《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》7
Dylan POV
we arrived at the hotel late in the after noon, and i was so glad. cause i wanted to catch a couple hours of sleep before diner. since i didn't get any sleep on the bus or the plane. so now i was exhausted, but just as i flopped down on the bed. my phone rang, i huffed and checked who was calling. it was my mom so i knew i had to pick up.
"hi mom" i picked up.
"hi honey, you sound tired" mom noted.
"mhm we just got to the hotel, and i didn't sleep on the bus or the plane. so i am a little tired" i tell her.
"okay well i will keep this short, i just wanted to make sure that you got there okay. you know that i am a worry wort." mom says.
"i am okay mom, we all arrived alive so don't worry" i joked.
"good i am glad, alright you get a little nap in then honey. i love you will call later" she informed.
"love you too" i smiled then hung up the phone.
" your mom?" Hadley asked me.
"mhm" i mumbled half asleep.
i heard Hadley chuckle then i didn't hear anything. i was so tired that when i felt someone shaking me it felt like i have only been sleep for a second.
"hey wake up, it's diner time. we are all going to this diner around the corner" Hadley said as she pushed my shoulder.
"how long have i been asleep" i yawned.
"almost two hours"she informed me.
i wasn't surprised that i slept that long, with how tired i was.
"alright just let me change" i sat up and stretched my arms.
Hadley was already dressed and ready to go, and she was looking super cute. she was warring a pair of jean shorts, with a white tank top and a super cute sweater.
Hadley's outfit
i decided to kinda match Hads, but instead of of a white tank top i had on a pink one. and my sweater was just a all gray one.
Dylan's Outfit
"alright ready" i walked out of the bathroom, dressed and my hair and teeth brushed.
"aww you decided to almost match me" Hads smiled.
"come on let's go get some food, i am starving" i grabbed my purse and headed for the door.
i opened the door and there stood non other then, Cooper Davies. and his side kick Max, i wasn't surprised at this point. since i knew that Hadley and Max kinda have a thing going on. so with this thing they have comes the price of Cooper always being around now. i guess i would just have to learn to love it.
"hey you ready?" Max asked.
"ya" Hadley replied.
"where is this place?" i questioned.
"oh it's just around the corner." Hadley informed me.
i nodded my head in acknowledgment.
"did you have a nap?" Cooper questioned me randomly as we walked.
"i did have a nap, did you?" i didn't really know what else to say to him.
"ya i actually did, only for like half and hour. then Max dumb phone went off and woke me up." he didn't look impressed.
"sucker i slept for almost two hours. it was pretty great" i noted.
"i bet i mean i feel rested though, cause i managed to sleep on the plane." he tells me.
"i didn't sleep on the bus or the plane, so that's why i was so tired when we got to the hotel" i said.
we arrived at the restaurant before cooper could reply. and we found the rest of our group here.
"Well look how decided to join us, i have a spot saved on my lap for you baby doll." it was non other then Conner Hamilton.
i groaned and rolled my eyes, he's so damn annoying.
"no thanks" i scoffed and strated to walk to the other end of the table where the girls where.
"oh come on doll face you know you want to." he pushed.
i stop and turned around, i was ticked off now.
"call me doll face one more time and i will snap your arm so you won't be able to play tomorrow." and i saw a look of shock and lush cross his face.
"mhm you got some serious tude on you,i like it" he smirked. then he added on "doll face" and i snapped.
i was about to grab him when i felt a pair of hand grab my arm to stop me. i was mad i wanted to put him in his place. i tuned around and was shocked to find Cooper grabbing my arm.
"let go" i growled at him.
"no because i am not letting you get your self kicked off the team. plus as much i as would enjoy watching that we need him for the game tomorrow." Cooper was still holding my arm as he said this. but what he did say had some truth behind it.
"fine" i growled and broke free from his hold. i heard a few gasps from the foot ball team. i bet they thought i was bluffing when i said i would snap his arm.
"just for the record i am trained black belt in Karate. so i could have actually snapped your arm." i glared and walked down to my end of the table. i sat down beside Hadley with a huff.
"okay what the hell was that" Kimmy one of the girls in the squad rushed out as soon as i sat down.
"what do you mean, Conner Hamilton is a sexist pig. and he pissed the crap out of me." i was mad.
"no not that i already no that. i meant what is going on with you and Davies. the way he grabbed you like that, and got you to stop." Kimmy gushed.
"nothing is going on between Cooper and i." i was appalled that they would even think that.
"i mean you guys would look so amazing together, plus it's kinda funny i mean he's football captain. and your the cheer captain, talk about power couple" she carried on.
"nothing is going on between Cooper and i" i yelled and might i add quite loudly.
Cooper POV
we entered the hotel, and i flopped right down on the first bed. not even caring i was still in my socks and shoes, i just wanted to close my eyes and sleep. i was tired i only slept for a little bit on the plane. i was out like a light once i closed my eyes. only to be woken up by the sound of a phone going off. i know it wasn't mine cause mine was on silent.
