In Serial

The System Slaves

8 233 30
Author: Type:Male

Heroes selected from all races competed to prove their race worthy of living free.

The Troll heroes failed... miserably. Their Race is paying the price.

Most Trolls lost their sentience. This Troll did not, and now he must serve the system and try to prove his race worthy of redemption.

Thing is, it's hard to save a race when you can't understand the squiggles that appear in your vision.

It's even harder to save a race when you can't tell which thoughts are yours and which thoughts the system put in your head.

And what do you do when you never loved Trollkind in the first place?


Update Schedule: Two or more chapters a month. 1500+ words.

I am a new writer so bear with me, correct my grammar, and point out things you want to add. I plan on finishing, it may take a while though.

The cover isn't mine and isn't exactly the way I like it, I'll be on the lookout for something that fits better.


This is a Litrpg story, I kinda regret making it so, but what's done is done. The system is clunky and I forget stuff sometimes, don't hesitate to point out stuff that looks wrong or is wrong. There will be some cultivation aspects and some kingdom building later on.

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