《Ninjago: One More Ninja》Chapter 12: The Rise of the Great Devourer


The Destiny's Bounty is flying through a storm.In the dining room, Kai, Nya and Jay are keeping watch over the four silver Fangblades. Aria and Lloyd are down in the training room, Aria sat against the wall watching Lloyd train.

"Serpentine, it's time I Spinjitzu you back into the filthy holes you came from. Ninja kick! Tiger claw! Ninja, go!" Lloyd attempts Spinjitzu but falls.

Aria helped him up "Spinjitzu is done like this" Aria demonstrated and her color started off white then started turning purple

She stopped and looked surprised "I've never really had a color before, it's always just been pure white"

"that's good then right, you're getting a color" Lloyd said happily

"yeah" Aria said sadly

"what's wrong?' Lloyd asked

"It's just not the color I hoped for" Aria shook her head and smiled "but look at you, you're really getting in the spirit of being the green ninja"

Lloyd smiled "yeah, I'm going to be the best ninja ever"

They heard laughing, Pythor turns visible "What a joke. You were always a boy who chased stupid dreams"

Lloyd moved Aria behind him "Pythor! How did you get aboard?"

Aria raised her eyebrow "why am I behind you, I can kick his ass faster"

Pythor picks them up "You think I would allow the Ninja to steal the Fangblades from me?"

Aria growled and started punching and kicking him "let me go you stupid overgrown lizard"

"I'm not a lizard" Pythor said angrily

Lloyd growled "Ugh! You'll never get away with it! Hey—" Pythor puts tape over their mouths and ties them to chair.

"Oh, I wouldn't worry about that. As they say, out of sight, out of mind" He disappears and laughs


Aria slipped out of her ropes and untied Lloyd, he uncovers the tape from his mouth. Aria ran out of the room as Lloyd reaches the intercom "Pythor's on board!"


His message echoes over the ship. Aria reached the deck to see the ninja and hanging on over the edge. Aria took out her fans.

"oh please what are those going to do against me" Pythor mocked

Lloyd ran out as Aria smirked and waved the fan, a blade of energy came out. Pythor dodged in time for it to just cut his cheek.

"Huh what do you know, training does pay off" Aria said surprised

Pythor jumps off the Bounty and lands on a Rattlecopter. The Ninja fall, but Nya in her Samurai X suite catches them. As the Ninja prepare to go after the Serpentine, Lloyd brings the Golden Weapons.

"If Pythor returns the Fangblades to the City of Ouroboros, he'll awaken the Great Devourer" Wu said

"Oh, what about me?" Lloyd questioned

"We need someone to stay with the Bounty" Kai said

"But I've been training with Aria" Lloyd whined

"Patience, kid. You're too important now that you're the chosen one" Kai said

Wu smiled "Patience, hmm? Ah, the student has become the teacher"

"Ninja, go!" The ninja jump off and summon their vehicles with Nya and Sensei following.


"Lloyd do you even know how to fly the bounty?" Aria questions as Lloyd takes the wheel to follow them

"Sorta" Lloyd said as he tried to keep it steady

"look their's the ninja" Aria pointed at half a train with the ninjas sitting in it

Lloyd anchors the train.

"Lloyd! Aria!" The ninja shout happily

"Hook, line, and sinker" Lloyd said and Aria laughed

"To Ouroboros as fast as you can" Kai ordered

"Aye, aye, captain" Lloyd said

As they approached the city Lloyd put the train down. The ninja all ran in with Lloyd and Aria following. They saw the ground crumbling in front of Wu and Pythor.

"What's going on? Who's that creature underground?" Kai asked confused

Aria looked scared and held onto Lloyd's arm "The Great Devourer"

"You must do everything in your power to stop the Great Devourer. Go, Ninja! Go!" Wu commanded

"Sensei" Aria cried

Kai shook his head "No, Sensei"

The Devourer arises and lunges at Wu and Pythor.

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