《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 8 ❌


"How did you learn to cook like this?"

I asked shoving more pancakes into my mouth. I looked up to see a smirking Alex and a scowling Ashton.

After I went looking for Ashton, he had a severe hangover, we made up and I'm nursing him back to soberness. We agreed to talk when and I quote, 'Pretty boy who wants you to swipe the V-card' leaves.

"That's another one of my hidden talents, stick around for more."

He winks talking, very conceited like.

I choose to ignore it glaring at him, then shove more pancakes in my mouth, they were better then gourmet pancakes.

Seriously he should cook for a living. "Stop being so cocky before I break yours."

My brother Ashton says glaring at Alex, I don't know whether to be laughing or shooting daggers at my brother but, the way Alex was feigning to be scared.

I laughed at my brother making him glare at me which instantly shut me up. "I'm going to my room, don't try anything with my sister or you'll regret it."

Ashton says menacingly shooting daggers at Alex, who was being really stupid and put his hands up in mock surrender.

"Alright, bro chill I won't do anything with her, who twist your panties?"

And that is how Alex ended up with a black eye from my brother Ashton.


"Oi! Stop it freaking hurts." I flinched looking at Alex who had a swollen eye thanks to my brother or more beginning to look like purple,


I mumbled putting ice over his eye while he sits on the kitchen counter with me standing in between his legs nursing his eye. Suddenly, he puts his hands on my waist. I could feel his breath which smelled like mint, lemons, and cigarettes but the mint and lemons overpowered the smell making it barely noticeable. I look up into his stormy blue eyes and then to his pink full lips that set into a smirk.


"I like you being my hot nurse, I should get injured more."

He says, being flirtatious and I laugh,

"Worst. Pick up Line. Ever."

I say in between laughs, he pouts causing me to stare at his pink full lips, he puckered them at me and that caused me to giggle like a little school girl at recess.

He smiled and I smiled and we just sat like that smiling like lunatics on drugs until he leaned in and I began to panic was he going to kiss me?

Steal my first kiss?

I surprised myself by leaning in also and when our lips were an inch apart we heard a loud slam, we flinched causing us to head bud each other painfully.

I clutched my head looking up and death glaring my brother Ashton. "I suggest you go before I give you another black eye."

My brother says to Alex and I shoot him an apologetic look glaring at my brother.

"I'll walk you to the door."

I say to Alex grabbing his arm, When we get to the door I lean in and whisper in Alex's ear to meet me back here in an hour so we can eat popcorn and watch movies, even finish our game of

twenty questions so I can make up for what my brother did.

That's just the beginning of how the crazy morning ends.

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