《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》edge.



"Oh, hi." I looked up at him, he looked down at me.

Why was I so nervous? It's not like we didn't know each other.

Once he opened the door, my confidence shattered. Why?

He looked the same as he did last time, his under eye bags were still dark and noticable.

His hair had grown a bit, looking curlier and more floppy than ever.

I felt my heartbeat quicken as he stared at me, his head tilting to the side.

"I'm sorry for coming here. I- I'll leave." I turned to leave but my legs wouldn't move. I just stared out into the dark sky, shivering at the cold.

I should've worn leggings or something. What was I thinking? Again, I wasn't.

"It's getting cold, come in." He grabbed my wrist gently, making me flinch.

I let myself be pulled inside the warm apartment, the normally cold air now a comfortable warmth.

"It's nice in here." My teeth chattered. He laughed, leading me to the couch.

"Natalie said I should keep it warm since I'm sick." He sat next to me, running his hand through his hair.

Now that he mentioned it, his voice was hoarse, almost gone. It almost sounded painful.

"I hope I didn't wake you up. I don't even know why I came." I admitted, leaning back on the soft couch.

"No M, you're fine. I haven't really been sleeping these days." He said, followed by a yawn.

I frowned, nervously chewing on my bottom lip.

"Why not?"

"I don't know. I can't."

I sighed, rubbing my hands on my thigh. I felt bad, for everything.

"Uh, you know what helps me sleep?" I smiled up at him. His attention turned to me, once he saw my smile, he smiled back.

"What?" He laughed.

"That playlist we made together. Whenever I can't sleep I listen to it." I said with a sigh. He looked at me for a moment, before looking back down at the floor.

"I'll try that." He smiled sweetly, playing with his hands on his lap.

"What happened to your wrist." He said after a long silence.

He was side eyeing it, as if he knew what had caused it.

"It's a long story." I sighed, putting my hand over the blue bruise.

"Are you okay?" He shifted closer to me, taking my hand and examining it.

"Does it hurt?" His voice went low, he gently tapped it with his finger.

"No, not anymore." I laughed, brushing my other hand in his shoulder.

"Thank you for caring." I said, meaning it. Not just for my wrist, but for me, just in general.

I thought he would've been over me by now.

"Of course I care." His voice cracked in the middle of the sentence, making us both laugh.

We sat in silence for a while, enjoying each other's company. I felt a shift in the atmosphere, but I couldn't tell if it was good or bad. Oh no.

He ran a tired hand through his hair, his eyes darting around the room.

I sighed, crossing my legs anxiously.

"Hey I'm sorry for coming here," I started, he turned to face me, his head in a tilt. "I'm probably bothering you, I just got in my car and started driving and I ended up here-"


He grabbed my face, crashing his lips onto mine. I gasped, pulling away unintentionally.

I stared at him momentarily, taking in his features. His eyes were hungry, his pupils dilated. His bottom lip was swollen from where he had been biting it all this time.

Fuck it.

My confidence rushed back to me, making me smile smugly before smashing my lips onto his again.

I crawled onto his lap, straddling his hips between my thighs.

His hands moved up my jaw, playing with my hair. I groaned into his mouth, the sensation making me shiver.

He pulled my sweater off, exposing my thin tanktop.

His lips moved from my mouth, down my jaw to my neck. He gently sucked on the skin, making me breathe heavily. God, this felt good.

I missed his touch so much, and now I just can't get enough.

My hand traveled down his chest to his hardened length, making him hiss against my skin.

His arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer. He used his hand to play with the band of my shorts, his fingers crawling down the inside of them.

I thrust my hips up, making his fingers hit my spot. I moaned breathlessly, going at a steady rhythm with his hand.

Using my hand, I grabbed his dick, pumping it up and down. He nibbled harder on the skin on my neck, I knew I was driving him crazy.

I need to feel him inside me, just as much as he needs me around him. We both wanted it, I knew by the way he wrapped his arm tighter around my waist.

"Fuck." He growled, throwing his head back.

He looked at me, eyes full of lust. He glanced down and back up at me, as if to ask for permission to fuck me.

I bit my lip, nodding.

I groaned as his fingers left my warmth, the loss of contact leaving me feeling incomplete. But I knew better was coming.

Almost immediately after, he lifted me up by my waist and placed me on his dick.

I gasped as it entered me, feeling a sharp pain followed by immense pleasure.

He smirked, watching my face of distress.

"Does it hurt?" His voice was even more hoarse, cracking every other word he spoke. It was so hot.

"No." I managed to squeak through moans.

I slowly gained my confidence back, watching him struggle to keep his moans in. He was completely under my control; the realization made me surge with lust.

I've never been on top before, it was a new experience. A good one though. This would be fun.

I slowly grinded my hips against his, making sure to keep a steady pace.

He dug his fingers into my hips, he used his other hand to hold my face against his.

He breathed heavily into my neck, soft squeaks escaping his lips every now and then. I loved those small noises he made, it only encouraged me to keep going.

I continued grinding, my own pleasure building up in the pit if my stomach. I moaned into his ear, biting my tongue immediately after.

