《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》fight.


My eyes fluttered open, blurriness overtaking my senses. I let my eyes focus on the room, everything coming into view.

I sighed, looking beside me at Noah, still fast asleep. One arm was loosely draped over my body, the other extended behind my head.

I smiled, feeling his chest slowly rise and fall against mine.

I carefully sat up, slowly so I wouldn't wake him. I arched my back, listening to it pop.

I continued stretching as quietly as I could.

I should shower. I still smelt of sex from yesterday, which wasn't a very pleasant scent. At least not pleasant to smell first thing in the morning.

I smiled recalling yesterday, looking at my waist. There were small purple fingerprints on my hips. I glazed my finger over them, biting my lip.

Quietly, I hopped off bed and tiptoed to where Noah kept his shirts, stealing a black band tee.

I tiptoed to the bathroom, looking at myself in the mirror in awe. Purple bruises all over my neck, much worse than last time. Way worse.

This time Noah had literally left bite marks. Damn. Hopefully I could get them off somehow.

I started the water, waiting for it to warm up before stripping and stepping into the shower.


I walked out of the bathroom, brushing my damp hair with my fingers.

Noah was still passed out, his head buried in a pillow. I laughed as I picked up my phone, seeing missed calls from my sister and Tiffany.

I decided to text them, realizing I never told them I left. I just dissapeared.

I didn't tell them about Noah, they absolutely wouldn't be happy. They were the ones that seemed to be the most angry at him, even though Tiffany regularly checked up on him.

They would probably chew me out, asking me questions with unavoidable answers.

I snorted out loud, immediately covering my mouth with my hand.

I turned off my phone, crawling back into bed with Noah.

"You're all wet, get out." He mumbled lazily, pushing me away from him.

I sat up, furrowing my brows down at him.

"You were wet yesterday. I didn't complain!" I crossed my arms over my chest.

"Your hair is longer than mine, it's not the same." He mumbled again, his face still engulfed by the pillow.

"Whatever." I laid back down, facing away from him.

I heard him snicker, making me laugh silently.

"I was kidding, come here." His strong arms pulled me towards him, he was so warm. I laughed, turning around to face him.

"I'm not tired anymore." I sat up on my elbow, looking at his tired face.

"D'you sleep good?" I asked, twisting one of his messy waves around my finger.

"Better than most nights." He yawned and sat up, stretching.

His phone loudly vibrated on his nightstand, making us both stare at it.

The atmosphere went cold, I knew what we were both thinking, his face and mine said it all.

We were silent for a while, thinking of what to do. Is this what it would be like everytime he got a text? Both of us being reminded of that day?

This is stupid, but I was scared. What if it was Ashley, what if he was still seeing her? He wouldn't do that. He couldn't be that heartless.

Fuck it. I reached over his body and grabbed his phone. He didn't stop me, instead he leaned back and let me. That was a good sign right? He didn't care if I checked his phone.


I hesitantly switched his phone on, sitting down next to him.

I hope I didn't seem like I didn't trust him. I don't, not completely at least. But he didn't need to know that.

My eyes widened, I looked up at Noah. His nonchalant expression changed as he saw my panicked face.

"What?" He leaned forwards, staring at the screen next to me.

"I thought you said she wouldn't do anything." My voice quivered, I wasn't scared, but worried. What was her problem?

We could both get arrested, along with our friends. He would be in so much trouble. Fuck.

"She said she wouldn't." He looked just as distraught as me, if not more.

"That bitch." I growled, jumping off the bed and going to get my shoes, putting them on.

I'm sick and tired of her games.

"Wait what are you doing?" Noah followed me, confusion clear in his face and voice.

To be truthful, I don't know. But I was done with Ashley. She had no right doing this to us, to him. This had to be against some sort of law. Fuck.

"I'm taking care of the stupid situation." I angrily stomped out of Noah's apartment, running to my car. Damn it, it was getting cold outside. I need to change first.

Noah followed right behind me, trying to get answers but I ignored all his questions.

"Melanie where are you going?" He put his hand on the steering wheel, stopping me from driving.

"I'm going home! You can stay here or come with me." I shouted, making him grumble and sit back in the seat.


"Look who's here." Tiffany said in a sing-song voice, smirking at me.