"ugh damn it Max pick up your phone" i growled and threw a pillow at him.
the thing about Max is if he's super tired he could sleep threw a fire alarm. so i knew that he didn't hear his phone, which i why i threw the pillow at him.
"ugh not nice man" he groaned.
"hello" i heard him pick up the phone.
"Oklahoma." was all i heard him say.
"yes sir i know." he replied to and i knew once he said sir who it was.
"alright bye, tell mom i love her." and then he hung up the phone and let out a big huff.
i sat up in my bed, and looked at him. he has his hand over her face.
"you okay?" i questioned.
"mhm" was all he said.
he was in a tough spot, because his dad was putting all this pressure on him about football. and i know where he's coming from, my dad is the same way.
"you know you can talk to me about it." i reminded him for probably the hundredth time. Max and i are more like brothers then friends.
we became friends at a young age, because our dads played college football ball together, but they also played pro together for a while. so we grew up together.
"he's coming to the game" Max says.
Max hates when comes to games, home games he has to suck it up. but away games he always hates it, cause his dad is always on him about how he passed or what he could do better.
"i am sorry" i knew it wouldn't make a difference, but i really did feel for him. the thing where our dads are different. is my dad is always giving me tips to what i could improve on. or just giving pep talks about when we lose, cause he knows it happens.
where as his dad is always on his case, his dad always finds something he did wrong. he gets ticked off when he finds out we lost. he just puts so much pressure on Max to always be the best.
"some times i wonder if it's all worth it" he muttered. and to be honest i totally under stand, because we have parents who played pro. we have more eyes on us, seeing if we can live up to our dads hype. and it's a lot of pressure to have.
"i feel you man. sure i might not have it as hard with my dad. but i hate being compared to when my dad played. i just want to play the game my way." i disclosed.
"why can't he just stay home with Liv or something" Max was angry i could hear it in his voice.
"i don't know man." i tell him even though he was ranting.
"i mean mom was a dancer, and she doesn't put all theses expectations on Liv. she just wants her to do it cause she loves it. and i wish my dad was the same. i don't even want to play foot ball. i never have i just did it because it's what's expected of me to do." Max drooped a bomb on me.
"why haven't you ever said anything to me?" i was shocked. i knew he did it for his dad, but i thought he at lest enjoyed playing.
"because i didn't want to risk it ever getting out. my dad would disown me, if he found out his only son didn't want to carry on the Hunter family name in football. there has been almost eight generations of Hunters playing pro football. i can't be the one to brake this tradition" Max revealed.
"I honestly think you need to tell your dad. i know it might be hard, but why keep putting your self threw this if your not happy. and no matter what happens you will always have my family to help you." i was serious my family loved Max like he was apart of it.
"i am going to go shower" he says and get off the bed.
i knew he was upset so i didn't say anything else, there was nothing i could say it make him feel better. i pulled out my phone and texted my mom to let her know that we arrived okay, and that i feel asleep so that's why i didn't text her right away. cause i knew she was worrying.
after a little bit Max came out if the bathroom showered and dressed.
"i need coffee so i am going to go down stairs and make one. be back in a bit" he informed me.
"bring me back one." i tell him cause i wanted one too.
"sure" he says then opened the door and leaves.
i decided to turn on the TV and see if anything good was on. which i just ended up watching sports highlights. then after quite a while, Max walked threw the door. And he had a coffee in his hands.
"oh thank god" i grabbed the coffee from his hand.
"we are all going to go to the diner around the corner so get ready." Max informers me as he plopped down on his bed.
" oh good i am starving" i announced.
so i finished my coffee as quick as i could, so that i could hop in the shower. i needed to rinse the feeling of sitting on the plane. then after about almost half and hour i was all ready to go.
"we just have to stop at Hadley room, we are going to walk together" Max tells me.
"so are you like serious about her?" i decided to ask.
"i really like her man, and i want to get to know her more. she's super funny and smart. and extremely beautiful, and she just so real. she's not this fake girl who wants me for my money, she just wants to get to know the real Max Hunter. not the rich football player Max Hunter." he listed.
"well i am happy for you then, if this is something you want. i will just need to find a new wing man at parties." i was happy for him though.
"come on man, when are you going to admit that you like Dylan. i see the way you are around her, your not like that with other girls." Max pointed out.
"your crazy i don't like Dylan like that." i denied.
"you really expect me to believe that." he raised in eye brow.
"whatever man believe what you want, but it's the truth." i was done taking about this.
Hadley and Dylan's room was on the floor above us, the coach's always put the girls on a different floor trying to avoid us all sneaking into each other's rooms. but it usually don't work. i think they know that, but there is nothing they can really do to stop them. unless they physically catch them sneaking. but just as Max was about to knock on there door, it was pulled opened by Dylan.
she honestly didn't look shocked to see us here, more just annoyed.
hey you ready?" Max asked.
and i wanted to laugh at him, i mean of course there ready, why else would they have opened the door. we didn't even get the chance to knock.
"ya" Hadley replied.
"where is this place?" Dylan questioned.
"oh it's just around the corner." Hadley informed her
she nodded my head in acknowledgment.
