《The Bad Boy's Broken Girl (Complete and Edited )》Chapter 9 ❌


In an hour I hear the door knock three times the signal that Alex and I came up with. I walk over to the door quietly, because my brother is asleep and I don't want to wake him up, only to face the wrath of him. I open the door, to reveal the infamous smirk of Alex Parker.

"Hey, sweetheart."

He said in a husky tone, my heart skipped a beat, I don't want to think it was because of him.

I look at what he is wearing, a leather jacket, (so cliche) black skinning jeans, and a white polo. I realize I was staring for a while when he says "My eyes are up here, sweetheart."

I right then and there turn into the color of a tomato, however when I look up he smiles and doesn't smirk, I think no conceited remark or facial expression, but that's the mind mistake I made because he says

"If I were you I would stare at me all day I get it, honey."

He says the last part all fan girl like and I laugh before saying "That doesn't make sense."

He laughs before saying,

"Babe, when you're with me everything makes sense." I snort and roll my eyes at him.

"Did you just snort?" He asks stifling a laugh.

I glare at him before walking up to my room and when he doesn't follow, I look back to see him staring at my bum (or that is what it looked like) He still doesn't notice me staring at him staring at my bum, so I snap. "Eyes are up here, Sunshine."

I fake smile then glare at him.

"It's not my fault you have a nice ass sweetheart, it's just like it's not my fault that you always gawk a my hotness."


I glare at him, "I. Do. Not. Gawk. At. Your. Hotness."

I say slowly, but deathly quiet, he smirks, "Oh, so you admit that I'm hot? You're not so bad yourself Chica."

He winks, giving me a once over, then he licks his lips. I blush resembling a firetruck and stomp my way up the stairs, not caring about my brother, who doesn't like the excuse of a eighteen year old man, more like eighteen year old man child.


"Pass the popcorn." Alex says, putting his legs over my lap. We were currently on the couch in my bedroom watching "World War Z" I love zombie movies. I pushed his legs off of my lap and put my legs on his lap

"You ate all of the popcorn ten minutes ago."

I remind him smirking.

"Well make some more." He says smirking back.

"You have two legs and I'm pretty sure you know how to use a microwave, get some yourself."

He leaned in and whispered in my ear. "Well, I don't wanna get caught by your brother, so I suggest you make some more."

I glare at him. "But, I don't want popcorn and my brother is sleep so you go make it."

I hear him groan and I smirk.

"I hate you." He says, I look up at him.

"Aww, I love me too."

He just shakes his head fighting back a chuckle.

Later, he comes back with popcorn and I reach my hand to get some put he smacks it away.

"No, you made me go through blood, sweat, and tears to get this I'll be damned if I let you have some."

"But, you're in my house and you went in my kitchen, are you getting it? therefore, it's my popcorn."

I grab a handful, I eat my popcorn and smile when I see him grumbling.

"What was that?" I say innocently.

He looks at me and glares.

"Nothing." I chuckle hitting his head.

"Thought so."

And that Ladies and Gentleman is me getting my way for Ya.


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