"Not now." I slammed my bedroom door.

I had told Noah to wait in the car while I changed out of his tshirt. I didn't expect to be this angry this early.

I rummaged through my clothes before I chose black jeans and a graphic t shirt with random words on it.

I was about to stomp out of my room before I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. The hickeys didn't look any better, if anything they looked worse.

I groaned, grabbing my tube of concealer and dragging the wand all over my neck, wincing slightly when I put it around the bite mark.

I quickly blended it, running outside my room and out the door.

I'm sure Audrina and Tiffany were confused, but it doesn't matter. I don't care about them right now.

"You still haven't explained what your doing." He said, his voice still rough and crackly.

"I'm going to go talk to Ashley. That's it." I said as I drove to the police station, finding a parking spot.

"If I didn't know any better, I'd say your overreacting." Noah said, looking at me as I angrily drove.

"What? No I'm not. How else are we going to solve this little problem?" I said, looking back at him.

"There's a totally civil way to do this. You don't need to go fight her or anything." He said, putting his hand on my shoulder.

what?! Was he serious? I'm trying to help him.

I shrugged off his hand.

"I'm not fighting her. Like I said, I'm just gonna have a word with her." I said , parking and stepping out if the car.

"She's a cop Melanie, you could get in serious trouble if you lay your hands on her." He warned me, I scoffed.

"I'll be out quick, I swear." I slammed the door and began walking away.


Noah was about to follow me but I stopped him, giving him a glare.

"You stay, I'll be out in a minute." He rolled his eyes, crossing his arms over his chest.I felt like a mother disciplining her child.

I felt a rush as I walked into the building.

I smiled as I approached the front desk, a young woman sitting there smiling back.

"How may I help you?" She smiled, giving me a clipboard and a pen to sign in.

"Oh no, I just need to talk to one of the... officers." I gulped, looking around for the black haired witch.

"Oh alright," she put the pen and clipboard away.

"Is there anyone in specific you're looking for?" She grabbed the phone next to her and dialed a number.

"Her name is Ashley." I smugly smiled, each second that passed made me more anxious. I just wanted to give her a piece of my mind. Without fighting of course.

"Ashley Duvall?" She looked up from a notebook she had open.

"Uh yeah. That's her." I said, sounding unsure. I didn't know her last name.

"Hey Ash, there's someone here that wants to talk to you." She smiled into the phone. It must hurt to smile all the time, even while talking on the phone.

"Alright bye bye." She laughed before hanging up.

"She'll be down here momentarily." She smiled widely at me, forcing me to smile back.

"Thanks." I turned away and sat in one of the waiting chairs they had.

What would I even say to her? Everything. You need to tell her everything. Definitely easier said than done.

I wasn't really a confrontational person, only if I really had to be. That wasn't often. Tiffany usually yelled at people for me. I should've asked her for help, maybe this would feel easier if she were here.

Minutes later, I heard obnoxious laughter coming down the stairs. I knew she was here. My nerves were replaced with anger, the whole reason I was here.

She stopped to talk to the receptionist, having a friendly conversation. Again, the receptionist smiled widely at everything she said.

She pointed to me, making me sit up straight. Ashley looked surprised to see me, but her surprise turned into smugness. A stupid look on her stupid face.

"It's you!" She marched up to me, smiling with rosy cheeks. She was so pretty, shame she had the ugliest attitude.

"Let's talk outside?" She led me to a door that went outside to the back of the building.

There was no one around, only birds sitting in the trees, listening in.

"How's Noah?" She asked, sitting down on a bench.

"He's great. Better without you." I said, grinning.

"Glad to hear," she laughed. "I haven't seen him since what? A month ago? He came over and we-"

"Will you stop?" I grew tired of her annoying tone of voice. She was really pushing my buttons. All of them.

"Stop what?" She cluelessly asked.

"Stop talking about him like you guys actually had a relationship! You were nothing but a fuck. He doesn't even like you." I clenched my fist, digging my nails into my palms.

"Really? That's not what he said last time I saw him." She looked down at her nails, smirking.

Fuck, she was getting to me. I can't let her do this. She can't win.

"You're making shit up. How delusional are you?" I scratched my palms, feeling restless.

