《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Eight


It wasn't too hard to find Dustin. He was at his locker when I found him.

"Why would you tell him that?" I asked him.

"What are you talking about?" He asked looking confused.

"You told Mr. Fuller that I had a crush on him."

"No I didn't." He shook his head.

"He said you did"

"Your my best friend. Why would I say that?" He asked.

"I don't know" I sighed.

"I can't believe you fell for that!" Mr. Fuller laughed.


"He didn't tell me anything. I was trying to get you to tell me"

"It's not true and I will not admit to something that is untrue." I sighed.


"Ya ya."

"Watching Teddy tonight?" he asked.

"Of course"

"Good" He turned to leave.

"Strange person" Dustin said making me laugh.

"Be glad you don't have to deal with him all the time."

"I'm glad that I don't. Well I have to head home. See you Monday"

"Yup." We walked our separate ways.


From my house I walked to the Fuller's house. After bring yelled at by Mr Fuller for walking he left and I began to watch Teddy.

"Wanna play a game?" The little cutie asked.

"Sure." I told him smiling. He got up and ran to the cupboard where the games were. He pulled out a board game.

"Wanna play guess who?"

"I'll play whatever you wanna play." I told him.

"Guess who" he came back to the table and started setting up the game. "I'm very good at this game" he smiled.

"Well then let's play" I told him. He smiled and we began.


He won fare and square, twice. He wasn't kidding when he said he was very good.


It was time to eat, so I headed for the kitchen, with him following.

"What would you like to have?" I asked him.

"Anything." He sat down on a chair. "I want a bologna and cheese sandwich"

"Okay." I took the stuff out and starting to make it, with him watching.

"Can I open the cheese?" He asked.

"Yeah." I nodded and handed him a packet of cheese.

"Done" he smiled, handing it back to me.

"Thank you Teddy" I smiled back at him, and finished his sandwich. "Here you go"


"You're welcome"

"Wanna play another game?" He asked after he finished.

"How about we watch a movie?" I said looking at the time. It was later than I thought it would be. It was pushing seven o'clock.

"Sure!" He yelled, then got up and ran into the other room. When I entered the room he was looking in the movie cupboard. "Let's watch this one" He gave it to me. I looked at it to make sure it was one of his movies, then put it in the player and sat down to watch it.


The movie Teddy picked out was a double movie. It featured 'Rugrats in Paris' and 'Rugrats Go Wild.' When the first one was over the next one started and Teddy fell asleep.

"How long has he been out?" Mr. Fuller asked when he came in.

"I'm not sure" I told him honestly.

"That's okay. Alan is outside. He'll give you a ride home." He smiled.

"Okay." I got up. "See you Monday"

"Yes and thank you for watching Teddy yet again."

"Always willing to watch him. He's so adorable."

"Thanks again." He smiled.

Like he said Alan was outside in his car, waiting for me. I got inside and he started to move out of the driveway.


"Have fun?" he asked

"I always do"

"I bet." he laughed. "I had fun as well. We met up with some old friends and play billards"

"Must have been fun" I stated. Billards was a game I like to play. There's nothing better then sinking that black eight ball in one of the six pockets on the table, and watching your opponents face when they realize they lost. Of course there are things better but that's the best Billard moment for me.

"We should take you and Teddy sometime. Or would you prefer a bowling alley?"

"Wouldn't matter"

"I'll ask Theo tomorrow."

"You do that" I said making him laugh.

"Better believe that I will."

I noticed we were pulling into the driveway of my house, so I said. "I know you will, but you'll wait days down the road."

"More like weeks" he laughed. "See you around"

"Don't threaten me!" I yelled dramatically and got out of the car making him laugh at my words. "Bye Alan"

"Bye pain"

I headed inside the house. What a day.

* * * * * * * * * *

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