He let go of my face to go down to my bundle of nerves, rubbing it as I moved my hips up and down on his length.


It added to the sensation, forcing loud sounds of indulgence to leave my mouth.

"Oh fu-" The words faded away as they left my mouth, fading into a loud moan.

I felt his fingers grip my waist tighter, letting me know he was nearly there. So was I.

"Wait a little longer." I placed my hand on top of his hand aggressively gripping my hip. I wrapped my other hand around his neck, tugging at his hair.

"Fuck, I'm going to." He shut his eyes, burying his head in my neck.

"Not yet." I went faster and harder, making myself moan out loud.

He growled in my ear, biting the skin on my neck. He was biting hard, trying to stop himself from letting go before me.

He moved down my neck to my shoulder, cursing as I continued riding him.

The pain was the last thing on my mind. I somewhat enjoyed pushing Noah past the edge, making him squirm underneath me. I finally reached my climax, but I held it in, cursing under my breath.

I moaned, thrusting harder, going as slow as I could to tease him further. He howled, the sickness in his voice cracking painfully.

I laughed, trying in my hardest not to climax before him.

"Holy shit, fucking come now." His croaky voice groaned, frustrated.

I bit my lip, finally letting go.

"N-now." I gasped, letting myself go.

He came inside me, making me moan more. The feeling was still foreign to me. I rode out my high, taking a deep breath after.

He cursed loudly, shoving me off him.

"The hell was that for?" He whispered, his voice unable to go any louder.

"I thought it would be fun." I giggled, looking up at him.

He looked down for a moment before looking back at me, smirking.

"I'm not letting you come next time." His eyes darted down my body, frustration laced in his voice.

"Try it." I bit my lip, that's going to be fun.

He laughed, making me laugh too. It's amazing how we can go from being hot and heavy to just laughing at each other a second later.

That's what I love about him.

"You tired?" He looked at me as I yawned, putting my sweater back on.

"A little. Are you?" I asked him as he raked his hand through his hair.

"Exhausted." He sighed, I smiled mischievously, leaning back on the couch.

"You wanna spend the night?" His rough voice asked me, getting softer as we continued talking.

Going home now seems like a crime. All I want to do is sleep, and driving doesn't feel safe. I smiled and nodded, bunching up my messy hair and throwing it behind my shoulder.

"Can I?"

"Yeah. I'm gonna go shower, you can change or do whatever." He stood up, ruffling my hair and smiling sweetly.

I stood up, my legs feeling wobbly.

How the hell am I going to walk. Fuck, I'll be sore tomorrow.

I grabbed onto whatever was around me, leading myself to his bedroom. It felt like I couldn't control my legs, they were still shaking.

"Don't fall." Noah teased me as he walked away, snickering to himself.

"I'll try my best." I rolled my eyes, taking small steps.


I pulled the covers over my shoulder, humming to the soft music playing from my phone.

I shut my eyes, waiting for Noah to come in any minute and disrupt my peace.

I heard the water in the restroom shut off, and minutes later the door softly squeaked open.

I ignored his presence, the song currently had all my attention.

Without warning, I felt a cushion hit my head. I jerked up, giving him a nasty look. He responded with a sweet laugh, catching the pillow I threw back at him.

"It was getting to the good part." I rolled my eyes as he crawled in bed next to me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.

I turned away from him, letting the song from our playlist play louder so he could hear it.

After our laughs silenced, we laid there quietly, nothing but our breaths and the music playing.

I sighed in content, feeling myself start to drift off to sleep.

"Hey Mel?" He whispered into my ear.

"Hm?" I responded, to lazy to open my eyes or form a proper response.

"I missed you." He softly kissed my shoulder, making me blush.

"I missed you too." I giggled, snuggling closer to him so my back was completely against his chest.

His hand went up to my head, moving my hair out of my face and tucking a strand behind my ear.

I comfortably began to fall asleep again, clutching his hand over my chest.

A while later, I faintly felt soft blowing on the back of my neck. He wasn't asleep yet? Well, he did say he had trouble falling asleep lately.

I ignored it, deciding he was just bored and couldn't seem to sleep. I was already drifting into a dream as the blowing grew lighter.

"I love you." He whispered.

My eyes flew wide open, the familiar watery sting made me smile.

"You do?" I turned around and faced him, a goofy smile on my face.

He looked shocked that I turned around, like I wasn't supposed to hear what he just said. He thought I was asleep.

"Yeah, I do." He smiled back at me, confidently stating his words.

"I always have, I always wanted to tell you but I couldn't."

"Noah," My eyes were watery, I could barely see.

"Don't cry, why are you crying?" He chuckled nervously, running his thumb under my eyes and wiping them.

"I never thought I'd hear you say it." I buried my head in his neck, happily letting tears escape my eyes. He tightly embraced me, rubbing my back and holding my head.

I've never been happier. I grinned against his neck, feeling butterflies fly all around my stomach.

"Okay go to sleep." He laughed outloud, feeling me yawn against his chest. I laughed with him, wiping my tears and laying back down.



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