《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》Free time.


After the text I couldn't go back to sleep. My mind wandered endlessly and didn't let me rest. Not like I needed it, I wasn't tired at all.

I decided to go out and get Tiffany and I breakfast. Since I couldn't cook, I decided to get us starbucks.

The sun was barely rising when I pulled in to the drive through and ordered. I had never been out this early. How did Noah do it?

"Tiffany, I got you that chai tea thing you like from starbucks!" I shouted into the house as I set the car keys down.

It was 6:30, she usually was already awake. I looked around but she still wasn't up.

"I'm in here." She said out loud. I followed her voice in to her room. There she was, laying in bed with a box of tissues next to her.

"Are you sick?" I sat down next to her and gave her the tea.

"My allergies are just acting up, I can barely breathe." She laughed and took a sip of tea.

"I think it's a sinus infection or something."

"So you can't come with Tank and I?" I frowned and took a sip my coffee.

Her face lit up and she smirked.

"You and Tank made plans?" She took another sip, still not breaking eye contact.

"Not like that!" I giggled and threw a small pillow at her.

"There's another protest at 12. He was gonna take us but I guess it's just me." I sighed.

"Oh, I wish I could go." She sniffled and pulled her blanket closer.

I went to the medicine cabinet to give her some allergy medication. It hurt to see her so sick.

I was about to leave the room when she stopped me.

"Did you forget anything?" Tiffany stuck her red nose up and smiled.

I rolled my eyes at her. She had been doing this the whole month. How could I possibly forget?

"Happy birthday month."

"Its week now. My day's on Tuesday." She smiled and pulled back her hair.

"Well, let's hope you get better before then." I laughed and left the room.


"Ok he's here, I'll call you later!" I shouted through the house when I saw Noah's call pull up. Tiffany still didn't know his real name. I wonder when he'll tell her.

I left the house when I heard a faint "okay" from Tiffany's room.


It was surprisingly dark and gloomy, about to rain.

"Hi!" I sat in the passenger seat. Noah had his full gear on, there were more people in the car though.

"Hey, this is Riot and Athena." He pointed to two people sitting in the back with similar gear. The one with dreadlocks, who I assumed was riot, extended his hand for me to shake it.

"Nice to meet you Melanie." He said. The girl next to him, Athena shook my hand.


"Wheres Tiffany?" He looked at me.

"She's sick."

when we got there, it was packed, as per usual.

Tank stopped the car and let Riot and Athena out.

They shared a plan. "We'll call you down when it gets hectic. Too many of us will get us caught." They put on large backpacks and ran away, leaving Tank and I alone.

"So what now?" I leaned back in the seat and crossed my arms.

"We have free time I guess." He shrugged and drove away from the crowd.

"You guess?" I thought we were getting down.

"Yeah, they didn't tell me they had made a plan." He took off the helmet and ran his hand through his messy hair.

I huffed and took it from his hands, resting it on my lap. I traced the rim of the mask with my finger, bored.

"Where did you get this?" I asked, now looking at the rest of the gear he had on.

"I know a guy."

Oh. I guess that makes sense. He did have connections to an officer, probably wouldn't be hard to get some special gear.

I didn't know where we were going, he seemed to just be circling the protest area, keeping an eye out.

"You know what, let's just wait." He drove to the alley where we were yesterday and parked there. Everyone was far enough away that they could see us, but we were close enough to still see what was going on.

"This is so boring! Do something." I rolled down the window to let fresh air get in. I stuck out my head, leaning my body outwards.

"Let me braid your hair." I felt his fingers go through my semi-tangled hair.

"Excuse me?" I laughed and looked back at him, staring into his hazel eyes.

"I'm serious. I wanna see if I can still do it. I used to do my sister's hair all the time." He grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards him, keeping my head turned.


"Alright." I scoot back until I felt my bottom hit the seat buckle.

"Get closer, I can't reach the rest of your hair." He tugged at my hair, forcing to me to go back more.

"I can't physically go back anymore so do what you can." I scoffed and leaned my head back.

"Did you change your bandage?" He asked as his fingers threaded through my locks.

"Yep, it stopped bleeding." I said, popping the p.

I heard him occassionally curse under his breath whenever he messed up, making me giggle.

"I'm done." He proudly smiled and let me look at the mirror. I loudly laughed at the crooked braid with hairs sticking out. He rolled his eyes and pulled his bottom lip between his teeth.

"Well, nice effort." I let my hair out of the braid and re-did it.

"I just need more practice." He playfully slapped my head and rubbed his eyes.

"Can I see it?" He lifted my shirt and looked at the white bandage covering the wound.

I peeled it off to reveal the closing wound surrounded by blue and purple spots.

He looked at it with wide eyes, being careful to not hurt me as he ran his fingers over it.

"It doesn't really hurt anymore, it's just sore." I looked up at him, my eyes scanning his face for any expression.

"Its gonna be like that for a couple of days." His voice was low and had a hint of rasp, it was always like that when he was close.

"I know."

He was now looking back down at me instead of my injury.

We had done this before, I was waiting for something to interrupt us like it always did.

I cupped my hand around his jaw, certain that I knew where this was going.

He smirked, leaning in once again. I followed. He delicately ran his thumb over my bottom lip before pressing them against his.

It was gentle, we moved at a slow pace. I ran my fingers through his unruly hair, tugging softly at the roots. He groaned softly with pleasure, pressing harder into the kiss.

His hand cupped my face gently, his other hand restingon the small of my back.

I didn't feel a need to pull away, I didn't want to. This moment was long overdue, nothing would ruin it this time.

He moved his hands to my waist and lifted me up. He brought to his lap. I gasped at how strong he was, I wasn't heavy but I wasn't easy either.

My thighs tightly clenched around his waist. I moved closer, getting rid of the space between our chests.

His hand slipped up my shirt and rubbed my back. My lips parted slightly, allowing his tongue entrance into my mouth.

His fingers fiddled with the clip on my bra before he was able to successfully unclip it.

I smiled daringly, not thinking about anyone else but us.

I felt a repetitive vibration on the seat next to us. Great.

He laughed softly as I groaned and pulled away from him.

It was my phone, Tiffany was calling me.

"What?" My voice was hoarse.

"I was just wondering if you're busy, or anything is going on right now." Her voice didn't sound congested anymore.

"Yeah I'm in the middle of something right now." I smiled sarcastically at Noah, who was staring amusingly at me. He ran his hand through his hair and smirked.

"Oh what are you doing? Did you get shot again?" She laughed. All I wanted to do was hang up but I knew she wouldn't stop pestering me.

"No, I'm doing something important. I can't talk right now." I hoped I sounded annoyed enough for her to get the hint.

"Yeah right, anyways I feel a lot better can you guys pick me up?" I could hear her pout. I rolled my eyes, now really was not the time.

Noah wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me closer. He clearly thought this was funny and didn't seem to mind that Tiffany had just ruined our moment.

"Can't you just drive?"

"What's the point if we're coming back together?"

"We'll go." Noah leaned forward and spoke in the phone. I slapped his shoulder and furrowed my brows. Why did we have to do this now?

"Okay, thanks bye!" She made a kiss noise into the phone and hung up.

"Are you serious?" I groaned and sat back down on the passenger seat. I immediately missed his warmth once my butt hit the cold leather.

"Eager?" He looked down at my plump lips and smirked at me. I rolled my eyes and hid my face as if turned red. I hated when he did that.


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