《The System Slaves》Chapter 8: Hunted


I start to walk down and once again go over my plan.

I would find one of the slave groups and join them, then follow them into the Hex camp and figure out what to do once I’m in.

I am confident it will work, the whole layout and set up of the Hex camp was eerily similar to that of the Pits. The one thing it was missing was the Bulls or Overseers, the slave groups were completely unsupervised. It seemed suspicious but the Hex probably just mind controlled them into obedience.

As for the slaves noticing me? None of them would even care. They were all broken, I could tell, they would barely know each other and new slaves would be joining them on a pretty regular basis, an extra? No one would notice, or if they did, no one would care.

The only thing that could potentially give away my plan was my lack of a collar. That was okay though my tears and skin should help me blend in with the rest of the slaves.

As I start to walk down the hill though I can’t help but feel a little doubtful. I don’t have a collar, that could ruin my disguise.

Who cares though? I’m a Troll. Despite the tears running down my cheeks, despite me whimpering like a dog, despite me feeling pain.

I’m still a Troll.


I look at my hand, at the change of hue. I bring it up to my face and finger the tears that run down onto my chest. No Troll cries. Whelps cry. Goblins cry. Trolls don’t.

I clench my fist, letting my claws sink into my hide.

I will prove myself.

Hex don’t pay much attention to their slaves. Just like how the Warlord didn’t pay much attention to us. Not that I minded, it was easier being at the bottom. All I had to do was take a few lashings here and there and then I was fine, free to do whatever.

Admittedly it did get a little bit boring but it was better then being under the constant gaze of someone that could kill you with just a swish of their finger.

Many a Bull had died that way, a swish of a finger and a couple of words, then, all his competitors and his slave band would pile on him and beat the poor guy dead.


I smile at the memories. Good times. Good times. I look around for anything suspicious and then continue moving toward the nearest slave band. A woodcutter band from the looks of it, an activity that I’m rather skilled at.

It was then that a roar rang out from the middle of the camp and the tent in the centre was sent flying. I look up expecting to see something huge and prepare to run.

What I see instead is nothing. Well, I see something, but it isn’t anything huge.

It’s big but that’s all I can see.

I shrug and proceed to join the slave group. Whatever that thing is it’s probably meant for war. Not for taking out pretend slaves. Speaking of slaves, as I join the wood band one of them gives me a glance with dull eyes then looks down, grabs his axe and starts chopping at nearby trees. Uncaring. Just as I predicted.

It is then that I see a blur, it’s coming through the camp directly toward me. Or at least my slave group. I stare at it for a while wondering what it could be, it’s still pretty far away and shouldn’t be able to reach me any time soon. Still, it is kind of odd that it’s coming straight for my group. Plenty of time for it to turn away though.

Besides, everything the Hex have thrown at me I’ve been able to kill, what’s another monster? Unless it’s the Hexleader or a squad of Trolls I’m pretty confident that I’ll be able to fight it.

I continue walking with the slave group, letting the itch guide me. It is coming stronger now, I’m still able to resist it but it’s getting harder. The blur is still coming toward me though, and me it.

Makes me wonder how good an idea it is to keep moving toward it, it could be coming for my group, then again, it might not be.

Whatever the case I’ll still stay with the slave group. It shouldn’t be coming toward me, the blur that is, I haven’t felt anything attacking my mind so I should be hidden.

I shrug, the blur is still far away.

The slave group marches back slowly toward the camp, all of them plodding along with a sense of resignation. Resignation born from the understanding that as soon as they get back to camp some of them will die. Their very soul sucked from their body.


I look at a couple of the slaves and am once again struck by the resemblance that this entire thing bears to the Pits. Admirable really, the Pits was well run, but this looked even better.

I turn around to see if the blur has changed direction yet, and i'm smashed right off my feet. The tackle is so powerful that I can feel my hide crack, the thing takes me down and lands on top of me, pinning me.

After that, it tries to rip my throat out with its claws.

I struggle, squirm, but it just adjusts its position. Luckily my hide is still holding out but it’s getting ripped to shreds, usually, only maces and hammers can do something like that. I struggle harder, still, no matter how hard I try I can’t get up.

I feel something take over then, not an outside influence but something that boils up inside of me. All of sudden I know what to do. I grab the thing around the waist, pull it down--ignoring the teeth that clamp around my neck—trap or try to trap one of its legs, this where things go a bit awry, the thing has something like five legs! I automatically compensate and trap one of its main legs.

I take my arm out from under it and hook it over the bastard's arm. I proceed to drive my foot down, thrust my hips up, swing my arm…. and... flip it over.

I get it off of me but the thing has done way more damage to me then I have to it. My hide cracked and my neck is bleeding from its jaws.

I grab it, throw it as far as I can, then I start running. Hopefully, me throwing it would give me enough of a head start to find somewhere to hole up. It was much faster than me, that was for sure, but I feel like I can probably sprint fast enough that I would be able to find a place to make a stand.


I hear it yowl, and I start sprinting the only direction I can… Up. Killing the Hex and her guard was one thing but this was something else entirely. This was a true predator, something that could fight against me… and win.

I sprint and sprint, wondering how the thing could be so fast. Sure it has four legs but still!

I find myself running blindly. I reach the top of the hill and look down, seeing the thing has only just starting to get up. It looks around and growls, sniffing the air, before looking straight at me.

I start to run once more, sprinting for all I’m worth, then, panicking, I look around. I’m on a cliff face, the forest to my side and on my other is the predator fast approaching.

It slows when I do though, it knows I’m trapped. It knows I have nowhere to go. I roar at it, but it doesn’t seem to care. It knows that it can beat me.

The cracks in my hide and the blood that seeps out of them is proof enough of that. The only thing that have I managed to do is throw it off me. Not exactly an amazing accomplishment.

I go over my options. If I wait here then it would shred me, all that would be left would be pieces of my hide. If I ran into the forest I would also die, it would be in its element, able to attack me at leisure while slowly running me down.

That left the cliff. I had survived long falls before, never before though have I tried jumping off something as high as a cliff, maybe if I dug my claws into the dirt as I fell? Dug my claws into the sides and hope that that slows me down long enough to survive?

Whatever the case, it was now or never. The thing is coming toward me, growling, and looks like it will attack at any moment. I roar at it, showing that I wasn’t afraid before I, looking down at the dark abyss, prepare to jump.

The thing, seeing my muscles bunch up explodes into action, coming at me fast as lightning.

I smile and take a breathe, preparing. The thing yowls, but right as I’m about to jump before a strange idea assaults me. The thing has almost reached me, and I roar, then, I reach out, something inside of me guiding my hands, and grab the thing mid-jump.

I step off the side, taking it with me.

[Troll Martial Arts level up x5]

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