《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》9:55


"Oooh, let me ask questions!" Tiffany crawled up and sat in the backseat and looked at the both of us.

"Alright, what are your favorite colors."

She asked.

"Give better questions." I laughed at Tiffany.

"I can't think of any. Let's play never have I ever." Tiffany said after pausing for a bit.

"This is the only game you thought of?" Tank scoffed.

"Don't be a loser, come on." Tiffany punched his arm.

"Whatever. " I could tell he was annoyed by the sound of his voice.

"Okay, I'll start. No boring questions." she started. We all held our fingers out.

"Never have I ever fired a gun."

Tank put a finger down. I was next.

"Never have I ever had sex in a car." I shrugged and looked up. Both Tank and Tiffany put a finger down. I wanted to ask more questions but now wasn't the time.

We continued playing until I eventually won.

"Okay next round." Tiffany held out 10 fingers again.

Tank and I groaned.

"Can we do literally anything else?" He said right after, resting his arms on the steering wheel.

"There's nothing else to do." Tiffany argued. We had been in her for what felt like hours.

I opened the door to let fresh air in. The cops appeared to be gone. The car was too hot, I was about to go crazy.

Tank and Tiffany were arguing, debating some random topic I didn't care about.

"I'm taking a walk." I stepped out of the car, pressing on the bandage on my side.

They both turned at the same time.

"Do you know how stupid that idea is?" Tank scoffed and grabbed my wrist to pull me back in.

"No, I'll be fine I don't see any lights from here. I'm wearing dark clothes they won't see me. It's not a big deal." I pulled back my wrist and took a step back.

"Seriously Melanie, are you joking?" Tiffany joked and reached out to grab my hand but I pulled away.


"I can't stand being in this car. I'll be super careful." I pleaded with them.

"This can't wait until we're safe?" Tank said, resting his head on his arm.

I could tell he was rolling his eyes inside his mask.

Tiffany was narrowing her eyes at me.

"You guys are being annoying. If I don't come back in 10 minutes go look for me." I rolled my eyes and grabbed my phone.

"You better be back here before 9:55." Tank pointed at the time on the stereo.

It was 9:43. Perfect amount.

"Whatever you say dad." I winked at him and shut the door.

I looked back to see Tiffany jokingly holding up the middle finger at me. She's so dramatic sometimes.

I walked out of the alleyway and looked around, the streets were deserted. I saw blue and red lights in the distance from where the protest was held. They were still there, arresting people. As long as they stayed there, I would fine.

I walked along a line of shops, some had broken windows. I didn't know it got this out of hand.

I kicked a rock around, looking at the cracks in the cement. There was something so calming about walking on an empty street at night.

As I went on, I noticed more shops had broken windows. One shop, a shoe store, had a completely smashed in window. I looked inside, it was empty, a huge mess inside.

What harm would it do if I walked in? I looked around to see if anyone was watching. I looked at the time on my phone, 9:47. I could walk in and look around then go back.

I stepped inside through the huge hole in the glass, the shards crushing under my feet. I used my phone's flashlight and looked around.

Barely any shoes left. It was just random trash and other things on the ground. People had already raided and taken what the wanted. I laughed at the thought of people coming in and tearing the whole place down. Good thing we had a curfew, I guess. I felt a breeze on my stomach and shuddered.


I had a horrible gut feeling, suddenly. I felt like leaving immediately. I turned around and carefully stepped out of the glass window.

Immediately, there were people running towards me. I quickly stepped back inside the store and hid in the darkness, clutching my phone in my hand. 9:52.

They spend past the store, yelling and laughing things I couldn't understand.

When they had passed I stepped outside again, taking a deep breath before taking a step to walk away. The glass crunched loudly. Suddenly I was thrown on the floor.

I groaned and rolled over to the side where had the bandage, it started bleeding again.

I looked up to see who had pushed me, my eyes immediately widened. A fucking cop.

He looked down at me, a stern look on his face. He pushed me on purpose, it was no accident.

"What are you doing after curfew in a robbed building?" He crossed his arms over his belly.

"I-I was just leaving, I was walking and-" He pulled me up off the floor roughly. Gripping my ponytail in his hands.

He said something into his radio, and a couple of seconds later, two other officers appeared. One female and another Male.

"Can you let me go, I was leaving." I struggled to get away from his grip, he was too strong. I squirmed and tried to get away. I considered fighting back, but I didn't want them to use anymore force.

They spoke in hushed voices while looking at me.

He finally let go of my hair and instead grabbed my wrist and put handcuffs on them.

"You have the right to remain silent everything you say can and will be used against you." The woman officer shoved me into a police car.

"Wait no, I need to go." I tried to explain that I wasn't doing anything wrong but they just laughed.

The cuffs were extremely tight, I felt like they were cutting off circulation. I took a couple breaths to calm down. I looked up to see the time. 9:59.


They took my phone away from me as they locked me in a cell at the police station. It was surprisingly pretty empty, there weren't as many people as I thought.

"Can I make a phone call?" I asked the lady officer as she began to walk away.

"Two minutes." She narrowed her blue eyes and led me to a wall with phones on them.

I dialed Tiffany's number and called.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Tiffany, it's me." I frowned.

"What the hell? We're out here looking for you where are you?" She shouted into the phone.

The officer turned around and gave me a dirty look.

"I got arrested. They have me at the police station."

"You stupid bitch. We told you! I knew this would happen. I'm gonna send tank to get you."

I was slightly hurt by her words but I knew she didn't mean it. That was how she spoke to everyone she knew.

"You can't pick me up?"

"Tank and I split up into different cars to look for you. He's closer to the station I just texted him."

How would Tank pick me up if he wore a dumb suit everywhere? Surely they would arrest him too if they saw him.

"Times up." The lady officer started walking towards me.

"He said he'll just drop you off at the house." She said.

"Okay I have to g-" I didn't have enough time to say goodbye before officer Andersen, I read her nametag, snatched the phone out of my hands.

She walked me back to the cell. I was alone in the cell, there was another girl with bright green hair, but she didn't look like she wanted to talk to anyone. I waited there for about 10 minutes before officer Andersen opened the cell and called my name.

"There's someone here to pick you up."


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