《For Only A Moment (Student/Teacher)》Ten


Sunday came and I woke up with Teddy on my stomach.

"Morning!" He smiled happily.

"Morning. How did you get here?" I asked him.

"Daddy brought me."

"Oh good you're awake." My mom said peaking her head into my room. "Theodore came by to drop off Teddy, because he had a teachers meeting today."


"He should be back around one."

"Okay." I looked over at the clock and saw it was eleven. "Did you eat lunch?" I asked Teddy.

"No and I'm hungry."

"Come let's go." I got out of bed.

"Can we go to the park?"

"Sure, but after you eat lunch."

"Yay!!" He screamed and ran ahead of me down the hall.

"What would you like to eat?" I heard my mother ask him.

"Grilled cheese?" He smiled.

"Grilled cheese it is, then" she smiled back then turned to go make it for him. There was a loud knock on the door. "Hun, can you get that?" She asked turning to me as I stood by the kitchen entrance.

"Sure" I said and walked away. I opened the door.

"Did you have fun yesterday?" Alan asked.

"Yeah. Why?"

"If you were paying attention you would know that I took a lot of pictures yesterday."

"Oh?" I asked.

He laughed. "I had the pictures developed this morning. I wanted to know if you wanted to look at them with me?"

"Sure." I told him stepping aside so he could come in. "You can sit in the living room, I'll be right back." I told him.

"Okay." He said as he took a seat on the couch.

"Mom I'll be in the living room looking at pictures with Alan." I told her walking into the kitchen.


"After I eat can we go?" Teddy asked.

"Of course." I smiled at him then left the room, to join Alan.

"Where are you planning to go?" He asked

"To the park."

"Cool. Can I come with you?"

"I'd say yes but you'll have to ask Teddy." I laughed.

"I will, when he's done eating."

"Sounds like a plan." I laughed. "Let's see those pictures."

"Right." He pulled some pictures out of a yellow folder and began to look at them. Each time he finished looking at one, he gave it to me. I looked at them and put them down on the coffee table. "I think Teddy will like this one." He smiled and handed the picture to me.

The picture was of Teddy riding one of his favorite rides, the kiddy swings. Alan timed the picture just right, because Teddy's eyes were wide open as was his mouth. He looked extremely happy.

I smiled at him. "I know he'll like this." I put it down.

"Put it in another pile that way it's easier to find the picture, so I can give it to him." I nodded on agreement. "If you see a picture you want take it. I made doubles."

"Sounds good." I told him.

"You might like this one." He said has he handed a picture to me.

The picture was of Teddy and myself having fun on the Carousel. Since Alan and Mr. Fuller were too big, I hopped on with Teddy, making him happy. It was the first time I rode on a Carousel in years, and I honestly had fun.

"I'm keeping it." I told Alan as I put the picture down in front of me.

"Go for it." He smiled. "Theodore's face on this one is hilarious." He showed me and we both laughed. "Better put that away before he kills me." He put it down on the coffee table.


Going back into the pattern of him looking at the picture, giving it to me, then me putting it down on the coffee, we continued. There were a lot of pictures. It was strange that I didn't see him take any or a camera at all. A couple pictures made me laugh and a couple made me smile because Teddy had so much fun.

"There's a nice one." He handing me a picture to look at. "You can have it if you want."

It was of Mr. Fuller and I on the Tilt-A-Whirl. It was a nice picture. We were both smiling and the picture captured the amount of fun were we're having. I put down.

"You don't want it?" He asked looking a little hurt.

"I do. It's just he's my teacher, so it looks a little bad for me to have a picture of us. Especially to someone that doesn't know I baby sit Teddy. I wouldn't want him to lose his job over a picture being misunderstood."

"Now that you mentioned it. I agree. You shouldn't have it. I'll keep it safe." He smiled.

"You better." I laughed.

"My scrapbook is always looking for new things to add." He laughed.

"I'm done eating" Teddy walked into the room. "Can we go to the park, now?"

"Of course." I told him and stood up.

"Hey Teddy." Alan said.

"Hi." Teddy smiled at him.

"Can I go to the park with you guys?" He asked.

"Sure! But only if you push me on the swings!"

"Of course." Alan laughed.

"Let's go." Teddy pulled on my arm.

"We'll let Alan pick up his pictures, then we'll get going. Okay?" I said.


I spotted the picture on the coffee table I was keeping, so I picked it up. "I'm going to go put this away." I told them then left for my room.

* * * * * * * *

Since the weather outside was a little on the chilly side we took Teddy to the indoor park downtown.

The park was somewhat empty. Only a few kids were there, and they were running around.

"Go play." I told Teddy. Quickly he ran towards the jungle gym. I turned and headed for the swings.

I loved the indoor park, not only was it warmer but it was also easier to watch Teddy. The outside park it's very easy to lose track of Teddy, or worse have someone kidnap him. In here when someone enters the room bells go off and from the swings I could see the entire play area.

Alan and I let Teddy play for awhile before Mr. Fuller called Alan's phone and agreed to meet us here.

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