《The Cheerleader Vs The QB **Complete **》3
Cooper POV
today was the day of this stupid diner my parents where making me attend. i don't even get why we have to go, buy according to them, it's tradition to bring your kids who are currently enrolled in Alabama University, or have had kids who attended.
but since i am the only one who's in University it's only me going. since my two other brothers are still in high school. But on the plus side, Max will be attending. so i won't be totally alone. and to make it worse i have to dress up. i hated getting dressed up. i was jeans and t shirt kind of guy. which drives my parents nuts.
"alright man you ready to go?" Max yelled as he barged into my apartment.
"just a second" i yelled from the bathroom. i was just putting the final touches to my hair. once i was satisfied i looked in the mirror, and smiled i looked good.
"what have you done with my best friend" Max laughed as he saw my dresses up appearance.
"ya ya i know i look hot." i smirked.
"idiot" Max laughed and i then took noticed that he was looking sharp as well.
"your moms going to kill you for not wearing a tie" i spoke the truth.
"i was not dealing with a tie all night. it's going to be bad enough listening to dad and his glory day stories." He rolled his eyes.
"i know it's going to be awful." i didn't want to go to this stupid thing.
"any ways we should go before where late. then we will both be killed" Max was right.
"all right but your driving." i wasn't in the mood. plus i planed on having some drinks, to help me get threw the night.
the diner was being held in some big party room at a hotel. so that way they could fit all of the people inside, since mom said there would be close to three or four hundred people. it was only about a twenty minute drive from my apartment. when we pulled up the parking lot was already packed. and we where fifteen minutes early, this was nuts.
"woah" Max eyes widened.
"theres a spot." i called out and he rushed into it quickly. cutting off a car in the process.
"oops" he laughed.
"to slow" i yelled out even though i knew they couldn't hear me.
"i feel kinda bad" Max looked kinda guilty.
"don't, you had your single on first. so it's your spot." i tried to assure him.
he nodded and then we both stepped out. I texted mom to come meet us at the front. so that way she could show us where our seats where.
"Hi honey" mom smiled and pulled me into a hug when she saw me.
"hi mom" i hugged her back.
"where's your tie?" she didn't look impressed.
"back at my apartment. mom you know i hate getting dressed up, your lucky i didn't come in jeans" i was serious though.
"your right, i shouldn't push. you look lovely, when with out the tie" she smiled.
"thanks mom, so who's sitting at our table?" i was curious.
"of course Max and his family, and the Morris family. lovely family they are. you actually might know there daughter she's your age" mom says and my eyes widen.
"Dude" Max smacked my arm to get my attention.
"what" i didn't know what he was looking at.
"look" he nodded towards our table, and sitting at it was non other then Dylan and Hadley.
"what are the odds" i couldn't believe it.
"Cooper your actually on time" dad laughed and stands up and pats my back.
"ya Max drove" i clarified.
"mhm that explains it, so Coop, do you know Dylan and her friend?" dad asked.
"ya i do actually" i tell him.
"i mean she is a cheerleader, so it's only natural that they know each honey" mom informs dad.
dad had a look of surprise like he didn't know.
"she was just named captain" her dad stepped in.
"dad" she groaned in embarrassment.
"well congrats" dad offered her his congratulations.
"where super proud" her mom stepped in.
"so what are you and your friends studying?" mom asked Dylan and Hadley.
"i am studying physiology and sociology." Dylan said and even i was in shock.
"wow that's a heavy work load, but impressive" mom looked pleased.
"i am studying Kenisiolgy" Hadley says.
"oh that's interesting, something i wish i took more interest in." mom admits.
"So Quinn you still throwing the ball around?" dad questioned and so the football talk began.
"a little bit but not a whole lot, the shoulder still a little sore some days." he had a sad look in his eyes as he replied.
"i still can't believe that guy got away with it. clearly it was an illegal hit" Max dad Maximum says.
"what position did you play again?" Dylan asked.
"i was the running back" her dad says.
"best one we had too, your dad would have made it pro if not for that shoulder injury." dad tell her.
"when did it happen?" Dylan actually looked interested in hearing the story.
"well it was senior year, we where at the national titles game. there was about a minute left on the clock, and the ball was snapped to me. i was just getting ready to take off, when someone from the other team came out of nowhere. and he smashed his shoulder pad into my shoulder and i went down. i ended up with a broken shoulder, cause of the way i landed. the doctor said it was one of the worst he seen cause i broke it in two places. so i had to have surgery, and well that's about it." her dad explained.
"ya the guy should have been kicked out, but according to the ref who clearly was blind. didn't see it." Max dad scoffed.
"that's terrible, how have i never heard this story before?" Dylan looked appalled.
"it's not one i really like to tell" her dad shrugged.
"did all of you guys go to here too?" Dylan asked out of curiosity.
"i didn't i went to Penn State" Max mom says.
