《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Nine


Saturday morning I found myself climbing out of bed at eight, to answer the front door. Not caring how I looked at opened the door.

"What?!" I snapped when I saw who it was.

"You don't have to snap." Mr. Fuller laughed.

"What do you want? I was sleeping."

"I see that." He laughed again. "Anyway if you would answer your phone. I wouldn't be here."

"I didn't hear it. Like I said I was sleeping."

"Anyway you no longer have to babysit tonight. Instead Alan and myself will be taking Teddy and yourself out for the evening."

"Out where?"

"To a carnival not far from here, and then out to dinner. So pack some clothes for fun then a nice dress for tonight."

"When do we leave?"

"Around one. So you can go back to sleep for a few hours." He laughed.

"I doubt I'll be able too. Seeing you first thing in the morning on Saturday isn't my cup of tea."

"What exactly is your cup of tea? Because you don't like tea."

"Dang it!" I laughed.

"Seriously go back to bed. You look like the girl from the exorcism."

"Go away."

"I'll be back around one to pick you up." He began to walk away. I closed the door and locked it, like it previously was, and headed back to my room.

Before climbing back into bed I decided to get my clothes out now. I grabbed the clothes I would wear today first, then hunted around my closet for a dress for dinner.

When I was satisfied with what I had I set my alarm for ten thirty and went back to bed.


When my alarm went off I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom for a nice hot shower.

The water felt nice on my skin and seemed to wake me up even more than my alarm did. Hard to imagine that only ten years ago I fought not to take a shower. Now I'd shower all day if I could. So many shampoos and conditioners to choose from to wash my hair. I decided on a strawberry smelling one and began to wash my hair.


When I was all cleaned and legs, and underarms shaven I got out of the shower. I looked at the clock and it was eleven fifteen. I wrapped a towel around my head for my hair to dry and another one around my body so I wouldn't be walking around naked.

I got to my room and grabbed the clothes I was going to wear. After drying up I put my underwear and bra on then put my pants and socks on. Finally I put my tank top on and headed back into the bathroom.

I plugged my curling iron into the power output by the sink and let it warm up. I took my hair dryer and plugged it in also and unwrapped the towel from around my hair and began to blow dry it.


Ten minutes before one there was a knock on the front door. I got up to answer it.

"Ready?" Mr. Fuller asked.


"Got a dress?"

"Yup." I answered then walked away to grab everything. I wrote a quick note to my mom, grabbed the black bag that had my dress in it, and my purse and began to leave the house.

"Forgetting anything?" He asked when I got to the front door.

"Nope I have everything." I locked the door then closed it.

"Good let's go." We began to walk towards his car. "Which dress did you pick?"

"You'll see."

"Oh come on. Tell me."

"You'll see."

"I bet it's the one you wore to the junior prom last year. The short blue one that makes you look grown up."

"You mean the one with a slit in the middle of the skirt. The one Dustin said my behind looks good in?"

"Yeah that's the one."

"Maybe." I winked then got into the backseat and sat next to Teddy.

"Hi!" Teddy waved.


"Hi." I said back to him.

"Hey." Alan said from the passenger seat. "Buckle up."

"I am." I told him.

"Then let's go." Mr. Fuller said and the car began to move.


Fifteen minutes later we were parked in a parking lot full of cars. Only a distance away were rides and games to play.

"Let's go pay." Mr. Fuller said to all of us as he opened his door. I unbuckled Teddy booster seat and helped him out then got out myself. We walked over to the ticket booth. "Four bracelets."

"Three adults and one child?" The woman asked looked at us.


"That'll be fifteen. Kids under Ten get in free."

He paid the money and she put the bracelets on each of us. Then we began to walk around.

"I wanna go on that!" Teddy pointed to a child ride that looked like a small roller coaster. It didn't have any major things like a roller coaster, it basically went up hill then down and around a few turns and that was all.

"Go." Mr. Fuller told his son, who ran over to the gate, showed the man his bracelet and got on with some other kids.

We watched him for a while. When he was done we walked around letting Teddy ride the rides he wanted to. When there were no more kid rides and Teddy no longer wanted to ride them we moved on.

The Tilt-A-Whirl was coming into view. "I wanna ride that one." I said.

"So do I." Mr. Fuller said.

"I don't so I'll sit out and watch with Teddy." Alan said.

"Next will be the Ferris wheel."

"Sounds good." Alan nodded.

Mr. Fuller and I got in line for the ride and soon we were sitting together going around and around.

"That was fun." We said together and the four of us walked to the Ferris wheel.

"Just in time. I have two seats open." the guy running the machine told us. I got in with Teddy to let the love birds have some time together.


After an afternoon of riding rides. It was time to go out to dinner. Mr. Fuller and Alan headed into the Men's room while I took Teddy into the Woman's to get him ready.

I left put Teddy in of the smaller stalls, while I took the bigger one to get ready in. I made sure Teddy locked the stall door before I got dressed.

I got dressed first only taking a few minutes. I got out and told Teddy he could come out. He did and I took him into the big stall to get him ready.

He wore dark colored dressy pants and s light blue button up shirt that he wanted tucked into his pants. He also had a clip on tie on and was proud of it.

When he was done getting ready I headed towards the mirror and put some make up on. Not much just a eye liner and lip gloss.

Together Teddy and I headed out and were greeted by Mr. Fuller and Alan waiting by the door outside.

Mr. Fuller was wearing dark blue dressy pants with a white dressy shirt, tucked in. He too hand a tie. Alan wore black pants with a light yellow shirt.

"I knew you would wear that dress." Mr. Fuller commented as we walked towards the car.


The restaurant was classy very proper and high class. We got a table for four and ordered or food.

After talking for what seemed like an eternity our food came and we began to eat.

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