《Tear Gas (Spec ops guy)》painkiller.


I moaned and turned to the side as I felt myself waking up, stretching my arms and legs dramatically.

I looked beside me, Noah was there, his arms still wrapped around my waist. I smiled to myself and sat up, taking a deep breath.

"What time is it?" Noah's voice rasped as he sat up with me.

I grabbed my phone off the nightstand and checked the time.

"10:50." My eyes widened, I quickly threw the covers off and rushed to the restroom, taking my phone with me.

I dialed Tiffany's number and waited for her to answer as I rinsed out my mouth.

"What?" She groggily answered, obviously grumpy.

"Goodmorning, Noah and I will meet you downstairs in 10." I said into the phone and splashed water on my face.

"Wait you and Noah-" I quickly hung up on her before she finished the sentence. Things didn't have to be more awkward that they already were.

"Is your head okay?" I walked out of the restroom.

Noah had his eyes closed and his hand pressed against his head.

"Yeah I'm fine." He smiled at me and walked into the restroom. I hoped Riot had somewhere to stay. I just assumed he spent the night at the club, he seemed like the type of person to do that.

I put my hair up in a ponytail, ignoring the knots and brushing them out with my fingers. I looked busted, slight dark circles under my eyes, my clothes were wrinkled and kind of smelled like beer. I needed a shower.

"Is Tiffany waiting?" He walked out of the restroom, running his hand through his now damp hair and letting it flop down onto his forehead.

"I told her to." I smiled and grabbed my phone, opening the door for Noah as we walked out of the room.

I felt like one of us should say something. Yesterday was crazy, in all ways good and bad. I bit the inside of my cheek and we walked down the hallway to the elevator. This walk yesterday took forever.

"So about yesterday, I... i wasn't in the right state of mind. I'm sorry if i did anything that was inappropriate or said something mean." He fumbled with his hands, a nervous tick I noticed he had.

"You didn't do anything wrong, besides be annoying." I joked and sighed. I thought he would address what happened.


"Do you remember anything?" I looked up at him, but he was looking straight ahead, avoiding eye contact.

"Its... cloudy. But I remember what I said to you when you came back."

"What?" My eyes widened, what was he talking about? I looked up to see his staring back down at me, a smug look on his face.

"I don't know what I'm sorry for but I will make it up to you. I promise."

I smiled back up at him. I didn't want to remind us both of what I felt when all those girls were on him. Even though he wasn't mine, he sure acted like it sometimes.

The elevator was quiet. A man and his dog got on with us. I pet the dog, asking the man for its name and age while Noah rolled his eyes and watched.

"Bye Mudgie!" I waved the brown dog goodbye as we got off the elevator.

"What kind of name is Mudgie?" Noah looked back at the dog and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"A name for a dog. At least his name isn't Noah." I giggled, making him scoff at me.

I looked around for Tiffany in the lobby, making sure to check the breakfast station twice.

"Oh finally!" She went up to us with three cups of coffee, one for herself, one for me and one for Noah.

"Has Ryan come back?" Noah asked, looking around. Ryan? Did he mean Riot?

"Ryan?" Tiffany asked before I could.

"Yeah, I think we should just drop the code names." He rubbed his hand on the nape of his neck, still looking around.

"What's Athena's real name?" Tiffany asked again, sipping coffee out of her straw.


"Oh okay." Tiffany shook her head and smiled, changing the subject.

"I think he went to the hospital but I have no clue." She started walking towards the exit, followed by Noah and I.


"We brought snacks!" Tiffany walked through the door where Natalie was staying, holding bags of chips and candy. We had stopped at a vending machine and purchased almost everything.

Ryan was there, sleeping on the couch next to the bed.

"Yes! I'm starving." Tiffany tossed a bag of chips to Natalie, laughing as she did so.


"Has he been here all night?" I walked over to Ryan and snatched the blanket he was covering himself with away.

"Fuck off, my head hurts." He groaned and snatched the blanket back.

I rolled my eyes at him. "You had enough time to sleep last night. Is that what you did?" I stood over him like a mom does to her son after he gets in trouble.

"No, that's why I'm doing it now." He put the blanket over his head, blocking his face from the rest of us. I rolled my eyes and walked away.

"He's just hungover." Noah laughed and leaned against the wall.

"What did you guys do last night while I was stuck here?" Natalie questioned, biting into a chip and raising her brows.

"Long story." Noah shrugged and went to close the blinds.

"No keep them open, I like the sun." I ran up to him and opened the blinds, furrowing my eyebrows at him.

"No, it's making my headache worse." He closed the blinds again, getting closer to me, a challenging look on his face.

"I knew something was wrong." I opened the blinds and took his hand, leading him away from the window.

"Where are you going?" Tiffany questioned, rolling her lips inwards to hide a smile.

"I'm going to the pharmacy to get painkillers for these assholes." I glared at Ryan and Noah before leaving with Noah.

"Alright, make it quick." Natalie yawned and switched on her tv.

"Why's this place so huge?" I looked at the map in front of the elevator, trying to figure out where the pharmacy shop was.

"Because it's a hospital." Noah leaned on the closed elevator door, stating the obvious.

The door suddenly opened, sending him flying into the elevator, almost crashing into a little girl.

"Oh, I'm so sorry!" I apologized to the family and laughed out loud.

Noah was on the ground, a stern look on his face as he brushed his loose hair out of his face and stood up.

"That was hilarious." He laughed sarcastically, hiding his face from all the people who had witnessed it.

"You better watch yourself." I laughed as I got in the elevator and pressed the button to close it. He looked me, obviously unamused.

"Oh come on, it was funny." I giggled, nudging his shoulder playfully.

"I guess so." He smiled back at me, hitting my shoulder the same way I hit his.

"So what specific thing are we looking for?" Noah and I stepped out of the elevator, speeding to the shop right in front of us.

"Ibuprofen." I bent over to scan the bottom shelves while he looked at the top shelves.

"Found it." I turned around with a box of pills, noticing that he wasn't even looking for it. He was looking straight down at me, pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.

"What?" I cautiously stepped forward, tucking a stray hair behind my ear.

"Nothing." He quickly eyed me up and down before smirking and walking to the register.

"Oh my God, look." I pointed at where it said 'Baby nursery' on the map next to the elevator.

I excitedly looked up at Noah, clenching the plastic shopping bag in my hands.

"Can we go?" I asked, pointing to the convenient hallway it was down. He sighed, looking down at me then back at the elevator. I made sure to grab his hands as I begged, knowing he wouldn't have much of a choice after that.

"You owe me." I grinned widely and pulled his hand toward the hallway.

"Five minutes." He exhaled and rolled his eyes, following me with his hands in his pockets.

We finally reached the nursery, looking through the glass window at the dozens of newborn babies. I smiled as I lightly pressed my hand against the glass.

"They all look the same." Noah whispered in my ear, making me laugh and lightly slap his shoulder.

"You can't say that about people's babies!" I whispered back at him, making him chuckle and get closer to me. I felt the warmth of his body press up against my back, sending chills down my spine.

I noticed a middle-aged-looking man was next to us, alone. He stared at us, smiling, we probably looked pretty strange. I ignored it and continued looking, feeling my heart warm up.

"One of them yours?"


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