets better then that, we went at it raw" i knew he hasn't done that yet either.
"fuck me man, how was it" he questioned.
"man fuck condoms." was all i said.
"damn man you pull out game strong?" he asked.
"what pull out game damn i nutted inside her the whole time. fuck me it was literally heaven." i spoke nothing but the truth.
"damn am i about to be an Uncl?" he laughed.
"nah she covered we talked about it." i said.
"damn man how many positions you do?" he wondered.
"four" i tell him.
"shit which one you like the most?" he asked.
"fuck man they all good but damn if i didn't love it from behind her ass is something else." i couldn't get enough of it.
"fuck i know man, Hadley ass is literally everything." he agreed.
"ya should go raw tonight man i tell you it literally took everything i had not to nut right as i thrust. it's so fucking good" i couldn't stop thinking about it.
"Fuck man i mean we definitely going to talk about it tonight for sure" i could tell he was eager now.
"you will swear off condoms permanently after that no joke. like i told her last night, we are never using one." i was serious about that.
"damn we need a subject change i am getting mad hard right now." i couldn't even laugh cause i would be the same.
"alright so i am asking her to be my girl tonight man. i can't not hold off any longer." i was serious.
"it's about damn time slow ass" i knew he was grinning.
"alright well i gotta hit the shower, so that i can get ready. but talk to you later alright" i spoke.
"ya by man." he hung up the phone. i was just getting in the shower my baby texted me. (you already know the text so not showing them again)
i hoped in the shower washed my body and hair, then knew i had a bunch of time. so i just longed in my boxers for a while, before i had to start getting ready. at about four thirty i started to get ready, i just had to get dressed and throw a little gel in my hair so it stayed. didn't take long at all, it was six o'clock, so i decided to leave. i wanted to get her some flowers be a little extra.
so i bought her a bouquet of roses, i mean what girl doesn't love roses. then i drove to her house, it was six twenty five when i pulled up, so i made my way up, and right at six thirty i know knocked on the door. and damn if she didn't look hella amazing.
we just pulled up to the restaurant, and Dylan eyes lighted up. i knew she knew where we where. because she must have come here a lot with her family.
" oh my lord they have the best ravioli here i sware" i know exactly what one she is taking about it's one of my faves.
"agreed now don't opened your door, i am being the perfect gentleman." i was serious.
"Really Cooper" she couldn't help but laugh.
"really" i got out of the truck and much to my relief for once she actually listened to me.
"see was that so hard to listen to" i teased.
"the hardest" she joked and linked he arm threw mine. i closed her door then locked it, and we made our way inside.
"reservation under Davies" he told the hostesses.
she grabbed four menus, but that wasn't right.
"wait a second there are only two of us" i called before she could get to far.
"no it says, oh there are two reservation under Davies my bad." she apologized.
"the other one is for the original Cooper Davies" i heard my dads voice behind me.
"please tell me that's not our parents" i begged Dylan.
"it's not our parents" she couldn't help but laugh.
damn it. i turned around and there they where our parents.
"why hello son, this is bad karma. not only did you not pick up but you hung up on me." she placed her hand on her hips.
"okay we are going somewhere else" i grabbed Dylan's arm.
"well you are on opposite sides of the restaurant if that helps." the hostess
informed us.
"we should just stay, i like it here" Dylan says.
"fine" i agreed.
"smart man you are" Dad placed his hand on my shoulder.
"ya ya bye" i said and the hostess lead the two of us to the other side of the restaurant.
"what are the odds" Dylan laughed once we sat down.
"i knew i should have called my dad, and told him not to come here. well actually then we would have done it on purpose." i knew my dad.
"well i think it's kinda funny, don't worry so much. besides they can't even see us. where in the far corner." she tried to make me feel better.
"your right, now you like wine?" i decided to change the subject.
"i do" she smiled.
so when the waiter came i ordered us a bottle of wine, As per Dylan request white she didn't like red.
"cheers" she smiled and we clinked glasses. then took a sip.
"so you have fun last night." i joked.
"i did enjoy my self, did you?" she knows i did.
"i very much did" i smiled.
"well we are going to take a brake tonight. i need a rest so do you big guy." she patted my hand.
"i don't need rest, but if you do then that's okay." i lied fuck i needed a brake tonight.
"i will believe you so that i don't hurt your ego." she grinned.
"well thanks, can i expect that many rounds tomorrow?" i grinned.
"mhm maybe, depends on my mood" she shrugged.
"damn my baby loves the dick, but it's okay i love that pussy too" i grinned and her mouth dropped and she went bright red.
"Cooper what ever your middle name is Davies we are in public." she scolded but i knew she liked it.
"Alexander" i informed her.
"what?" she looked confused.
"my middle name is Alexander." i tell her.
"oh mine is Elizabeth"she spoke.
"mhm Dylan Elizabeth Morris. has a nice ring to it." it was the truth.
"well so dose Cooper Alexander Davies" i loved the way that sounded coming out of her mouth.
"and what can i get you two to eat tonight?" our waiter came back.
"i will have the lobster ravioli" Dylan spoke.
"i will have the pasta carbonara" ordered.
"excellent choices that will be out soon." he informs us then walked away.
"i am so having a bite" Dylan was serious.
"only if you give me a bite of yours" i demanded.
"maybe" she was so sassy i loved it.
"what made you do cheerleading?" i wanted to find out everything about her.
"well honestly my mom was a big influence. but also the bring it on movies. i was in love with them, so i was like i want to do that. so at first mom signed me up for gymnastics. just to get a feeling for a bit. then when i was i think ten maybe eleven, i was old enough for the next age group. so mom singed me up i stayed in gymnastics till fourteen. then just stuck with cheer after that. i also took dance lesson as well, but cheerleading just took my heart"you could see the passion behind her eyes when she talked about cheer.
"that's actually funny that you got inspired by movies" i mean i guess it makes sense.
"what about you and football?" she rubbed her thumb over my hand.
"honestly my dad, i have been throwing a foot ball before i could walk. then once i leaned how to walk i was learning the moves. it's been drilled in me to play football since day one." i was honest no one really besides max knows the pressure on me.
"wow that's crazy, do you even want to play football?" she questioned.
"i do, i love it. sometimes i wish there just wasn't so much pressure out on me. it's expected of me to lead all the team all four years. it was expected of me to get the captain spot young. it was expected of me to go to Alabama on a foot ball scholarship. it's expected of me to go to the NFL. it's just a lot of pressure and expectations of being Cooper Alexander Davies the second." i poured my heart out, she just made it so easy to talk to.
"that's a lot, and i am sorry you have to carry so much of that on your shoulders. but no one should expect anything other then you being you." she was honestly perfect.
"ya i mean my dad nervous really pushed foot ball on me per say. i mea. he definitely encouraged me and my brothers to play. but i know if i told him i just wasn't in it. he would support me. he would probably be a bit upset, but there would be no hard feeling. but the thing is, my heart is in the game. i love going out on the felid, i love leading a team to victory. it gives me such a rush playing football that i don't see myself doing anything else." i really couldn't.
"i can tell your passionate by the way you play. and by the way you talk about the game. now Max on the other hand not so much." she just picks up on everything i am telling you.
"i can't really say, i mean Max is my bud i can't spill his secrets." i know she would understand she's the same way with Hadley.
"which makes you the best friend, cause i am the exact same way about Hadley. so i understand." i knew it.
"and here's your food." the waiter placed our plates down in front of us.
Coopers Dish
Dylan's dish
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Her Innocent Love ✔ 'Completed'
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