《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》8
Cooper POV
so thankfully coach let the team play, i would have felt like the biggest jerk on the planet. because Max dad was coming and i know if the game was cancelled Max would have gotten some major heat, even if he had no control over it.
and much to my relief the team even managed a win. so here we are now Monday morning. and i already know that i am going to have hell to pay in practice, and knowing coach so will the whole team.
"Coach is probably still so pissed at what happened this weekend" Max huffed was we tied up our laces.
"i know he is, and it's probably going to be a brutal practice." I huffed.
"i am just so glad he let us play. because my dad would have been livid." Max says.
"have you talked to him yet?" i didn't want to say what for incase we had ears around us.
"no i haven't, and i won't. so it doesn't matter." Max stood up and went out to the field.
i stood up and followed behind him, to give him a little bit of space. since i already know i ticked him off. but slowly regretting it as i saw the look on coach face. he did not look impressed at all.
"alright everyone line up" Coach blew the whistle.
no one argued we all did as he said, you don't want to be on his bad side. and sadly for me i am on his bad side.
"what happened this weekend was totally unacceptable." he started off strong.
"you are and team, and you need to start acting like one. no matter if your on or off the field. and the fact that you let this happen in public, makes it ten times worse. we are representing a proud and respected organization. and we need to keep it that way. so i don't want anything like this to ever happen again. do i make my self clear, cause the next time it happens there is no warning. your off my team for good" you could tell he wasn't messing around.
no one said anything we all just nodded our heads.
"good now prepare for hell boys, twenty laps. and if anyone don't finish in under half an hour, you all got to do it again. we win as a team and we fail as a team. so start running boys." Coach blew the whistle.
let me tell you something, we didn't finish in under a half an hour, so coach gave us a quick water break. and then we where running twenty laps again. it was pure and utter hell, and if i am being honest i am not sure if he did it intentionally or not. thankful we managed to get it some this time, literally just on time twenty eight point nine seconds.
"now we are going to run suicides, so hope your not to tired." Coach was really pushing us today.
" i hate you so much right now" Max groaned as we where in the locker rooms. we just finished practice and it was total hell.
we didn't even practice drills, it was all work out. and not in the weight room where it's air conditioning. nope in the hot sun in full gear in the beating hot sun running.
"it wasn't all my fault" i defended.
"Hamilton is just as much to blame i know, but you could have kept your cool." Max did make a fair point.
"i am sorry okay. how many times can i say that" i huffed and took a swig of my water.
i mean ya i lost my cool, but that fact that the guys keep bribing it up. it's annoying, i have never harped on them when it was there fault. so why are they all on my case. Hamilton is just as much at fault here. and i knew that i needed to get out of here, so i stood up still in my gear and walked out of the lockers to my car. i needed to leave before i did something i regret.
and the way Max was acting i didn't care that i left him at the field alone. he could find his own way back. i just needed to be alone.
"Cooper" i heard someone call, i turned around and there was Dylan.
"hey" i didn't really want to talk.
"are you okay?" she actually looked concerned.
"ya i am okay" i lied.
"well why are you still in your foot ball gear?" she raised her eye brow.
"oh i am i need to get home, i am in a rush. i have to meet my mom so i figured why waste all that time here when i can just do it at home." i thought on my feet.
"mhm well bye" she turned and walked away. and i could tell she didn't believe a word i just said.
but i didn't care, i just wanted to go home shower change and relax. i was starting to feel the burn in my body. i knew the next couple days would be hell cause i was sore, and then coach was probably going to work us hard tomorrow to. so i just needed to relax
i was almost to my apartment when my phone went off, i looked on the screen of my truck to see who was calling. since i have my phone hooked up to the bluetooth. it was my mom man i did not feel like dealing with this right now. but i knew i had to pick up the phone,so i hit accept.
"hi mom" i was trying to sound like i cared.
"well some one is in a mood, rough day at practice" oh man she had no idea.
"it was fine, just tired." i spoke half the truth.
"well you should get some rest then" she was getting off topic.
"so mom why did you call?" i was trying to her back on track so i could stop talking.
"oh right, i am going out to diner tonight with Dylan and her mom." she dropped a bomb on me.
"your what" i yelled, this was not okay.
"ya her mom and i have been getting back in touch. and she suggested that we have diner, and i said yes. she's such a lovely girl and i really enjoined taking to her last time. plus it will be nice to have some girl time. i don't get that since i have all boys." she explained.
"mom i am not okay with this" i voiced my opinion.
