《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 13 ❌


After my almost kiss with Alex, that's all I could think about.


Not my mom that's going to be released in less than a week.


I think I'm going crazy. I'm in my last class waiting for the bell to ring so I can get out of this god-awful classroom.

ring- ring- riiiiiinnnnnng

Saved by the bell. I grab my stuff and head to my locker

''Hey Becca." Carmen says smiling at me.


I say closing my locker, we head to lunch and sit at our table.

"What's wrong? it's all over your face, babe."

I sigh.

"I had an almost kiss with Alex." I whisper.

She squeals silently, but then furrows her brows in confusion.

"Why so glum?"

"I don't know." I answer.

Because honestly, I don't know why I'm glum. I don't know what would've happened if Ashton wasn't there to interrupt, and what if he just dropped me, like a used tissue after he got what he wanted?

"Let's have a girl's day."

Carmen says smiling.

"Okay, sleepover, my house we'll walk together after school."

She grins. "It's set."


"My two favorite guys, Ben and Jerry." I say shoving another spoonful of ice cream in my mouth.

"Right with you girl, they'll never let you down." Carmen says smiling.

For a couple hours we watched movies. Until, that is a knock at the door stopped us.

"I'll get it."

I said as Carmen shoved a chocolate in her mouth. mumbling an alright.

I opened the door to see Alex. "We need to talk." He says and I roll my eyes.

"Hello to you too." I say sarcastically.

He sighs. "Sorry, but can we talk?"

He asks and I nod, closing the door behind me. "I like you."


He starts and I look at him.

"I'm confused and stressed out about what I'm feeling and I came to that conclusion, so will you give me a chance to treat you right?"

He pours his heart out to me and I look at him, What do I say? Let alone, what do I do?

"I don't know... Alex. What if I'm just another one of your flings and you use me?" I say.

"Is that what you think of me? That I would just use you like that? You of all people should've known that I changed, that I only like you, but clearly you don't see it."

He says walking off. "Alex wait!" I say running up to him.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry that I didn't see that you've changed, but can you blame me? I'm scared Alex. All the past relationships Carmen had didn't end well and to see her heartbroken like that, I didn't want to feel her pain but I wanted to help her. I haven't even had my freaking first kiss, so how do you expect me to commit to a relationship. I'm scared Alex."

With that I walk away, but not before whispering,

"I like you too, Alex"

I left him standing there, but when I get to my front door he runs after me, and kisses me.

Our lips move in sync and there is this burning passion in my whole body, The kiss gets heated quickly and I put my hands in his hair, while he snakes his arms around my waist pulling me closer. I pull away looking at him and he rest his forehead against mine.

"Don't walk away from me, a lot of people have left me, and I don't want you to be one of them."

He whispers, looking broken and sad.

I lean in and peck his lips.

"I won't."


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