《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 25 ❌


After Alex and I visit his sister, who is doing much better by the way.

We head out to a diner, I offer to pay since it's his birthday and he begrudgingly gave in.

Carmen and I spent the last couple of days planning his party.

Alex doesn't have many friends, but he does have a buddy named Elliot, he's pretty cool, and I think he's taken an interest in Carmen who'd in no doubt fall for him with his curly brunette hair and pretty green eyes. Elliot is nice and I trust him with my friend, if he decides to make a move.

I bought Alex his gift which I'll give to him at the party, my brother Ashton is grilling we still have a small grudge against each other, but I'll live.

We decorated our backyard with a sign that of course says, 'Happy birthday, Alex'

Right now everyone's at the house getting last minute preparations done, and Alex still suspects nothing other than hanging out with 'his favorite girl' which no doubt made me blush.

The waiter comes to our table and I order, "Just fries and a large coke for me, thanks.''

I order lightly because I know I'll eat when we get home, Alex gets the same just with a BLT sandwich, he's a guy a growing guy at that, I'm pretty sure he can eat more food.

"So how's your day been birthday boy?''

''I'll have you know that I'm not a boy.'' He winks and I blush.

Always one to have dirty jokes.

''For real though Alex, I want you to have the best day ever,''

''It's going amazing, love. Thanks to you.'' I smile.

I just love this guy so much, I don't know what I'll do without him, he's the other half of me, he completes me, we complete each other and for that I'm eternally grateful.


''I try.''


As we're headed to my house, I text Carmen to make sure everything's okay, when she confirms that it is, I look out the window and enjoy the view.

Alex thinks that were going to my house to cuddle and watch a movie, as great as that sounds, I want him to have a better time than just watching movies, we'll always have time for that.

''You ok love? You've been awfully quiet.''

I look to see Alex staring at me, I turn his head to the road before replying,

"Yeah, I'm okay, just enjoying the view and thinking about how much I love you.''

''Aww, baby and here I thought I was the cheesy one.''

''Oh please, your cheesier than the cheesiest slice of cheese pizza.''

''That rhymes.''

''I didn't know I was dating a five year old, Alex.''

He laughs and keeps driving, we are nearing the house and I send a quick text to tell here we're close.

He parks in the driveway and we both hop out, I open the front door and Alex appears after me, ''Ready to watch movies?'' He asks and kisses my lips, I get lost in the kiss and even I'm shocked when the lights turn on and they yell 'Suprise!'

Alex turns and looks shocked, but only I could tell it was fake, he kisses my neck.

''Nice suprise babe.'' He says sarcastically, then smirks I can't believe he found out that I was planning this.

I pouted. Carmen comes up to me,

"Why the long face?'' I still pout.

''He figured it out.''

Carmen laughs then goes to join Elliot and dances with him.

I noticed that his hands were lower then friendly and Carmen didn't do anything about it,like she normally would.


I see Alex talk to some other people from school. I go grab a soda and drink it, halfway through Alex comes and sits next to me,

''Thanks for this, you really did make it the best day ever.''

And the smile on his face was enough to make it best day ever.


Decided to update another Chapter for you all, three updates in one week?! Yep I'm awesome. I just wanted to thank you all for all the new readers it means alot and I'd appreciate it if you voted to! So click that star!


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