"um i am sorry what?" mom didn't sound impressed.
"i don't like the idea of you going to diner with Dylan." i knew i was walking a thin line here. but it's not like she can ground me i don't live at home.
"funny how you think that you can tell me what to do." mom sounded mad.
"i am sorry mom i didn't mean for it to sound rude. i just why do you have to go to diner with her?" i really didn't want her to go.
"don't worry i won't tell her anything embarrassing about you. if that what your worried about" mom says.
"well partly" i sighed.
"look honey i have to go, your father needs me for something" mom tells me.
"okay well nice taking to you." i lied it just made my day way worse.
"alright love you"
"love you too mom." i hung up the phone.
i can't believe that she was going to diner with Dylan. this was going to be insanely weird for me the next time i see her. because knowing my mom she will tell her embarrassing stories of me. and i won't even know which ones. this was terrible but i knew that i couldn't do anything to stop this no matter how much i wanted to. i would just have to love with the consequences that follow, like my utter most embarrassment.
Dylan's POV
Monday's suck, i just wanted an extra long weekend. cause the one i had was awful. I mean the football team almost didn't get to play a game because of me. so talk about guilt, i mean sure i know that it had to do with the fight. but the only reason there was a fight was because of me. and i felt terrible, Coach assured me i did nothing wrong. but i still felt terrible.
i was just glad that in all the craziness that the team was still able to pull off a win. and they did it with out two of there best players, so that was also really exciting. but i just hope that there back up quarter back can hold on for another two games. because he never gets to really play, since Cooper is so good.
but in a way this was a great chance to prove to the team. that he can keep the reputation of the team alive once Cooper leaves after this season. but i just really hope that this doesn't put a bad name on Cooper, i would feel terrible.
"hey what's got you thinking so hard" Hads questioned causing me to snap out of my thoughts.
" oh um i just feel terrible" i confessed.
"about?" she asked.
"this weekend, i mean i can't help but feel like it's all totally my fault." i sighed.
"coach assured you it wasn't, and so did there football coach. i mean he even said that if he was Cooper he would have done the same thing. so he's not mad at you, he's just made that it happened right out in the opened" Hadley tried to explain to make me feel better.
" i know your right, i just feel terrible that Cooper can't play." i said.
Hadley gave me a look and i wasn't sure what it meant.
"so your saying you care about Cooper?" she questioned.
"oh gosh not like that. i just feel bad he can't play. i wouldn't want to be benched and still have to go and watch you guys be on the field without me. it must suck, is all i am trying to say" i didn't want her reading too much into this.
"mhm sure that's all" she didn't look convinced.
"yup that is all" i gave her a pointed look.
"okay well we should get ready to head to class" she stood up and made her way to her room.
i followed suit and made my way to mine, i knew that today was supposed to be super hot, so i opted for some shorts and a green tank top.
once i was dressed i headed into the kitchen to grab a glass of water.
"i am so not looking forward to cheering in this heat" Hadley came into the kitchen, looking great in a cute tank top. with this cute flower cover up and a pair of shorts.
"oh i know it's going to be awful, but maybe Coach will cut it short." i tried to see a bright side. even though i knew that would never happen.
"ha ya cause that would happen" Hadley scoffed.
"i know i was trying to be positive" i said.
"'mhm" was all she said.
as we started to walk to the car my phone stated to ring. it was my mom , so i figured i should pick up. cause the thing with my mom is that if you don't pick up she keeps calling you. and i wasn't about to have he keep calling me in class.
"hi mom" i picked up.
"hi honey" she sounded extremely happy and i knew i wouldn't like this phone call one bit.
"so did you need anything?" i wanted to get this call over and done with.
"yes actually i want you to come over for diner" but i knew there was a catch as to why she wanted me there.
"okay, what's the catch? is it some type of business diner? or what" i needed to know.
"well actually i have been taking to Shawna Davies. and she mentioned how lovely you where, so i suggested that the three of us should have diner tonight. she was so excited she only had all boys. so she excepted right away" mom dropped a bomb on me.
"why have you been taking to Shawna Davies?" i wanted to know.
"well not just her i have been taking to Georgia too. but honey i have known Shawna for a long time, and we lost touch. but after the diner we got back in touch." mom explained.
"okay so is Georgia coming too? or just Shawna?" i asked mom.
"oh that's a lovely idea, and i am pretty sure Georgia has a daughter, so we could make this an all girls thing. i love the way you think honey." mom was all excited.