"so then everyone else did then i take it?" Dylan was trying to put the peicds together.
"we did, your mom and where on the cheerleading team together." mom smiled.
"wow small world" Dylan says.
"so are you a cheerleader too?" Mom asked Hadley.
"i am Dylan was the one who got me into when we younger. and ever since i love it." Hadley smiled.
"well i can't wait to see you girl next Friday at the game" mom tells them.
"ya that should be a good one, first game of the season and it's at home." Dad voiced.
"so i take it you boys play? what positions" Dylan's dad asked.
"takes after his old man with the quarter back" Dad patted my shoulder.
" i play wide receiver i stated out as full back like my dad. but coach moved me to wide receiver instead soft more year " Max says.
"well i have pretty good suspicion you guys will go for four and four with national titles. But just know it hasn't been done since us old guys played" her dad chuckled.
"i am confident in our team" i spoke nothing but the truth.
Dylan POV
"okay so i just have to put the finishing touches on your make up then your done" i placed a stroke of blush on Hads cheeks.
"thanks for doing my makeup, i mean you just so it so much better then i do" she says.
"well i did take a cosmetology course in high school." i reminded her.
"well you did want a fun elective." she says.
"okay and done." i moved a few stands of hair in-front of her face.
"wow you did an amazing job" she gasped as she looked in the mirror.
"and this dress with those shoes, just compliments so well." i smiled.
Hadley outfit
"me? look at you, you look so amazing." Hadley complimented.
"thanks" i smiled.
Dylan's outfit
"okay so my parents are going to meet us there. i am not sure who is at our table either. so we will just have to wait and find out." i tell her.
we pulled up to the hotel, and thank goodness we where here early. cause the parking lot was already so crazy. i can't imagine what it will be like in a half an hour. we where able to find a parking spot right away which was close to the entrance too. which is always nice.
"oh honey you look so beautiful, and Hadley you look lovely as well." mom pulled me into a hug when she saw us at the doors.
"thanks mom, you look beautiful tonight also" i tell her.
"thank you, now your father is at the table. we are sitting with the Davies and the Hunters. you should know there sons." mom dropped a bomb.
just my luck i would be stuck with non other then Copper Davis and Max Hunter.
"how's my Dyl pickle?" Dad stands and pulls me into a hug.
"good, but i wish you would stop calling me that" i hated that nickname.
"no can do" dad smiled. "Hadley nice to see you again." dad says.
"you too" she smiled at him.
"Dylan is it?" A woman who i instantly knew was non other then Coopers mom. because they shared the same eyes.
"Yes and this is my best friend Hadley. she is attending here as well." i said in the most polite voice i could muster.
"mhm well it's lovely to meet you, i am Shawna Davies." she introduce her self.
"lovely you to meet you" i didn't know what else to say.
"are you bot seniors?" Shawna asked.
"yes we are" Hadley was the one who replied.
"oh so your the same as my son Cooper. do you know him?" she looked excited at the thought.
"i do know him, well i don't know him personally. but i know of him and see him a lot cause of me being a cheerleader." i confessed.
" oh your a cheerleader that's so amazing, so was i back in the day." she had a look of nostalgia on her face.
she looked like she wanted to say more, but she was cut off with a text message from her phone.
"oh the boys are just pulling up. so i am going to go meet them at the front." she announced then stood up and went to the front of the room.
"can you believe of all the tables, he gets stuck with us" i whispered harshly to Had. since i didn't want the parents over hearing us.
even though that seemed unlikely cause they where involved in there own conversations.
"i know right like what a small world." Hadley says.
"look there they are" i subtly nodded my head in there direction towards Hadley.
"damn they look good dressed up" she was wide eyed.
i mean ya sure they looked great dressed up, but it doesn't change the fact that they are complete and udder assholes. they arrived at our tables few moments later.
"cooper your actually on time" his dad laughed in surprise.
"ya max drove" he says and his dad didn't look surprised.
"mhm that explains it, so Coop, do you know Dylan and her friend?" his dad asked him.
"ya i do actually" Copper tell him.
"i mean she is a cheerleader, so it's only natural that they know each honey" his mother mom informs his dad.
his dad had a look of surprise like he didn't know.
"she was just named captain" dad stepped in.
"dad" i groaned in embarrassment.
"well congrats" Coppers dad offered her his congratulations.
"where super proud" mom stepped in.
"so what are you and your friend studying?" Shawna asked Hadley and i.
"i am studying physiology and sociology." i announced and they all looked at me in shock. Even Cooper and Max.
"wow that's a heavy work load, but impressive" Shawna looked pleased.
"i am studying Kenisiolgy" Hadley says.
"oh that's interesting, something i wish i took more interest in." Coppers mom admits.
