《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 26 ❌


After Alex's party was over, there was nothing much to do, I saved Alex's present as a moment between us two, I wanted it to be special.

"Thanks again for today Bec, it was no doubt the best day ever.''

He says grinning at me, I kiss his cheek and we head to my room.

"Is this your idea of a present? 'cause I'll have you know I love it.''

He winks suggestively, I roll my eyes.

"Get your mind out of the gutter asshole.'' He laughs and hugs me from behind, he smells so good like a mixture of a woodsy scent with mint.

"That's no way to treat a birthday boy, especially your boyfriend."

I laugh he's always one to joke, but then I frown, I got Alex and I tickets to France, yes we were going to Paris the city of love.

I wanted to lock a lock on the bridge, I wanted to visit the Eiffel tower, I wanted to have crossiants with him at a cafe, but the things was, did he want to go with me, I know he loves me and I love him dearly but would this scare him off?

I mean traveling across the world is a commitment and don't get me started on how he's going to complain when he found out I worked three jobs the past three months to get these tickets, he never lets me pay for dinner, imagine what he'll say once he found out I paid for the tickets, but on the bright side if he says no,

I can always go with Carmen, not as appealing but still good, I feel a kiss on my nose, I look up to see Alex looking at me with concern. ''You okay, Bec?''


I nodded, ''I have your present,'' I grin apprehensively.

He smiles and sits on my bed, I walk over to my drawer to get the envelope, I hand it to him and he looks at it with confusion, I gesture for him to open it, he does, I bite my lip nervously, it's now or never, I'm excited, yet nervous, I see his eyes scan over the reading, it was a picture of the plane tickets I bought and a brochure of what to expect in Paris.

''You're, shitting me right?'' He asks with a blank face, and all color drains from my face, did he not like it?

Do I really have to go with Carmen now? He continues,

''I get to go to Paris with my favorite girl alone?'' He says adding emphasis on the alone, I notice he is grinning and I too grin, I'm suddenly off the ground and in Alex's arms spinning.

''Alex put me down!'' I yell clinging to him,

"I love you Rebecca Anne Woods!'' I smile from ear to ear,

"I love you too, Alex Grayson.


I'm happy Alex is happy, and nothing could ruin that.


I've began to pack for the trip we were going during spring break for about a week. I couldn't wait, it was less then three days away. I packed everything like toiletries, clothes, swim wear, and my favorite pair of sunglasses.

I was so happy to go to Paris, I've always wanted to go since I was a little girl, and now that I get to go with Alex my soulmate, it's a million percent better.

I take out my phone and call Carmen, before the accident I realized that Carmen had a boyfriend I think his name was Ray.


I have no idea but I think they broke up because, she hasn't mentioned him, and that just proves the point I'm a bad friend.

''Hey bestie.'' Carmen says excitedly. Guilt fills me, I didn't deserve that title, I hardly knew her boyfriend for Pete's sake.

Who's Pete? I have no idea, but I do know I did something to mess up Pete's sake.

"So I remembered that you had a boyfriend, I think his name was Ray? What happened between you two?'' I asked tentatively.

"What? No hi? But to answer your question, we weren't really dating I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I was trying to get Elliot jealous, the guy at Alex's party. I liked him for a while.''

''Oh.'' We have a lot to catch up on then.


Hey hey!!! New update, 2.10K thanks so much guys for the support by reading but you guys gotta vote!!! Anyways until next time


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