《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Twenty Two


I canceled my date with whoever Pat was. I didn't feel like going, but I decided to hang out with Dustin and a few of his friends instead.

I hugged and kissed my mom as Dustin pulled up to get me. I walked out and was instantly pulled into the car. The car was full and I just had enough room to squeeze in.

Dustin began drive to our destination, the movie theater. We got out, bought our tickets and ran to our seats. I felt kind of left out. Dustin was here with Lynn and Rudy was with Faith. I felt like the fifth wheel. I excused myself during the movie and just hung out in the lobby, bored out of my mind, playing arcade games.

When the movie ended they met back up with me. We discussed what to do next. Lynn and Faith wanted to go shopping. The guys groaned, but agreed to go to the mall. I decided to go home and told Dustin. He wouldn't let me and I found myself at the mall. I stayed at the food court while the others took off.

I was bored. I wished I had someone. But no one was good enough for me according to Dustin. I signed and waited for them.

* * * * * * * *

The hours ticked away and soon I found myself at a party. Again I was alone. I wasn't a drinker and I had no one to talk to. I sat in the corner and watched.

At midnight I began looking for Dustin. Eventually I found him, talking with his other friends. I informed him that I was leaving. He didn't pay any attention to me so I left.

I began walking home, but I didn't know where I was. I pulled my phone out and called for a cab.


I waited for it and once it arrived I gave the driver my address.

I looked out the window as we drove. It was a mistake for me to come out. I should've just stayed home and watched movies or played a game.

The road began to look familiar, but I was still a ways away from home. I sighed at closed my eyes for a minute.

We came to a stop light and the cab driver stopped at the red light. When it turned green he started driving again. In a second we were whipped around as a truck crashed into my side of the car.

* * * * * * * * *

**Dustin's POV**

I left the party and began looking for Desiree. I couldn't find her at the party. I remembered her saying something to me, but I wasn't paying attention to her. I had convinced her to come out tonight, but I kept leaving her alone.

I called Rudy and told him I'd be back after I found Desiree. I headed to town, hoping she was home by now. I attempted to call her but it just rang and rang.

I drove up on an accident and pulled over to make sure everything was okay. I stepped out of my car and heard yelling. I looked over and spotted two men aruging. I walked over.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine." The older guy said turning to face me.

"Me too." The younger one nodded. "But she's not!" He yelled pointing to the car.

I took off towards the car to see if I could help whoever was in the car.

"Help me!" I heard her yell. I quickly ran over.

"You okay? Holy s*** Des!" I turned my attention away from her and yelled back to the men. "Did either of you call 911?


"Yes." The younger one nodded.

I sighed and turned my attention back to Desiree.



"I can't feel my f***ing legs!" She yelled. I heard sirens coming.

"It's okay Des. It's all going to be okay." I reached in and touched her hand. She looked at me for a second before her eyes rolled. "Des. Des." No response. "Desiree!" I shouted.

I didn't leave her side until a fireman pulled me away so they could cut her out.

I watched in horror as they pulled her lifeless body out of the wrecked car. I couldn't watch anymore so I turned back to my car. Something sparkling on the ground caught my attention. I walked over and picked it up. It was the bracelet Mr. Fuller gave her. I held on to it and walked to my car.

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