《Plyxmad Romantic Poems》•|• {ERONX OF LOVE}



Sometimes I sit and marvel all night long...

Where love originated from?

Was it encoded in our genes,

Or imprinted in our brains!!

We can't tell the precise moments when it is

Form; Neither intrude the ways it runs!


Above all, love is just love.

It's nothing more than concern and trust

Perfected. What dwells in the mind is never contradicted!! But if this seems to be wrong and upon me prove,

Then loves, what is your own view.

Are you realistic, are you romantic

Or both a little bit...


Remember that it is a luxury..

It' is a basic human need like air and water—

Love is an everlasting meal..


Of course pretty Guinevere would always lull Arthur asleep for Heaven sake.

But that alone doesn't worth the handle of a rake. A lover won't allow spouse reprove her thought as faults and lies,

But would rather make him think her as good and wise...


Honestly, love has no clarity!!

Though it may be cold as ice and hot like fire-

The eyes and body reap not as our heart desires.


Finally, love is ecstasy and torment-

Freedom and slavery;

Yet a heart whose love is quite innocent!!

Thanks for reading. Hope you con't......

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