《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》close enough


The cell door creaked as it opened. I cautiously stepped out, eyeing the officer as she led me out.

We walked to the lobby where a different officer was talking to someone I couldn't see.

My eyes widened immediately when I saw an extremely tall guy with dark hazel eyes laughing and talking to him. It had to be Tank.

I immediately noticed he had a light stubble covering his defined jaw. There were loose strands of hair resting on his forehead. He was wearing normal clothes, sweatpants and a black tshirt. When did he have time to change?

He and the officer were just chatting like old friends. Were they friends? How ironic.

"This is her?" Officer Andersen grabbed me by my arm and pulled roughly. I rolled my eyes and glanced up at him. He was very attractive. I looked away, feeling the redness crawl over my face.

"Yeah, this my troublemaker." He took me by my shoulders and pulled me towards him.

"It was nice seeing you, Noah." The cop pat his back and began to walk away.

"Bye uncle."

I felt chills down my spine when he said that. He throws dangerous gas at officers, yet his own uncle is one of them.

Officer Andersen eyed him up and down.

"Bye Noah." She sneered at me and walked away.


"So your name is Noah." I asked as we pulled out of the station.

"Now you know."

"Funny how your uncle is a cop." I giggled and looked out the window.

"I don't like him much. I only tolerate him." He smiled and rest his hand on the gear stick.

"He doesn't know, does he?"


I wondered how long he had been keeping the secret. Probably not that long.


"What did you tell them to get me out?" I curiously asked, didn't he need to shoe some type of ID or something?

"I said you were my girlfriend. My uncle wouldn't have let you out if I said anything else." He shrugged nonchalantly and kept his eyes on the road.

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and smiled to myself. His girlfriend. What a crazy thought.

"Do you know where to go?" I scrunched my eyebrows at the foreign road he was taking.

"Yeah, Tiffany gave me directions." He looked down at me and ran a hand through his hair.

"Oh, I've just never been this way." I shrugged.

As we went on, the road started familiarizing in my head.

We had just been talking before we pulled up in front of the house. He stopped the car and looked at me.

I mentally cursed myself for letting my face get red all the time. It made me seem so vulnerable and embarrassing.

"How's your stomach?" His deep voice rasped.

"Uh, I haven't checked. It started bleeding again earlier." I looked down at the corner of the bandage showing.

Without warning, he reached down and lifted up my shirt up to see the bandage. The pit of my stomach was burning up with his gaze.

I looked down and saw I had bleed through the bandage, a crimson red spot placed in the middle of the white fabric.

"I'll change it for you. It could get infected." He reached into the backseat and grabbed the backpack, pulling the first aid kit from earlier and setting it between us.

"Take it off." He gestured to my bandage and got another one ready. I lightly laughed at how out-of-context that sounded.


It looked better than before, it looked like it was closing up.

He carefully placed the bandage over it, pressing his fingers down firmly over the area. I groaned softly and looked at the roof of the car, clenching my eyes shut. It still hurt, badly.

He was close, extremely close to me now. I sat there awkwardly as he put everything away.

"Does it hurt?" He looked down at my side as I breathed slowly.

"K-kinda." I shrank in my seat as I felt my cheeks burn up.

"Your stutter is so cute." He laughed and brushed his fingers through his hair. As he did that, I saw the bruise of my bite marks on his forearm. I didn't know it would leave a mark that badly.

I pursed my lips and looked back at him. The lighting made his eyes look like they had golden specks in them, that only made me more nervous.

He got even closer and smirked, clearly amused at my embarrassment. I instinctively leaned forward as well.

He reached out and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. I melted into his hand and closed my eyes, preparing for some other form of contact.

"I think Tiffany's waiting for you." He said in my ear, making me bite my lip.

I looked into his eyes and saw that he was smiling, focused on something behind me. It was Tiffany looking out the window with her hands pressed on the glass, smiling at us. When she saw me, she quickly hid herself.

Damn it Tiffany. In a way, I was relieved.

All I could do was laugh it off and not look at him. I knew my body would fail me if I saw his cursed look.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I stepped out of the car, still looking down.

"Oh, before I forget," he started and reached in his pocket.

"They gave me your phone." I had to look at him to grab it, I couldn't help smiling back at him.

"Thank you." I quickly shut the door and scurried to the door where Tiffany opened it before I could knock.

I looked back, but he had already left.

"That was crazy." Tiffany looked at me with wide eyes and a huge grin.

"Imagine what would've happened if he didn't look up and see me." She slyly said and laughed. I felt slight anger towards her but it was harmless, its not like Noah wouldn't somehow find another opportunity.

"Stop it!" I buried my face into a couch pillow and laughed. I really wish he didn't see Tiffany. Oh well, can't change the past.


At 5 in the morning, my phone buzzed loudly. I looked up groggily to see what it was, I might as well since it woke me up. It was a text from Noah with a heart emoji next to his name.

Noah♡: protest at 12. I'm picking you and Tiff up.

Me: how did you get my number?

Noah♡: your phone was unlocked :)

I smiled at the text and put my phone back on the nightstand. I guess he had another opportunity after all.


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