《Ninjago: One More Ninja》Chapter 13: Day of the Great Devourer


The Devourer swallows Pythor and Wu, the Devourer spots them. Lloyd grabs Aria's hand.

Jay looked nervous "Oh, maybe if we stand perfectly still..."

"Run!" Kai shouts

The ninja take off and climb aboard the Bounty.

"There's no wind. And we only have reserved fuel" Lloyd said

"Use it" Nya commanded and they took off with the Devourer following

"I don't feel like becoming snake food" Aria said seeing the Devourer gaining on them

"Uh, hate to tell you this, but objects in the mirror are closer than they appear!" Jay shouted panicking

"Working on it. Blasters on full" Nya said

Kai threw something at the snake "Whoo-hoo! Take that, you stupid snake"

The Devourer ate it and moved faster

"Uh, I think it heard you" Jay said nervously

"Go faster" Aria commanded

"We're going as fast as we can. I'll try to make it to Scattered Canyon" Nya said

"Probability of us making it that far is less than 8 percent" ZAne informed

"not now Zane!" Aria shouted as her eyes teared up

Lloyd hugged her "We're losing speed. We'll drop to the ground pretty soon"

"Throw everything overboard" Nya commanded "We need to lose some weight"

"Port side!" Lloyd shouted and the Ninja begin throwing out many things including a fridge only for the Devourer to eat it all and grow exponentially.

"Man, he sure is hungry. Does anyone else think the Devourer looks bigger than it did before?" Jay questions

"The more it consumes, the bigger it gets. Don't throw anything else overboard" Cole said

"Phew. We made it to Scattered Canyons" Nya said

"we lost him" Cole relaxed before The Devourer bites off an engine.

Aria screamed a they started to fall

"Abandon ship!" Nya shouted

The ninja jump off and hide under a walk, the Ninja watch as the Great Devourer bites their home in half, quickly leaving the scene afterwards

"Oh, that was too intense. All that action makes you so thirsty" Kai huffed

"There's no time to rest. We need to warn people before it becomes bigger" Zane said

Jay freaked out "Bigger? Bigger!? That thing in one big bite crushed our entire ship! We need to save as many as we can. Uh, uh, we'll find some kind of refuge, somewhere safe to hide. Ooh, the Serpentine Tombs. Yeah, they're underground. Sure, we'll be without sunlight, but they're perfect"

Aria slapped him so hard his head turned "get ahold of yourself Jay!"

"ow" Jay said rubbing his cheek

Kai looked at it closely "it even left a hand print, damn Aria did you have to slap him that hard"

"I had to knock some sense into him, we can't just give up" Aria said "This isn't want Sensei Wu would've wanted"

"But he's not here anymore" Lloyd said and they looked down while Aria shook her head

Aria stood in front of everyone "But his teachings live on. Sensei once told me it's not the size of a Ninja in a fight, it's the size of the fight in the Ninja, obviously cause of my height. But all this training, all of these battles we've had with skeletons and Serpentine. We've persevered through so much, we can't just give up now. A Ninja never admits defeat. A Ninja always pick themselves up when they're down. Which is exactly what Sensei Wu would want us to do right now"


"but how do we destroy a snake of that magnitude?" Zane questioned

"Yeah, it's not like we have an extra Sacred Flute lying around to charm it. Or wait, haha, how about one of our awesome Dragons? Oh, I forgot. They took off and left us high and dry. Or, hey, what about out Golden Weapons? Which will do nothing against a snake that size. Heh, oh, we are so hooped" Jay said throwing his hands in the air

"Ah, Jay's right. We would need a weapon so big" Cole said

Aria shook her head "or we go to-"

"-Or an idea that's even bigger! Ha! Jay, you're a genius! You thinking what I'm thinking?" Kai questioned excitedly

"Probably not, but go ahead" Jay said

"There's no time. I'll fill you guys in on the way" Kai said as he started running

Jay looked confused "Wha—Where are we going?"

"We're going to destroy that snake once and for all" Kai said

The other ninja ran after them

"Wait" Aria shouted but they didn't hear her "Fine, I'll do it myself"


The Ninja made it to Ed & Edna's Scrap N Junk.

"Good idea, Kai. If the Devourer likes to consume, this place is a full-on buffet" Cole said

Jay: sighs "Looks like my parents are gone"

"Good, better for us" Kai lays out a blueprint "Zane, you still have a recording of the Sacred Flute in your memory bank?"

"It might've been destroyed earlier, but I have its exact tone recorded and ready for playback Zane plays the flute recording.

"Good. And there should be enough spare parts around here to build this whopper. But we're gonna need to create our biggest Tornado of Creation yet. This is gonna be dangerous and we can't have anyone around" Kai looked at the ninja "Aria I need you to- where's Aria"

The ninjas looked around.

"oh no" Cole groaned

"Don't tell me we lost her" Lloyd said worried

"I'm sure she's ok wherever she is" Kai said


Garmadon enters Mistaké's shop.

"Traveler's Tea" Garmadon orders

"Only a fool requests Traveler's Tea" Mistake turns around and sees who she's talking to "But you are not a fool. Uh, let me go get some in the back."

"Garmadon!" Aria shouted running in

"How did you fine me?" Garmadon questioned

"A lot of concentration" Aria said breaking heavy "the Devourer has been let loose, the ninjas wanted to take care of it themselves but I know you. The Devourer made you who you are, and I know you're the only one that can destroy it"

Garmadon sighed "what makes you think-"

A reporter on TV started talking "And I am here live, caught in the middle of an epic Ninja versus snake battle. People, I have never seen bravery like this before. But I fear the Ninja are no match for a beast this size. People are recommended to flee or run away, waving their arms wildly while screaming like little children" The Ninja are scattered on the ground as the Devourer lunges at them; the Samurai Mech stops it by holding its mouth open with a lightpost


"Let's go" Garmadon said taking Aria's hand "stay close to me so you don't get hurt"


The Devourer strikes the Dragon with its tail.

