《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》leaving marks.


I knew what had just happened. I always seemed to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

I looked down, tears flooding from my eyes and looked at my stomach.

The bullet itself had bounced off and was just a few feet in front of me. The wound on my side began burning.

It was bleeding, purple and blue spots starting to appear around it. I couldn't do anything to stop the blood, any attempt at covering it made me scream.

I needed Tank, or Tiffany. Someone to help before it got worse. I tried to stand up, but I could barely move without feeling like someone stabbed me with a hot needle.

I looked around, taking deep breaths to calm myself. People were running around, dodging bullets flying at them. This wasn't good, the police weren't supposed to shoot straight at you, they were supposed to shoot the ground.

"What the hell?" Tiffany ran up to me and sat down.

"How did you get shot? Oh my God." She covered her mouth with her hands and looked like she was about to faint.

"I-I don't know what to do. I don't want to hurt you." She breathed out and examined my wound. It looked worse, turning a blackish red color.

"Go get Tank. Please." I choked out and winced. Tiffany couldn't do anything but nod.

She quickly ran off in the direction I saw Tank go in.

I tried not to think about my injury, that would make it worse.

"What the hell happened now?" Tank towered above me, crossing his arms.

He helped me up, grabbing my arms while Tiffany pushed me up. I cried out in pain, shutting my eyes.

He carried me bridal-style to the car, being led by Tiffany. She put the seat down and let him rest me on the seat.


"It's going to hurt." He got water out of the bag and poured it on the wound, he took a pad of alchohol and held it above me, not moving yet.

"A lot." He was hesitant, thinking about something before doing it.

I groaned when he poured cleaning alcohol on the pad. I was prepared for the worst.

"Bite my arm." He held out his forearm on front of me. What?

"Trust me, it won't hurt as bad." He lowered his voice.

"N-" Before I could say anything, he pressed the pad on to my wound, sending a severe burning sensation all over my body.

I screamed and gripped my teeth around his forearm. I didn't expect for it to work, but I focused on digging my teeth into his arm and the pain wasn't as prominent.

I heard him grunt softly as I cried and clenched my teeth harder. Even with his sleeve covering his arm, I could tell he still felt how hard I was biting.

"It's done." He rasped his voice and pulled his arm away from my mouth.

He bandaged the gash and leaned out of the car, chuckling as he looked at his arm.

"Didn't know you were part piranha." He joked and lifted up his sleeve to expose the bite marks. I saw the veins slightly protruding out of his skin, it was a nice sight after feeling immense pain.

"Sorry." I hid my face as I felt it burn up from embarrassment.

"I don't mind." His tone of voice was relaxed. He put his sleeve down and looked at my exposed torso.

"This is definitely gonna leave a mark." I couldn't tell if he meant his arm or my waist.

He grazed his finger delicately along the bandage, making me sharply inhale, but not from the pain.


"I think I'm okay." I began to sit up but was stopped by Tiffany, who had been watching the whole ordeal.

"No, there's no way I'm letting you back in with a bullet wound."

She put the seat up and buckled the seat belt.

I frowned and looked at Tank, who was leaning on the car with his arms crossed.

"I'm okay. They stopped shooting." I attempted to sit up but winced and slouched in the seat.

"Mel, I think you should sit this one out. You literally have the worst luck." He said.


My stomach fluttered at the sound of my name coming out of his mouth.

"I'll be fine. The worst already happened." I chewed on the inside of my cheek.

"We said no, Melanie." Tiffany nudged my shoulder.

I looked up again at Tank. His body language suggested he was serious.

"Fine-" I was cut off by the sounds of sirens approaching all the cars around us. Shit. We didn't think about the curfew.

"Get in!" I urged them both. Tank got in the driver's seat while Tiffany jumped over me to get in the back seat.

"Keys." He held out his hand and Tiffany placed the keys in his hands and he started the car.

The sirens got closer.

He drove to an empty alleyway and turned all the lights off. It would have been too late to drive away.

"Fucking hell." Tiffany breathed out.

"How long do we wait here for?" I asked, sitting up and looking out the window. They were arresting people on the street.

"As long as they take to leave." Tank leaned back in the seat and crossed his arms.

"This is so stupid." I huffed.

"Do you guys want water?" Tiffany crawled over the seats to the back, where I was. We had a cooler with cold waters in it just in case we needed them.

"Yes." Tank and I both said at the same time.

She tossed us both waters, I immediately drank mine and let out a big breath. Tiffany was still drinking hers.

Tank took off his helmet and drank the water. I still couldn't see him over the height of the seat, though. All I could see was from the rear view mirror, but it only showed a part of his hair.

It was longish, a few strands falling over his forehead, and brown, but I couldn't be sure because of the dark lighting. He ran his gloved hand through his hair, I wish I could see his face.

He suddenly reached and moved the mirror so I couldn't see anymore.

"I can see you." He chuckled and threw the empty bottle at my head.

"Ow, I only saw your hair. Don't worry." I rolled my eyes as he put the helmet back on.

"Don't you get hot wearing all that?" I asked after a moment.

"Yeah, but I can deal with it."

"Oh. Must be tough." I took off my seat belt and carefully made my way to the front seat, wincing as I sat down again.

"We might as well get to know each other." I crossed my legs and smiled up at him.


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