《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》wasted.


"What?" I narrowed my eyes at him. He daringly smiled at me, running his hand through his tousled hair.

"Make me." His voice was raspy and confident, making the girls around him bite their lip and smile.

"I'm not playing this stupid game with you." I felt my face getting red with anger, he was just sitting there, his arms around at least five girls.

"Alright then," he turned to the women beside him.

"You girls want another drink?" They all laughed in response, nodding their heads eagerly. I swear there was steam coming out of my ears. What was I supposed to do?

"Fuck you." I harshly turned on my heel and walked to the bar, fighting tears of frustration that threatened to come out. I saw Tiffany, a sight for sore eyes, talking to the bartender.

"Tiffany I need your help." I sat on the empty stool next to her and weeped.

"Oh my gosh you're so pretty!" She cupped my face with her hands, squishing my cheeks and laughing.

"Seriously, it's about Noah." I brushed her hands off my face and frowned.

"What happened? Did he hurt you?" Her face was now serious, her brows scrunched together.

"No, no. I just need to get him out of here." I wiped a tear away from under my eye. I looked back at where he was, he was still there, drinking with all the girls.

"Oh, let's go get him. Riot went upstairs with some girls I can go tell him we need to go." Tiffany got up and started walking towards a staircase, but I stopped her, not wanting to interrupt whatever Riot was doing.

"No, just Noah. I don't want him around the girls." We both turned to where he was, frowning.

"You just need to be aggressive! It's super easy watch," she went up to a random guy sitting next to her and grabbed him by the collar. She whispered something in his ear, making him smirk and stand up with her.

She pushed him back down and walked away, brushing herself off.

"You see, I could've taken him upstairs, if you know what I mean." She winked at me and laughed.

I rolled my eyes, she wasn't getting the point. I didn't want to seduce him or anything.

Besides, I wouldn't do that to Noah. Knowing him, he could probably twist the whole thing and make it backfire on me. It still wouldn't hurt to try though.


"I'm watching you, just go." Tiffany took a sip of a drink in her hand and sat down, crossing her legs. I hesitantly walked back to the booth, gaining confidence as I did. My slow shuffle turned into a long stride.

"All of you, out." I glared at the girls beside him. They looked up at me, some giving me dirty looks.

"Now. I won't ask again." I got closer and slammed my hands on the table. They all slid out of the circular booth, some muttering things under their breath. The last girl looked me up and down, stifling a laugh as she did so. It took everything in me to not grab her by the throat and slam her onto the floor.

Noah sat there, taking another shot and grinning at me.

"I knew you'd be back." He extended his arms for a hug but I grabbed his wrist and tugged instead. Confused, he stood up.

I quickly sped to the bar and grabbed Tiffany in my other hand. I looked down the entire time, ignoring the looks from everyone around.

Imagine how ridiculous it looked, a girl dragging two very drunk people out of a bar.

"Are we going to the hotel?" Tiffany hiccupe and laughed out loud, making Noah laugh as well.

"Will you two shut up? You're acting like children! I shouldn't have to do this." I scolded them both in the middle of the street. Tiffany looked like she was about to cry, making a pouty face.

I rolled my eyes and continued walking.

I left Tiffany in the downstairs room, giving her a cup of water and tucking her in bed.

"I'll be back, I'm gonna take care of Noah." I whispered and shut the door behind me, grabbing the room card from the table and leaving her in the dark.

The elevator ride to the top floor was rough. Noah kept on pressing the buttons, making us go to random floors before finally reaching the third.

"Stop acting like an idiot! Stop it!" I slapped his wrist. If he was going to act like a child, I'd treat him like one. He finally stayed quiet and entered the room, shaking his head so his messy hair would fall forwards.

I gave him a cup of water, getting his bed ready for him as he drank it.


"My stomach hurts." He croaked, his voice was hoarse and honestly sounded painful.

"Do you need to throw up?" I sighed and looked at him, raising an eyebrow.

"Maybe. But maybe not." He giggled and fell back on the bed.

"Noah? If you need to throw up do it the restroom. You'll feel better." I crossed my arms and stared at him angrily. It was late, all I wanted was some sleep.

"No I don't need it." He rubbed his eyes and smiled. I could smell the alcohol in his breath, making me feel sick to my stomach. I hated beer and every type of alcohol.

It was bitter and rancid, it made people do stupid things without thinking.

"At least go rinse your mouth. It smells like beer." I kicked him off the bed, making him groan loudly and stomp to the restroom.

I sighed, waiting for him to finish so I could leave him here. I heard him gagging, making my head sharply turn to the bathroom. He coughed and flushed the toilet. I hesitantly walked to the door, waiting patiently outside for him. What if he got sick somehow?

The faucet finally turned off and he barged out of the bathroom, almost tripping over his feet as he did so.

"Are you okay now?" I gently grabbed his shoulder and walked him to the bed.

"Yeah. I'm fine." He smiled and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"Uh, okay i-ill see you tomorrow." I tucked him in and turned off the lights.

"Goodnight Mel." He whispered before I shut the door, smiling to myself.

I turned the knob to go into Tiffany and I's room, but it wouldn't open. I slid the key card and turned it again, but it didn't open. I silently panicked as I frantically continued sliding the card and turning the knob, but it wouldn't open.

I checked the card, room 304. Not room 102. Shit.

"No, no, no, no." I repeated to myself as I stared in disbelief. I had gotten the wrong card, I probably left my card inside while tucking Tiffany in.

I knocked in the door, hoping Tiffany would be awake.

"Tiffany it's me, open the door." I loudly whispered and continued knocking. I took a deep breath and looked around, searching in my head for any possible solution. I only saw one.

I quickly went back up the elevator and silently opened the door to Noah's room, making sure it didn't shut loudly when I closed it.

I tiptoed to the bed next to Noah's, slipping my shoes off and sliding into the covers.

I knew Riot would stay at the club, he didn't come down when I called for him at the club, so he wouldn't be an issue.

I closed my eyes, starting to fall asleep, but I was interrupted.

"Come with me." Noah sleepily said. I turned around to see him staring at me, a tired smile in his face.

"No, I'm okay." No matter how much I wanted to go with him, I couldn't ignore the fact that he was hanging around other girls. He was acting like it never happened.

"Please? I'm sorry I was being such a dick. I feel really bad about it." His low voice sounded serious. I knew he wasn't drunk anymore, at least not as much as he was before.

"I can't just pretend it didn't happen. You hurt me." I felt my eyes getting glossy, I quickly blinked it away, I wasn't gonna let him see me cry.

"I'm sorry. I'll make it up to you somehow. I promise." He pleaded, but I ignored it, shutting my eyes.

He finally sighed and stopped talking, probably giving up.

I sighed as I lay there, awake. I twisted and turned but I couldn't fall asleep. It had to be at least 1 am but I couldn't rest.

I turned to look at Noah, he laid there, peacefully. I frowned, can't believe I'm about to do this.

I got up from the bed and quietly tiptoed to his. There was just enough space for me to squeeze in.

I shuffled under the covers and got comfortable, I closed my eyes, finally feeling tired again.

Before I drifted off, his arms wrapped around my body, pulling me close.

I felt him smile against my neck, making me lightly giggle and squirm around.

My eyes got heavy and I finally slept, a smile on my face.


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