《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》tired.


"I didn't actually think you guys would come." Tiffany scurried into the backseat after Tank honked for her to come out.

"You are so annoying." I jokingly rolled my eyes and crossed my arms over my chest. I felt my loose bra straps falling over my shoulders. I couldn't fix it without Tiffany seeing.

"Oh shit, this is the first time I've seen your face." Tiffany almost spit out a drink she had in her hand when she looked up at Noah.

"Take a good look." He winked and reached back for his helmet to put it on.

I rolled my eyes, feeling a slight tinge of jealousy. I immediately got over it, I was the one who kissed him, not her.

When Tiffany turned her head, I quickly clipped the bra back together. I heard Noah snicker, he probably saw me. I rolled my eyes and ignored it.

"So what's the plan? Are we getting off now?" I looked out the window at the huge crowd of people chanting and cheering.

"You guys didn't get off the first time?" Tiffany questioned.

I looked at Noah with wide eyes, trying to hide a smile.

"No, we waited around for Riot and Athena." Tank said after a moment of silence.

"Interesting. When can I meet em'?" Tiffany leaned back in her seat and yawned.

Noah's phone rang, the caller id said Riot.

The call was quick, a few seconds long and ended with Tank saying okay in a rushed tone.

"You two stay here, I'll be back. Athena got shot." He rushed out of the car and shut the door.

I reached for the handle, but as soon as I touched it, it locked. I groaned and slouched back into the seat.

"Why can't we go out? That was the whole point." Tiffany scoffed.


"I was stuck in here too. They told Tank they'd call if they needed him." I took out my phone and scrolled through instagram,mindlessly liking random posts.

"So what were you so busy with?" Tiffany leaned forward, resting her elbow on the headrest.

"We were just...talking. A very important discussion." I avoided eye contact, feeling my face burn up at the vivid memory.

"About what? You seemed mad when I called you." She pulled a lip gloss out of her back pocket and applied it, still questioning me.

"You know what, it's not important. It's not your business either." I turned back at her, narrowing my eyes confidently.

"Jeez, sorry for being curious." She scoffed.

"Well, curiosity killed the cat." I smiled sarcastically at her. She was reaching too far, it wasn't her business at all.

"Alright whatever. Here, put some on." She handed me her tube of lip gloss and sat back down.

"Oh! I see them." She quickly scoot over to make room for the girl in Riot's arms.

They opened the door and set Athena inside, resting her head on Tiffany's lap.

"Oh, I'll get out of the way if you wan-" Tiffany held up her hands, trying not to interfere with the urgency.

"No, stay. I need cushion." Athena replied, weirdly calm, like it had happened before.

"Oh, okay." Tiffany replied quietly, her face a bright red color.

Tank and Riot ripped off the armor covering her chest and exposed a fresh bullet wound. It looked much like mine, except it was on her collarbone and bleeding much more.

She groaned out loud as Tank preformed the same procedure he had on me, pouring cleaning alcohol and pressing a white cloth on it.

"I think we need to take her somewhere. It looks broken." I was watching from the passenger seat, I saw how uneven and crooked her collarbone was after the bandage was smoothly pressed on it.


"Alright. Let's go." Tank quickly drove the car to the hospital, Athena was doing breathing exercises with Tiffany. They seemed to hit it off fine.

They immediately gave her a room, rushing her into surgery. They didn't let us in, so we had to wait in the lobby.

"You guys look crazy." I yawned and pointed to both Riot and Tank's armor gear. They stuck out like sore thumbs in a white, neutral colored hospital.

"She's right. We can't walk around like this." Riot told Tank.

"I have clothes in my car. We'll be back." Tank and Riot walked out of the clinic, the little doorbell ringing as they did so.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my head and let out a breath of exhaustion.

"4:16." Tiffany shoved her phone in her pocket and leaned her head back into the seat, accidentally bumping heads with the lady behind her.

Noah and Riot eventually walked back inside, wearing normal clothes. Both in black shirts and loose sweatpants. They almost looked like brothers.

"Oh wow. Y'all are hot without that military gear on." Tiffany joked as they sat down in front of us.

"Thanks babe." Riot winked flirtatiously at Tiffany, making her smirk and cross her legs.

"So? Anything?" Noah ran his hand through his hair and worriedly looked up at me.

"No, they haven't said anything." I looked up at the secretary desk in hopes of seeing someone waiting but no one was there.

Noah exhaled loudly, rubbing his eyed tiredly.

"You're tired too?" I smiled at Noah, covering my mouth as I yawned.

"Yep. Barely slept." He smiled slightly back. He had slight bags under his eyes, I probably had them too.

"I'm going to the car and taking a nap, anyone coming with?" I stood up and looked over my shoulder, waiting for anyone to come with me.

"Get two hotel rooms at the place next door. We can't leave until Athena's stable." Riot tossed the car keys at Tank.

"Okay, let's go." I smiled at Tank as he stood up. We both walked out of the hospital and towards the small inn nearby.

"Two double bed rooms." He said to the man at the front desk. His voice was hoarse and raspy. Only like that when he was tired.

"Thank you." He gave me a key card and shoved the other one in his pocket.

Our rooms were two floors apart. Mine was room 102 and his was 304.

"I'll take you to your room and then go give the other cards to Riot and Tiffany." He yawned and walked down the hallway to my room. I slowly opened the room and was immediately burst with the cold A.C air.

"They said they were staying until they got news about Athena." He shoved his phone on his locket after texting who I assumed was Riot.

"Alright then. Guess we're alone again." I threw myself onto the bed, sinking into the mattress.


See you tomorrow!!🧚‍♀️

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