《Plyxmad Romantic Poems》•||• {HONEX O MOON}



Honex° O Moon; up up de°ski°

Tha° seems so bright in de lonely night

Shine-less during days , shiny at night


Honex O Moon; provide light

Tha colored with pale yellows

Distant de Earth, slowly tha rows


Up up here; Honex O Moon

Tha biggest constellation appears

Amen Oh WALA° give tha care

Thunder and lightning are tha most fear


Heaveny's body; Honex O Moon

All can dream to see tha every places

Hovering de universe. I instate°

Let us of new grace give WALA praises

Honex O Moon; seize de ski......


• "de" means " the"

• "ski : as sky

• " tha means "she or her"

• " WALA"is an African dialect name for God.

• Here, "instate"stands for proclaim.

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