"You guys participated in illegal activities, you're lucky I don't go rat you out right now."

"How does making Noah have sex with you solve the problem? What you did was fucking crazy! Do you realize that?" I spat at her, feeling my anger get the best of me.

"It was consensual. I didn't make him do anything."

"Yes you did! Fuck you." I stepped closer, making her stand up.

"Chill out." She shifted her weight to one leg, narrowing her eyes at me.

"No. I need you to leave Noah and I alone." I winced, feeling warm liquid escape my palms. I didn't dare look down.

"How about I show the chief the pictures I took." She cackled, reaching into her pocket for her phone.

I stopped thinking with my brain, letting my body do whatever it wanted. I'm done trying to be nice.

I swung my bloodied fist at her face, hitting her nose with a loud crack.

I winced, punching hurt a lit mite than I thought it would.

She groaned, looking at me like I was crazy.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" She stumbled back. I couldn't help but laugh at her. She deserved all of this.

She rushed towards me, slapping my face with her hand. I returned the hit, grabbing a fistful of her ponytail and dragging it to the ground.

She fell with a grunt, clawing at my face with her long acrylics.

I yelled in pain, getting on top of her. I slammed my fists on her face, making her scream and do the same to my face and chest.

"Get off me!" She shouted, shoving me off her. I landed on my back, scraping my elbows on the concrete.

I didn't even feel the pain, I was focused on making her feel all of it. Adrenaline took control of me.

"You bitch." I reached for her ankle, grabbing it and making her fall and hit her chin against the ground.

"Fuck!" She shrieked, cupping her bleeding chin with her hand.

I crawled on her, readying my fist to punch her again.

Tears streamed down her face as she grabbed my throat, squeezing the middle point of my neck with her thumbs.

I lost all my air, my breathing was blocked off. Damn it.

I coughed violently, falling off of her.

Fuck, of course she had combat training for this type of stuff.

She stood up, carefully rubbing her chin.

I took slow breaths, trying to recover from the loss of oxygen.

I wheezed, trying to stand up but she kicked my ribs, making me fall on my chest.

I groaned, coughing as she continued kicking me with her heavy boots.

The taste of blood filled my mouth as she continued stomping on me.

"You started this." She spat out blood, staring down at me.

"Damn right I did." I growled, using all the force I had left to kick her knees, making her fall down backwards.

She coughed, gasping for air when she landed flat on her back.

I tried to get to her but I couldn't stand up, my ribs felt sore.

"You fucking idiot." She wiped her mouth, getting up.

Did I just lose this fight? Fuck. Now I would get arrested. What the hell is wrong is me? I came to solve the problem, not start another one.

I told Noah I wouldn't fight... it's like he knew what would happen. I wish he was here.

She reached into her utility belt, making my eyes widen. No. No. She really could shoot me if she wanted to.

She could just say it was self defense. That I attacked her, which I did. She could kill me. I would die. Right here.

"Are you gonna shoot me?" I coughed, looking at the blood stain that came out of my mouth.

"I should." She laughed, barely being able to stand without wobbling. She held onto the bench for support.

I whimpered, looking as she took out her gun and stared at it. She pointed it at me, making me look away in fear. She was fucking crazy. I can't get up, I need to get out of here.

I tried getting up again, loudly crying as I put pressure on my ribs. "Damn it!" I cried, falling back down.

I can't do it.

She put the gun away, making me shut my eyes in relief. She pulled out a small contraption, aiming it at me.

"What the fu-"

Her face was blank as she pressed the button on the taser gun, making me scream loudly in pain.

The two strings of electricity pierced my skin, unbearable amounts of pain throbbing through me.

I rolled over onto my back, clawing at the ground. My vocal chords felt like they were shredding, why wouldn't she stop? I was down already. She would kill me if she kept going.

"Stop!" I shrieked, curling up into a little ball. She'll kill me, I can't move.

"The hell are you doing?" A male voice I didn't recognize shouted, running at her.

I could barely see, my consciousness faded in and out.

I felt blood coming out of my mouth, I choked on it, coughing weakly.

I heard voices around me, but I couldn't see.

No, don't go to sleep. Stay awake. Fuck.

The bright sky faded to darkness.



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