《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》Promise


I woke up with a sudden burst of energy. Immediately jumping out of bed, I got ready for the day. I put on a pair of black leggings and a black crop top.

Tiffany was already awake, eating breakfast she had prepared for the both of us.

"There's another protest today at 7pm." She showed me a twitter thread on her phone.

"Let's go." I smiled and started eating.


"Make sure you aren't wearing makeup. I told you yesterday but you never listen bitch." She threw a makeup wipe at me and laughed. Luckily, I had learned my lesson and didnt wear anything. I was prepared for anything. I put my hair up in a loose ponytail.

Tiffany put materials in a backpack. Ice water, milk, and cloths for wiping any chemicals off our bodies. We decided to take masks to cover our faces after people started getting tracked down and arrested.

"Do you think you'll see him again?" Tiffany started the car, the mask slightly muffling her voice.

"I don't think so, it's already getting dark." I frowned and looked at the setting sun.

"He's huge, I'm sure if he's there we'll find him." She smiled compassionately at me. I just nodded and continued staring at the sky.

"So how did it feel? Getting tear Gassed in the face?" Tiffany giggled.

"Well, it wasn't a fun experience. I don't know what would've happened if Tank wasn't there." I looked at my face in the mirror, it wasn't red and swollen anymore, but it still tingled a bit to the touch. I tried at least three moisturizers to make it normal again, but only time could do that.

"Your face would have probably blistered." Tiffany examined my face jokingly and laughed.


My face turned to a grimace, "Could you imagine? I wonder if anyone didn't get out on time."

"No, the whole area was cleared out, thank God."

I smiled slightly, thanking God that I didn't get any severe burns or blisters. The worst I got was the rashes on my ankles from the sparks when the bomb landed. They didn't hurt badly.

We arrived at the road where the protest was being held, it was extremely crowded. People were holding signs, shouting at a police squad behind barricades. Funny how they needed barricades for a peaceful protest.

"Fuck, we forgot to make signs! I really wanted to bring one." Tiffany whined and looked in the back seat for an materials. We found a cardboard box, and a sharpie. Good enough.

We made one big sign, it said black lives matter and I drew on the fist. It looked good.

"Alright, are we good to go?" I slipped my mask over my nose and walked with Tiffany. It was already dark out, the only lights were the street lamps and flashlights.

Tiffany immediately sprung into action, shouting with the crowd and putting the sign up.

Everything was okay until I noticed the cops took a step back and put on masks. This was all too familiar.

"Tiffany we have to go!" I shouted loudly, alerting everyone around me of the situation.

Tiffany looked up and followed something flying across the sky.

It was a bomb going straight for me, I couldn't move. It would be too late. I flinched and leaned back, ready to be hit and gassed again.

My head and back hit a familiar surface, cold plastic atop leather.

I opened my eyes to see Tank catching the bomb in mid air. He took steps back and threw it back to the cops.


He continued picking up various canisters of gas and threw them back, even hitting an officer at one point I think.

I looked around to see Tiffany watching in awe, shielding her face from the remaining smoke.

He pulled me away from the smoke and set me against a tree.

"Did you get hit? Are you okay?" He turned my face and looked frantically to see if anything was wrong. If I had any cuts, burns or bruises. I was fine.

"I'm okay, thank you." I breathed out and stood up straight, resting my hands on his chest for support.

At this point, all the gas was gone and everyone was back at their normal spots, but they were angry.

"Oh my gosh, I didn't know I'd see you again." I smiled and turned back to Tiffany, who was treating someone's wounds on the ground.

"I wanted to thank you yesterday but you left before I had the chance." I frowned and shifted my weight to one leg.

"I have to be careful here. I can't trust everyone." He cocked his head to the side and grabbed my wrists softly.

His tone of voice was rushed and his voice has rasp to it. He was obviously tired. Who wouldn't be in all that gear he was wearing?

"You can trust me, I don't even know your real name." I reasoned. He had no reason not to trust me, I didn't give him one. Although, I understand why he can't trust anyone. He could easily get arrested.

I heard him sigh from behind his mask.

"Just, don't leave without saying goodbye." I smiled and grazed my finger along the jawline of the mask. He hardened his grip on my wrist.

He really was tall, especially when he was standing right in front of you. My head barely even reached his chest.

"You're welcome."

I could hear the smirk in his husky voice. In the middle of a riot, it felt like it was just us.

Big booming sounds interrupted our tenacious staring contest. It was the police again. They just couldn't leave us alone.

"Shit, they're shooting." He looked around at the rubber bullets flying around us at dangerous speeds.

"Get down and don't move." He stood up and started looking around, probably for the source of the bullets. He sped away.

"Will you come back?" I shouted at him, keeping my back against the tree.

"I promise."

I let him leave, he promised he would be back. I stayed under the tree, anxious. People were taking cover under cars and whatever they could find.

I grew increasingly worried when I saw the actual size of the bullets. They were huge, they looked extremely painful.

I couldn't help but scream as I felt a sharp, hot pain in my side.

Just. My. Fucking. Luck.


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