《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Twenty One


**Mr Fullers POV**

Why did I say that? I was just so upset that she was going on a date.

I woke up in the morning and sighed. She was mad at me. She probably hated me.

I took my time and got dressed. I was aware that she would be in my class all day for her final. I wasn't upset at her anymore. I had spoken to Dustin. Everything she told me was true. This was all Alan.

But it was too late to apologize. I said what I said and I couldn't take it back, no matter how bad I wanted to.

I sighed and walked to the kitchen. Soon after Teddy walked in in his pajamas.

"Daddy, Desiree babysitting me tomorrow?" He asked right away as he sat down to eat breakfast

"I'm afraid not." I watched as his face fell. "But I'll find someone else bud."

"I want her. She's the only one I want." He stood up. "If she can't, then you can't leave!" He stomped his foot and walked away.

I watched him as he stormed his way to his room. My attention was then caught by a picture in the hall. I walked over and looked at it. It was of Desiree and Teddy at the park this past summer.

Desiree and Teddy had an unbelievable bond. It went further than child and babysitter. They had almost a mother son bond. Teddy never knew his mother, and Desiree had become that mother figure in his life.

I turned my attention away from the picture and headed to Teddy's room, to get him ready.

* * * * * * * *

I looked down at my desk. Everything was quiet as everyone focused on their exams.

I noticed Desiree sat in the back of the class. I was used to her sitting closer up front. I knew she was still upset. She didn't even say a word to me when she walked in. She didn't even look up from the desk when I spoke to the class.


I glanced at the time. It was time for break.

"Break time." I told everyone. They closed their booklets and stood up. I watched as they left the room for break. I didn't see Desiree leave, but she wasn't at the desk. I looked out in the hall and found her sipping on orange juice standing next to Dustin and some other kid.

Break ended and I watched as the students walked back into my room. I kept my eyes on Desiree, and noticed she never looked my way, just continued on with her conversation with Dustin.

* * * * * * * * * *

It was finally the end of the day. I picked up all the exams and put them in a pile on my desk. I waited to dismiss the class after the bell. It rang and everyone happily left. I tried getting Desiree's attention, but she pushed right passed me and met up with Dustin in the hall.

They laughed about something, then followed the crowd of people out into the parking lot.

I never thought I'd miss her this much, and it's only made a day.

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