《SMG4: Super Mario X Meggy Galaxy》Chapter 8: Bubble Breeze Galaxy


The next galaxy Mario and Meggy saw is Bubble Breeze Galaxy. When they arrived, they saw that the Toads' ship crashed here.

Mario: Eeeeeeeh, they'll be fine.

Meggy: I hope they'll fix the ship.

They noticed a weird machine with a giant bubble forming outside it. As they walked over to it, Meggy almost fell off the ground but was grabbed by Mario just before she touched the poisonous goop below them.

Meggy: Oh man. We gotta be very careful here.

Mario: I guess we gotta jump our way there.

Meggy: Good thing there are small gaps between islands because my jumps are short.

They went over to the machine but got stopped by another talking sign.

???: Hey!

Mario: Bill Board?! How did you go from one galaxy to another very far away between each other?

???: I'm not Bill Board. I'm his cousin Phil Board.

Mario: How many talking signs are there in space?

Phil Board: Before you ride any bubbles, let yours truly, Phil Board, bend your ear for a sec. Just hop in the bubble, and a fan will pop up outside it. You can control it to move the bubble around. You gotta be extremely careful, though. That poisonous goop will kill you in seconds.

Mario: Oh crap.

Meggy: Well, let's... give it a shot... I suppose.

Mario: Meggy, we could die if the bubble gets popped.

Captain Toad was over on the other side of the islands calling them out.

Captain Toad: We can help you out!

Mario and Meggy walked over to Captain Toad, as he gave them a few 1-Ups.

Captain Toad: You will have a few extra lives even if you fall in the goop. You better use them wisely. If you lose them all, it's all over. Got it?

Meggy: Okay.

Mario: Okie-dokie.


They went back over to the bubble machine as the both hopped in the bubble, both determined to get the star.

They controlled the fan and moved the bubble carefully, avoiding spiky bombs and other things that'll pop a bubble. They saw 5 Star Chips are placed all over the planet, as they flew the bubble over to them to pick them up.

The last one was behind a moving spiky bomb, as they didn't know another one was coming for them as it popped the bubble.


Meggy: Relax, Mario. We have extra lives, remember?

As they went in the poisonous goop, they spawned back to the main island, and they realized the Star Chips were back to their spots.

Mario: Son of a bitch. This is like a collecting game in real life, isn't it?

Meggy: It'll all be over soon, Mario.

They picked up all 5 Star Chips without being hit, as a Launch Star spawned in another island. They flew over to it, and went to the next planet.

Mario: Another bubble obstacle?!

They heard a familiar shining noise.

Mario: Sounds like the star is nearby.

Meggy: Let's get going. Remember, we gotta be very careful.

They hopped in the next bubble and carefully went through the course, and finally reached the star without losing any more lives.

Mario: Christ, that was scary. I never wanna go through a galaxy like that ever again.

They went back to the Observatory, as the Mailtoad called over Mario and Meggy. He has a letter for them. It's from Luigi.

Mario! Meggy! I got a star, but now I can't get back. This picture shows where I am! HELP ME!

Mario: That house kinda looks familiar.

Meggy: Good Egg Galaxy!

They flew over to Good Egg Galaxy, and saw Luigi on top of the house.


Meggy: I'll go down the pipe on the other side that leads to the house.

Meggy went to the pipe, while Mario did a few backflips, wall jumps, and spin jumps to get to the roof faster than Meggy.

Luigi: You came to save me again! I knew I could count on you, bro!

Mario: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Where's the Power Star?

Luigi: I got it right here!

As Luigi got out the star, Meggy came out from the pipe. She was surprised at seeing Mario before her.

Meggy: Mario. How did you...

Mario: Speedrun strats. We got the star!

Meggy: Oh, right.

They got the star and saved Luigi once again.

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