《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 27 ❌


Have you ever felt that you couldn't do anything right?

Like no matter how hard you try, no matter how much effort you put into something it just doesn't work out?

Yeah, I have the feeling right now.

I feel like I failed Carmen as a best friend, hell I couldn't be just a friend.

I didn't know Camren liked a someone, that she even went as far to fake a relationship, with a guy.

What was his name again? See! That just proves I'm a bad friend.

But, they were quite the couple I thought they had real feelings for each other, the way he looked at her, maybe he liked her all along.. poor guy.

Back to the point, she likes Alex's best friend Elliot, he's quite the charmer, but if he breaks her heart, I'll make sure he won't be able to have kids.

Carmen explained everything to me, how she knew Elliot, how she developed feelings for him, her plan.

I feel like such a bad girlfriend too, because I hardly knew Elliot and he was Alex's damn best friend! I mean I seen his face a few times but that was it.

Right now I'm waiting on Carmen to come to my place so we can gorge on food, and watch Netflix, I have to catch up on The Walking Dead.

The show was life, LIFE. I can't breathe without it, dramatic I know.

Anyways, I head to the kitchen and make popcorn, grab ice cream, and junk food I know I shouldn't be eating.

''Hey, Bec.'' I look up to see my mom, I smile. I'm still shook on how she's here with me now, if that sperm donor saw my mom he'd shit his pants, my mom's a fighter he should've known, I don't know the reason why he left, he just did, never asked my mom because I know we don't need him and partly because it hurt.


It hurt mom, it hurt Ash, and it hurt me. So we just avoided him like he was some sort of disease.

I don't know if it's better that way, but I don't wanna find out. I forgot my mom greeted me. ''Hi mom.'' I smile and hug her.

She smells like strawberries, it's how I come to love them, they calm me, remind me of my mom, and taste fücking delicious.

What more could a girl ask for?

''What do you need? Money? Food? Lord knows you have enoug-'' I interrupted her with a laugh, a hearty, bubbly one at that.

''Momma, can't I hug you? I just miss you. Can't I hug you without looking like I want something, I want your love.'' I sing the last part and laugh.

My mom looks guilty. ''Aw, I'm sorry Becky.'' I chuckled and shook my head.

"It's okay, I gotta get ready, Carmen and I have a girl's night.'' She smiles.

I'm headed to my room but her voice stops me.

''You can have all my love, you and Ash. I'll make sure of it Bec.''


''Damn Chandler Riggs is hot.'' Chandler Riggs in case you didn't know is Carl in The Walking Dead.

''Carmen, he's like two years younger then you, I think.. Plus! You like Elliot.'' She blushes.

''Yeah, I like him a lot you should know, I can't believe I fake dated a guy, for him. Yet he hardly noticed me, you should ask Alex to make him notice me.

I laugh. This girl.

''Okay, if you really like him I'll help. I've been a bad friend lately.'' Carmen frowns.

''No you haven't, I have. I nearly got us killed.'' I sigh, she'll never get over it.

"Just forget about that okay, I'm fine, okay? Stop blaming yourself.''


She let's out a breath, then nods. There's a look in her hazel eyes, I can't read it, but I know she'll be okay, we'll be okay.

I just know it, Call me crazy but I can feel it.


Later, that night after Carmen went home, I went to bed, But not even a few minutes later, at least that's what it felt like. I heard a tapping from my room, then it went quiet again.



There it is again. It sounds like it's coming from my window. I grab the first thing I see just for protection, just in case, it's an

axe murderer, or a abductor, or.. okay I've got to stop.

I look down, at the box of tampons in my hands.

Great going Rebecca, your going to save your self from an axe murderer with a bloody box of tampons, pun intended.

I go to the window and open it, and something hard hits my face,

"Ow." I mutter looking out the window.

I see Alex grinning wider then the Cheshire Cat on a happy pill.

I glare at him, most girls would be delighted to have their boyfriends' show up at night at their window, the most cliche, thing to do, but I'm not most girls, I value my sleep.

''Alex, the hell are you doing here at-'' I glance over at my clock. ''-three in the morning?'' I look down at him an he pouts his incredibly pink lips.

He licks them. Asshole he knew I was staring at his awesome lips.

"I miss you, baby.'' My breath

halts, he needed to stop being cute before I explode.

''Can't I come to see my gorgeous girl, who I miss?'' Boom! Here that? That was the sound of me exploding, he was just so damn adorable.

"Aww, I miss you too Alex.'' It was true, I haven't seen or talked to him all day.

"Well are you going to help me up there or not?"

''The hell? Am I Rapunzel?"

''Yes! Bec, Bec! Let down your hair, so I can kiss you until you need air?'' He yelled this and I threw the rock that hit me at him.

''Shut the hell up Alex, you'll wake up Ash!'' I whisper yelled.

He grinned at me and winked.

''I'll let you in downstairs.'' He nods and walks to my front door. I rush downstairs, and I open the door, quietly.

I see Alex and hug him, his messy hair is sexy, and his blue eyes astounding.

"Hi boyfriend.'' I mumble into his chest.

''Hey girlfriend.'' He grins stroking, my hair.

''Let's go to bed I'm tired as hell.''

''Okay.'' He whispers. As soon as my head hits the pillow I fall asleep with Alex's, arms around me.


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