《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》stay.


My leaned sideways on my elbow, looking at Noah as he leaned on the doorway.

His messy hair fell over his forehead, he brushed it away with his fingers. He had a sleepy smile on his face, one I had barely ever seen.

"I'm leaving now." He turned around and started walking out, I frowned and sat up.

"No, don't leave. Stay." I ran over to the door and shut it before he could walk out completely. He looked down at me and furrowed his brows. I felt my cheeks burning up. I had to act fast before he noticed and made fun of me.

"I mean, I-its early and they won't be out until later so I t-thought we could-"

"Alright." He smirked and brushed past me and threw himself on the bed. I took a deep breath and jumped on with him, sitting up and grabbing the tv remote.

"What are we watching?" He sat up and outstretched his arms behind his head.

"Oooh, the dog show's on!" I excitedly pressed on the Westminister dog show. I had always enjoyed watching dog shows, I loved how all of the dogs were so well behaved and knew exactly what to do. Also, there were so many cute breeds. Who doesn't like dog shows?

"You have to be joking." Noah scoffed and laughed at the tv.

"What? I like dogs." I rolled my eyes and paid attention to the dog's being presented.

"Oh my God, you are too much." He snatched the remote from my hand and started scrolling through channels.

We argued on what to watch, going through at least 200 channels on the tv.

We finally settled on watching some random cartoons. I annoyingly laid back in the bed, facing away from Noah and the tv.

"This is the stupidest thing." I heard him put the volume down and throw the remote somewhere.

"You're so annoying! You don't like anything." I turned around and yelled at him.


He ran his hand through his hair and laughed, making me more annoyed than I was before.

"Are you mad? Because I didn't like the dog show?" He threw his head back and laughed out loud. I sternly looked back up at him. It wasn't that funny.

"You know what? I'm done. I'm going to sleep, you can keep laughing." I threw the covers of the bed off of me and laid there on the bare sheets. I didn't care that I was stubborn, I wouldn't let him win.

"Sweet dreams babe." He ruffled the top of my head and chuckled, making me huff and scoot further away.

"You're shivering." He said, after a couple minutes of silence. I sighed, curse the A.C for being on so high.

"I'm fine, it's just the air." I rolled over to look at him. His tired eyes were scanning my body.

"Come here." He opened his arms, an inviting space of warmth between his arms was too good to pass up. I furrowed my brows and shook my head.

I hesitantly leaned into him, feeling immediate warmth from his body. I melted into his arms, relaxing my body against his. My angry frown slowly turned into a comfortable smile.

"Thanks." I nuzzled into his chest, suddenly feeling sleepy again after not being able to.

"Go to sleep weirdo. I'll wake you up soon." He laughed and twirled a strand of my hair between his fingers. I don't remember the last time I had fallen asleep that fast, something about him being there with me was so soothing, I didn't feel a single weight on my shoulder.


My eyes fluttered open. I expected to see Noah there, his chest rising up and down slowly as he slept with me, but he was gone.

I sat up, rubbing my head and looking around the room. The tv was still on. The channel was on the dog show this time, re-airing last year's show for the billionth time. My lips curled into a smile at the thought of him changing the channel before leaving to who knows where.


I checked my phone. Two texts.

Noah♡: Tiffany and Riot called. Athena's spending the night at the hospital so they needed the key. I'll be back.

Noah♡: sorry I didn't want to wake you. Give me 10 mins

I sighed and checked the time. It was 8, almost 9. He had texted me that almost an hour ago, he still wasn't back. I looked outside, it was already dark.

I decided to text him, if he didn't answer I'd call him instead.

Me: where are u? I just woke up.

No answer. Of course, I didn't expect him to answer immediately but I didn't want him to take too long.

Me: Noah!! I need u to tell me where u are idk what to do.

No response. I decided to text Tiffany, but my phone dinged right before I sent the message.

Noah♡: I'm drunk lol

My eyes widened at the response. Was he joking? I immediately called him. He picked up on the second ring.

"Hey baby!" He laughed out loud. There was background noise. Was he at some type of club?

"Noah what the hell? Are you with the others?" I asked him in a scolding manner.

"Yeah, they're here. You should come! I saved you a seat."

I gasped out loud, trying to hide how angry at him I was.

"Why did you leave? You said you would be back."

"I dunno. They said we'd only be here for a little while. They're still dancing or whatever." He said, sounding somewhat normal this time.

"When I get there, you and Tiffany and Riot are coming back here. Either you do it willingly or I'll drag you if I have to. Do you understand?" I was furious, why wouldn't he at least tell me before leaving me here. Why are they at a club on a sunday? It doesn't make sense.

"Okay baby." He laughed and talked to someone else in the backround. I couldn't understand anything though, the music was too loud.

I groaned and hung up. I looked out the window for any type of club or restaurant. There was one across the street called Vibe, I knew they were there.

I put on some lip gloss that I had earlier, the one Tiffany let me borrow.

I hoped at least one of them were in the right state of mind.

It was a two minute walk from the hotel to the club, it was packed.

I had to squeeze in between people and dodge waiters to find a spot that wasn't filled with people dancing and grinding.

I looked in every booth until I saw Noah's floppy waves stick out from atop a booth across from me. He was with other people, probably Tiffany. He threw his head back as he laughed and talked, I lightly smiled at the sight of him. No matter how angry I was, he sure had a contagious laugh.

As soon as I reached the booth, that smile went away. There were women sitting all around him, touching him, playing with his hair, laughing with him. I almost wanted to cry. Almost.

He looked up at me and waved, clearly not seeing anything wrong with the situation.

"Hey baby!" He shrugged the girl next to him off his shoulder and made a space for me to sit down.

"No. I told you we were leaving." I looked at the women around him, they were shooting heart eyes at him, completely ignoring me.

"Now, Noah."

He sighed and leaned back, a smug smile on his face.

"Make me."


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