《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Twenty


Finals week was upon us.

Monday was a study day, where we did nothing but study. Tuesday we had our English final. Wednesday our biology final. Thursday was our math final and Friday was history.

* * * * * * * * * *

I slid down, against the lockers, to the floor after school on Thursday. I was glad there was only one more day of finals.

English was no biggy. Biology was a breeze. But math had whopped my behind and I was pretty certain I failed.

"Ready to go home?" Dustin asked from across from me on the floor.

"Sure why not." I sighed and stood up. "I could use some ice cream to forget about this hellish week." I half smiled.

"Right! We'll need a few tubs after tomorrow." We laughed.

"Desiree, may I speak to you for a minute?" Mr. Fuller asked peeking his head out of his classroom. I nodded.

"I'll wait." Dustin smiled sending me a wink. I rolled my eyes and walked into Mr. Fullers classroom.

He closed the door and walked over to his desk. I stood by the door. "Ready for tomorrow?" He asked.

"I'm ready for this week to be over. I'm exhausted."

He chuckled but then stopped quickly. "I was going go ask if you wanted to watch Teddy on Saturday, but I guess you have plans." He frowned.

"What plans? I'm free this weekend. I never have plans." I shook my head.

"Alan texted me, and told me to tell you that Pat would be picking you up Saturday night at 6. For your date."

"What date? Who's Pat?" I questioned.

"Someone you shouldn't be going out with."

"I'm not."

I could tell he was getting upset. He ran his hands through his hair and pulled at it slightly. "Desiree." He sighed in frustration.


"What? I don't even know what going on, and you're pissed at me." I frowned.

"Alan said you asked him to set you up with someone."

Now it was my turn to get upset. "No. He said he would. He said I should be with someone." He looked at me like he didn't believe me. "Ask Dustin if you don't believe me. He was there the whole time."

"You should be dating people, but not Pat."

"Does it matter?"

"It does!" He yelled, making me flitch.

"Whatever." I said turning to the door.

"You need to get over this crush you have on me, but not with him. Anyone else but him."

"What makes you think I have a crush on you?" I asked without turning around.

"Oh please. I'm not stupid. That's the only reason you babysit Teddy. You think you can get close to me. Well guess what, nothing will ever go on between us."

It hurt, it really did but I had become good at masking my pain. I spun around to face him, my face showing absolutely no emotion. "If you think that's why I babysit for you, then you can find someone else to watch your son for you while you go out." I reached in my pocket for my key chain, I found it and slid his house key off. "There you go." I placed it down in the bookshelf next to me."

"Desiree." He sighed.

"Don't Desiree me. Don't even talk to me anymore. Lose my number. Find another babysitter but I'll tell you this. No one will ever care for Teddy as much as I do. And stay out of my dating life, and tell your boyfriend that too." I turned again and left the classroom.


I met up with Dustin and he pulled me into a hug right away. I could tell by his face that he heard everything.

He pulled away from me for a second to read my face. It remained blank. "Let's go get you some ice cream." He smiled.

"I'll take a tub of rocky road, please."

"Anything you want." He nodded and together we walked out to his car.

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