"did you have a nap?" i questioned her randomly as we walked.
"i did have a nap, did you?" she asked me.
"ya i actually did, only for like half and hour. then Max dumb phone went off and woke me up." i wasn't to happy about being woken up, but also about the fact that Max was kinda upset about the whole call with his dad.
"sucker i slept for almost two hours. it was pretty great" she noted.
"i bet i mean i feel rested though, cause i managed to sleep on the plane." i tell her.
"i didn't sleep on the bus or the plane, so that's why i was so tired when we got to the hotel" she explained.
we arrived at the restaurant before i could reply. and we found the rest of our group here.
"Well look who decided to join us, i have a spot saved on my lap for you baby doll." it was non other then Conner Hamilton. i couldn't stand this guy, he's is really getting in my last nerve.
Dylan groaned and rolled her eye at him.
"no thanks" she scoffed and strated to walk to the other end of the table where the girls where.
"oh come on doll face you know you want to." he pushed.
she stop and turned around, i could tell she was ticked off now. this won't end well.
"call me doll face one more time and i will snap your arm so you won't be able to play tomorrow." he looked shocked that she said this, but at the same time the fucker still has a look of lust spread across his face.
"mhm you got some serious tude on you,i like it" he smirked. then he added on "doll face" and that was all it took for her. so i knew i had to step into action.
i grabbed her arms before she could get to him, she turned around and she had a pissed off look on her face.
"let go" she growled at me.
"no because i am not letting you get your self kicked off the team. plus as much i as would enjoy watching that we need him for the game tomorrow." i was still holding her arm as i said this. because i wasn't sure if she has fully calmed down. but i saw her face sort of relax.
"fine" she growled and broke free from my hold. which i had a good amount of perused on, not enough to hurt her. but keep her in place. when she broke free from me i heard a few gasps from the foot ball team.
"just for the record i am trained black belt in Karate. so i could have actually snapped your arm." she glared at him, and stomped off to go and sit down beside Hadley.
"dude what's your problem" i scoffed at Conner as i sat down beside Max.
"oh look at you playing bodyguard" Conner smirked.
"i am not her bodyguard, she could have taken you if i let her." i spoke.
"oh dose little Davies have feelings for this girl" he mocked in a baby voice.
"you know what Hamilton you need to shut up." Max stepped in.
"ohh now you have a bodyguard." he was really pissing me off.
"you should have let her at him." Max was getting just as ticked as i was.
all of a sudden we heard Dylan yell "nothing is going on between Cooper and i" and it wasn't very silent.
every one turned to look at her, myself included. and you could tell that she was clearly embarrassed.
"oh i get it, so you like her but she doesn't like her back. your loosing your touch there Davies" He smirked.
i couldn't take this any more. so i stood up and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.
"if your going to start shit, then let's take this outside. because buddy your all talk and no action. so if you don't want the snot beaten out of you. you will shut the hell up, do i make my self clear" i was not messing around.
"what is going on over here" Coach finally decided to step in.
i let go of Conner and sat back down. no one said anything.
"no one wants to talk?" Coach was pissed.
and yet no one said anything.
"alright then all of you stand up, your done here. i am forfeiting us from the game tomorrow." Coach announced.
"what coach no" i stood up this was not going to happen.
"oh right so now you want to speak up. well to late now you have already cause a commotion so get up and move your asses to the hotel now" Coach was pissed. i have never seen him like this.
we all stood up, not wanting to tick him off even more then he already was.
"this is your fault" i glared at Conner as we made our way outside.
"my fault? your the one acting like some type of pussy over some girl" Conner growled.
before i knew i was attacking him. i threw us on to the ground.
"hey hey get off of him" coach was yelling. but i didn't care he crossed the line.
we each got a punch or two in. before i felt some one ripe me off of him.
"what the hell was that" coach was in between us.
"Cooper can't take a joke" Conner says.
"actually Cooper was defening me." Dylan's steeped in.
"what?" coach turned to look at her, then back at me.
"Conner has been making some rather gross comments and passes at me. so Cooper was trying to get him to leave me alone. when Conner kept pestering him about having feelings for me. but where just friends" she explained to coach, and i smiled at how she had to add we are only just friends at the end of her statement.
coach sighed i knew he angry.
"you too are both benched for three games. and Conner if i hear about anything like this again, your done from my team. because i will not have you disrespect a young woman like that. do i make my self clear." coach didn't leave room for arguments.
"can we still play tomorrow coach?" Max asked, but i knew he needed coach to agree to this. and now i felt like a total ass whole. because i know the stakes he's at.
"let me sleep on it" was all he said and tuned to walk away.
Conner glared at Dylan before he stomped away. making sure to knock shoulders with me as he passed. he was such an ass hole.
"thank you" i turned to Dylan.
"for what?" she was acting dumb. she knows what she did.
"for getting me sort of out of trouble with coach" i tell her.
"it was not for you, it was more to get Conner in shit." she sought. and i wasn't sure if that was a lie or not, cause she had a killer poker face.
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