"No!" The ninja shouted as the Ultra Dragon hits the ground.

"What now?" Nya questioned as Lloyd turns around to find Garmadon with Aria

"Aria!" Lloyd shouted running over and hugging her as Garmadon let go of her hand and stepped forward

"Give me the weapons. I am the only one who can handle the power of all four weapons at once. It's the only thing that'll defeat the Devourer" Garmadon said

"Uh, I thought we were supposed to do everything in our power not to let him possess the weapons" Jay said worried

"I've ran every other scenario through my servers. It appears to be the only way" Zane informed

"Give me the weapons" Garmadon commanded "Only I can destroy it. Or prepare to watch—"

"Quit your yammering and just do it" Kai throws him the Sword of Fire "When you have a chance to make the blow, it has a weak spot near his forehead"

Everyone but Jay has given the Dark Lord their weapons.

Jay gave him the Nunchucks of Lightning "Uh, I don't think this needs to be said, but we're gonna need these back"

"I'll do my part. You just make sure he stays in one spot" Garmadon patted Lloyd and Aria's head "you two take cover"

Lloyd nodded, he took Aria's hand and ran away to hide

Kai begins by confronting the Great Devourer alone, luring it through the street to where Cole is waiting. Cole then lures it to the billboard where Jay stands, and Jay leads it through a construction site to meet up with Zane. As Jay and Zane escape using an ice slide that Zane created.

The Devourer pursues them, but right before it could consume them, Kai and Cole swoop in on the Ultra Dragon to pick them up. Rushing to a nearby building, the Ninja see that their plan has worked; the Devourer has bitten its own tail, and with its oversized body tangled among the buildings of Ninjago City, it is completely stuck.

"We did it! Now, where's Garmadon? He's not gonna hold on for much longer" Cole questioned

The sky becomes engulfed by dark clouds where Garmadon is on the roof of a skyscraper. He unleashes a purple energy as he jumps. He destroys the Devourer and its venom spreads throughout the city. Everyone cheers.

"Hey, there you are, you big lug" Cole pets the Ultra Dragon "It's good to have you back"

Lloyd looks around "I don't see my dad"

"He should be around here somewhere" Kai said

Aria closed her eyes and after a bit she opened them "no, he's gone"

"Then our Golden Weapons are gone too. Well, isn't that convenient?" Cole said sarcastically

"Ah, Sensei Wu!" Cole shouts and the ninja see Master Wu alive amongst the slime, and the Ninja excitedly rush over

"I can't tell you how glad I am to see you" Wu passes his pupils to pick up his teapot "The Devourer left a bad taste in my mouth" He drinks some tea "Ah. Much better. And still hot"

Aria made a face "ew"

"It's good to have you back, uncle. But my father left and he took the Golden Weapons" Lloyd informed

"Ah, very true. The ability of the weapon is truly great, but the ability to better oneself makes you limitless" Wu said

"Am I really gonna have to fight my father one day?" Lloyd questioned

"No Lloyd, being the destined one doesn't mean that, the prophecy says nothing like that" Aria said sarcastically

Wu chuckled "Yes Lloyd one day. But today we can feel good that Ninjago is saved, for tomorrow you will train for the day. Good will finally face evil and a final outcome will be decided for all of time"

Kai smiled "Uh, but don't worry. We're gonna teach you everything we know"

"And make sure you're prepared for that fight" Jay added

"Because as we all know, good will always stand up to evil" Cole said

"And Ninja will always stand up for what is right" Zane smiled

Wu took Aria's hand and walked off tot he side with her "Aria I understand that Garmadon was able to teach you some things"

"yeah, I can sense evil energy now, I was able to sense the great devourer's evil energy and I was able to find Garmadon in Mistake's" Aria replied

"Aria I'm not asking you to do evil things, but I am asking you to go to Garmadon, you need to train before your powers become unstable" Wu said

Aria looked at the ninja "but-"

"go now, I will explain" Wu commanded

Aria shook her head "Sensei I can't just-"

"If your powers become unstable it can be a danger to all of us" Wu said "Garmadon will train you, but you remain a ninja, for the safety of everyone you must go"

Aria hugged Wu before running off

"Aria!" the ninja shouted

"Let her go" Wu said blocking them "she has her own training to do"

"Is it dangerous?" Lloyd asked worried

"fear not my pupils, she will return" Wu assured them

Kai smiled "Make sure to work just as hard as her Lloyd"

Lloyd nodded "I will, till the day she rejoins us, I'll work hard to get stronger"


Garmadon stopped and turned around to see Aria stopping to catch her breath, he shook his head "here to get the golden weapons back?"

"I don't think so" Aria said standing back up "Sensei said I need to control my powers"

Garmadon smirked "Well I'm perfect for the job"

"I am not your little dark sidekick, I am still a ninja.. with the wrong powers" Aria said

Garmadon laughed "Whatever you say princess"

"Hey" Aria said annoyed then walked over to him "I gave up that tittle a long time ago"

Aria walked forward and Garmadon rolled his eyes "It's not something you can give up, you are who you are"

"Then who am I exactly?" Aria questioned turning around to look at him

"A lost princess, who has a lot to learn" Garmadon replied

Aria sighed "Then when do we start Sensei Garmadon"

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