《The System Slaves》Chapter 14: The Ogre


I’m hungry. So hungry. That is the only thing I can think when Eye gets thrown into the Cell with me. The hunger was there before, the need to consume, but it was dull. Easy to tough through, just like normal hunger. This is something different, this isn’t normal hunger, it is the hunger for something more. Something… Else. Something that I can’t find and that I don’t know about. It was there though and it is throbbing.

Eye groans and twists, I start to reach down. Then stop. I… plans…. Eye. I had plans. For him. Plans.

The hunger is powerful but I stave it off, I know that I won’t be able to hold on much longer though. I stand up and roar, letting it echo, announcing my presence to the cavern, then go out hunting. Eye follows behind me, barely keeping up but not willing to risk losing me. After-all to lose me means death in his weakened state.

I cock my head and try to hear if any other monsters heard my call. If they did I would gladly challenge them. Then I would eat them, feed on them, and make sure that I didn’t feed on Eye.

I start moving. It’s cold here, I can tell even though I don’t feel it, a different type of cold though is also in the air and more squiggles come across my vision. [You are under the influence of the >Holding Cell

I swipe the words away. My hunger is even stronger now, it feels as though something is ripping into my stomach, something…ravenous, the way I feel when the shaman brews his potion of strength. Or when I can’t satisfy my lust.

I look around me, trying to pierce the darkness and find that I can only see a couple of troll lengths away. Colour does not show, only greys and blacks. A bleak place. A place that reminds me of the Pits in away. Though the darkness is stronger. I move fast, hunched over, claws clenching my stomach, and an urge to feast on Eye.

My nostrils flare and I pick up a scent. Something I must follow. I go more carefully this time, remembering what happened with the Hex. I stalk through the massive boulders that riddle the landscape and avoid the caves inside of them. Caves are never good news, at least, until you know what’s in them.


The scent takes me to a pool of water and there I find my prey. A small goblin party, carrying a huge fish. I lick my lips and stalk toward them. The hunger comes back, gnawing at me and I decide that there’s no need for waiting. I sprint after the goblins, weaving through the boulders until I’m right beside them. The hunger forces me to move and I leap out of my hiding spot taking them by surprise. I grin at their gasps. I grab the first goblin in front of me and stuff him down my throat. The hunger only gets stronger, I chase down another and rip in half, letting the organs spill into my throat. Still. Nothing. Only two goblins are left now each running different directions.

Smart. I chase one down and eat him but still, the hunger is there. By now I can barely control myself, my vision is tinged with something and my hands are shaking. I go after the last Goblin and grab it by the throat. My strength fails me though, overcome by my hunger and I can’t eat it. The goblin isn’t strong enough to get away though, the hunger is roaring, raging, and then something happens. The hunger comes forward and pours into the Goblin, which slowly starts to wrinkle and then eventually turns to dust. Power floods me and I groan in ecstasy, the feeling is like nothing I have ever felt before. I look down and flex, power seems to be pouring through me. [Status Effect gained--{Soul Drunk}--]

[Battle Log

X5 Goblin runts killed

Exp gained

X1 soul consumed-Soul hunger reset to 50%-Evolution set to 1%

Battle Log End]

I go looking for the fish, I could do with some food that didn’t turn to dust. I turn around and see Eye there looking at me. I spit in its direction, “follow.” I could do with a follower, something to take the damage. I walk around through the darkness roaring, letting the Cell know that I was here. That I was more powerful than ever. That I had the power to consume them all.

I find the fish an ugly looking thing but big enough for ten goblins to enjoy. I rip in half and pass it on to Eye, maybe when it heals I’ll be able to help me out a little more. I get to eating when I hear footsteps behind me.


I tense, and then grin. It seems that something had come to challenge me. It would learn its mistakes soon enough. Once more I feel the euphoria. The power courses through me.

A snort sounds behind me and I turn around to see an angry-looking Ogre staring at me. He grunts and beats the tree he has in his right hand on the ground and speaks. “This mine.” He beats the stick on the ground again. Then he points at the fish in my hand. “That mine. Give.”

I smirk, “Yours? No.” Ogres. Always the same.

I hunker down and leap. “Mine.” The Ogre is taken by surprise and doesn’t manage to move out of the way in time to dodge my leap. My shoulder slams into his chest and he goes flying, smashing against the cavern wall. The Ogre bounces off, grunts shakes his head, and then moves faster than any other Ogre I’ve ever seen before, his tree smashes into my legs, knocking me off my feet and then he boots across the floor. I feel things crack. What the Shamans hairy balls was that? I spit out blood, stand up and ask it, “What was that?” No longer am I feeling quite so powerful. The rush I had from the Goblin has worn off, and I almost to regret my decision to pick a fight with this thing. Almost.

The Ogre looks at me curiously before grinning, “More? {Adrenaline Surge}” Once again the Ogre moves at blinding speeds and once again I am smashed into the floor and booted across the floor. The exact same moves as before, except this time the Ogre is following me as I fly, waiting for me to stop rolling and let him get a good hit in.

That’s when Eye comes in, the thing shoots forward and bites the Ogres foot, distracting it, that’s all that it does though, Eye is too weak to be able to cause any real damage. He did enough.

The Ogre trips and falls and face plants onto the floor, giving me enough time to get to my feet and wonder how the Pit I’d be able to kill this thing. Running was not an option, I’d die before I ran away from an Ogre. I race toward it hoping to be able to get in a couple of good hits before he gets his footing and manages to attack me.

I jump forward and slam my foot into his face I don’t get the crunch I was expecting though, instead all I hear is a laugh and a hand grab my foot. The Ogre looks up at me and laughs again.

“You think you fight me?”

It crushes my foot in its grasp, bones break through the hide and thick blood oozes through. The Ogre drags me down and stands up. “This.” he smashes the tree onto the floor. “Mine.”

The Ogre slowly drags me into his cave, a trail of blood follows me. I grunt in discomfort at the feeling of the cold-floor and try to look around me. All I see is darkness, my vision not being able to pierce through it enough to see anything other than the Ogre that drags me. I do see shadows though, things coming in and out of the edge of my vision. They run through, run when they see the Ogre.

The beast throws me into a cave and stands over me. “You need be taught lesson. I am [Master] here. Not you. Me.” He stomps on my chest and grabs his loincloth. I struggle but its no use, the foot is too strong. I try to scratch, roar, but the Ogre just grins. “You in my --Domain-- no getting out.” Then he rips his loincloth away and grabs his privates, whips them over my mouth and laughs.

I struggle more but invisible bonds press down on me, the big pulsing mass is just a little bit away from my mouth and I can feel bile rising. “No. No.” I roar, desperation bleeding into my voice but it’s no use, more power is used and my mouth is forced open.

“Never forget. You. Nothing.” The Ogre looks down at me. “You, me have much fun.”

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