"mom i have practice today, and we'll i won't be there till later, cause i will have to shower then come and get changed" i informed her.
"oh don't even worry dear, it will be okay" she assured me.
"alright, just text me later. cause i have class" i tell her.
"alright dear, have a great day. see you later" and then she hung up, not even giving me the chance to reply.
"oh no" i groaned.
"what?" Hadley asked.
"i am having diner with my mom" i started.
"well that isn't to bad" she interrupted me.
"you didn't let me finish, i am having diner with my mom. and Coopers mom, as well as Max's mom and sister maybe if they can make it on last minute." i finished.
"oh well that is going to be interesting" she was totally right it will be.
i was totally running late for this diner, practice when longer then expected. so i was rushing to shower and get ready. i texted mom to let her know, telling her i was trying my best to be on time. but that i might be a little bit late.
so after the quickest shower of my life, i just took the towel and rung my hair out best i could. so it wasn't soaking wet. then added a little product to help it set nicely. then i moved on to make up, which i just kept very basic. then once that was done, i slipped on a cute summer dress. with a pair of wedges.
once i was dressed i rushed out of my room.
"alright i am leaving" i yelled out to Hadley since i didn't see her in the kitchen or living room. so she was either still in the bathroom or her bed room.
"have fun" she called out from where ever she was.
"thanks see you later" i called out and rushed to my car.
i texted mom that i was leaving, then started off to my house. thank goodness i only lived like twenty minutes away. or i would have been way later then i already was. i pulled into the drive way and rushed to the door.
"mom i am here" i called out as i opened the door.
"oh good" she met me in the hall way.
"i sorry that i am so late" i apologized.
"it's already dear, we all understand. we are all in the kitchen having a drink. and i must say you look lovely" mom smiled and ushered me into the kitchen.
"hello dear" Shawna smiled.
"hi" i sat down beside a young girl, she couldn't be more then eighteen. and she was dressed in a cute summer fess and a pair of sandals.
"This is Olivia" Georgia introduced her.
"oh your Max sister" i blurted.
"unfortunately" i knew she was joking.
"so where's dad?" i asked mom.
"oh him and the boys went golfing for the day. so that's also part of the reason i figured i would invite the ladies over." mom explained.
"oh well that's always fun" i don't know how people play golf, i found it so slow and boring.
"so you go to Alabama University i take it?" Olivia asked me.
"i do, i am studying psychology and sociology" i tell her and her eyes light up.
"wow that's a heavy load" she voiced.
"she's also a cheerleader, the captain to be exact" Shawna pipped up.
"no way really that so awesome, i am hoping to make the team this summer." she says.
"that's so awesome, i will be looking forward to seeing you at the try outs this summer then" i smiled.
"what's it's like being captain?" she wondered.
"well it's a lot of responsibility, making sure that everything is in order before games. always making sure that your team is feeling included, and giving pep talks before games or competition. making sure that the routines are always solid. but i wouldn't trade it for anything." i remarked.
"wow that's so cool, i can't wait till you guys do competitions. i love to go and watch them." she had an excited look on her face.
" well i can't wait to see you there" i stated.
"alright diner is severed" Mom called out as Jasmine our cook came into view with a cart that had a plate of food for each of us.
" So Dylan someone as beautiful as you must have a significant other" Shawna wondered.
"oh no i am single, i don't have much time for a boyfriend right now. " i felt weird about replying.
"mhm she's smart putting her studies first" Georgia smiled.
"Well isn't that just a coincidence that my Cooper is single too" she had a slight smirk on her face as she took a bite of potatoes.
causing me to choke on my water as i was taking a sip. i started to cough and mom looked concerned, but didn't say anything.
"oh sorry about that." i apologized once i got myself all together.
"no worries dear" Shawna assured but i felt so weird, i mean i didn't even know what the heck i was supposed to say to her previous response with out offending her.
"ya so um well Cooper and i we don't really know each other, i mean we aren't really friends." i was awkward.
"oh" was all she said and she looked disappointed.
"so how come you didn't invite that friend if yours. she seemed like a lovely girl" Georgia changed the subject and i was forever grateful.
"well to be honest i am not even sure." i didn't want to blurt out that she's dating your son. cause i wasn't sure if she knew and i wasn't about to sell her out.
"well i think that she is a wonderful you lady. and i am pretty sure that my son has the hots for her. he couldn't take his eyes off her that whole diner." She had no idea.
which once again brought the conversation to an awkward spot for me. man this is going to be a long night.
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