"ya i really enjoy learning about the way the human body works" Hadley voiced.
i looked over at Cooper and it looked like he was tuning out what ever his dad way saying. he looked so annoyed, meanwhile i actually liked to listen to the stories of my dad in collage. i find it so cool to know about what my parents did in the past. like just now i found out that my dad broke his shoulder, i mean i never would have known if i wasn't paying attention to the story.
We all chatted a bit more before they announced that diner will be served. it was actually a really well done diner, it was a nicely seasoned roasted chicken, on a bed of wild rice, with some roasted vegetables. then my favourite part was the desert, which was just a arranged tray of mixed stuff.
"alright now time for the fun part the dance" Coppers mom smiled.
"dance?" i didn't know there was a dance.
"yes dancing didn't i mention that part?" mom played innocent.
"no you didn't mom" i was trying to stay calm, cause i didn't want to start a spectacle
"well dear i think it's time we dance" Dad grabbed moms hand. and they stood up. causing a chain reaction of all the adults at our table to stand up.
"did you know it was a dance?" i turned to face Cooper.
"nope" he popped the p.
"think if we dip my mom will notice?" i questioned Hadley. even though i knew the answer.
"do you really need me to answer that dumb question." she was sassy.
"i know i just don't want to stay for a dance" i groaned and leaned back in my seat.
"it could be fun, i mean look at all the single guys. go ask one of them to dance." Hadley suggested.
"no way am i being the one to ask someone to dance." i refused that would be embarrassing. i mean i am all about woman empowerment. but i just think that it should still be the guy to ask the girl to dance. but that's just me.
"look here comes Jermey Jefferson." Hadley was excited.
"hey ladies" he smiled as he came up to us.
"hi" i smiled at him.
"hello" Hadley replied.
"So um Hadley i was wondering if you maybe wanted to dance?" he says and Hadley looked totally shocked that he said her name instead of mine.
"oh yes i would love to" she looked at me for assurance.
i nodded at her to go ahead. that i would be okay here. she smiled and accepted his hand. and he pulled her to the dance floor. i noticed Max glaring at the back of his head.
"and you thought he was going to ask you to dance." Cooper chuckled.
"it doesn't matter that he asked her. i don't feel like dancing anyway." it was the truth. i am not a big fan on dancing with other people.
" so if i asked you to dance you would say no" he questioned.
"that's funny as if i would dance with you." i scoffed.
"why do you not know how to dance?" he was tonging me.
"of course i know how to dance, why do you think i am doing cheerleading" i mean seriously how dumb is he.
"well cheer is different from dance." he grinned.
"i know how to dance i hand took dance and gymnastics growing up thank you very much" i asserted.
"okay so if you know how to dance, then show me by dancing with me." he smirked.
"i don't have to prove anything to you." i knew what he was trying to do.
"mhm i don't believe you do, i mean why would you be resisting me so much if you did." he was such a cocky piece if trash.
"oh my gosh if i dance with you will you just leave me alone, because you are really getting on my last nerve." i growled.
he grinned and stood up and offered up his hand. i smacked it away from me and stood up by myself. we walked on to the dance floor. and Hadley had a look of questioning on her face. i rolled my eyes and mouth tell you later. mean while i looked at my parents and they had smiled on there face. i knew that it was directed to me, Coppers mom looked clearly pleased as well.
"you better keep your hands to your self." i was serious.
"mhm will see" he smirked.
i glared at him as i placed my hands on his shoulder. he placed his hands on my waist, thankful not going any lower. then we started to sway to the music.
" see isn't this nice" he had a stupid grin on his face.
"no this isn't nice." i snarled.
"wow so hostel" he chuckled.
"you know what just stop talking. because every time you opened you mouth only stupid bullshit comes out of it. so if you don't say anything that's should solve the problem." i was ticked off.
"has anyone ever told you that your super sexy while your being bossy." he professed.
"first of all no one has said that, and two i am not bossy. i just know what i want and how to get it, and there is a way that things should be done." i clarified for him.
"oh so your a control freak then?" he raised his eye brow up.
damn him i am going to strangle him. " the only freak i see here is you" i fumed. and will that i unhooked my self from him, and walked away. i couldn't deal with him and his altar ego, it was just so unappealing.
"where you going honey?" i heard moms voice.
"i just need some fresh air" i tell her.
"mhm so i as much as anyone could see you didn't enjoy that dance. what's going on there?" mom questioned.
"ugh mom he's so annoying, he won't leave me alone. he's always around me flirting with me. making sexist and and gross comments and his ego oh my god is huge and you would think to wonder how he can fit his big head threw the door. i mean seriously ugh" i ranted.
mom was smiling at me, why the heck was she smiling? this was a serious conversation.
"why are you smiling?" i wasn't impressed i wanted her advice.
"oh honey you have no idea. believe it or not your father was the exact same way. he was so cocky and didn't care who knew it. he was a total ladies man, and he drove me up the wall. for the first little while i couldn't stand him. i wanted to get away from him no matter what it took." she states.
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