
To everybody around him Perseus Riddle was like the sea, sometimes eerily calm, other times hiding great depths that have yet to be explored.

His fellow Slytherins were all with no doubt careful around the young teen. They were cautious of the rumors surrounding his strange powers over water, of the rumors surrounding who his father really is.

Rumors? Some would scoff, they aren't rumors. His father really is the dark lord himself Lord Voldemort.

The older students were careful to give him his space and to pay him respect, the younger ones stared at him with fear and awe.

Others were wary of him, wary of the cold elegance he held himself with and the hidden calculated intelligence behind his eyes.

To the rest of the Hogwarts population he was merely another student, another Slytherin who probably got a silver spoon up his ass and who will do anything and everything he could to get to the top. They were envious of his wealth and of his good looks. Girls and boys alike can't help but stare at his tall, athletic figure and of his regal features and striking sea green eyes (Merlin those eyes).

It simply wasn't enough for the gods above to make Riddle rich and handsome but he also had to be smart and clever with a sharp wit and a sarcastic streak bigger then fucking Hogwarts. He was top in every class he was in, can speak, write and understand Greek and Latin, and it was no secret that almost every professor in Hogwarts loved him as a student. Also, the fucker was charming as Satan himself and I swear to God if he smirks like that one more time...

But enough about that.

Now where was I? Ah right, Perseus Riddle was also popular among the other houses save for Gryffindor of course (the fact that he was a Slytherin was enough for most of them to dislike him and to add insult to the injury Percy was the seeker who always beat theirs). The Ravenclaws enjoyed his dry humor and bantering, they liked that his ideas were creative and out of the box and how he was active in group discussions during the study sessions that he would often participate in. Riddle was firm with his beliefs and opinions but was still open minded, the Ravenclaws he studies with enjoy the thoughtful debates and discussions that the other boy was able to bring to the table.


Although the Slytherin rarely interacts with the Hufflepuffs he could respect that many of them were hardworking and were loyal to their house and friends. Percy just didn't like how some were far too nice for their own good and way too naive, it was the reason why most of the other Slytherins thought that they were push overs. In return, the Hufflepuffs liked his charms and work ethic but didn't like how cruel he can be with his words when pushed.

At another corner of the world, in a camp somewhere in long island Manhattan, they wonder about the strange and powerful boy they know as Percy. The children of the gods and goddesses hadn't known what to expect when they heard rumors of a child of one of the big three. They certainly hadn't expected the British accent, the strange magics and the charming smiles hiding razor sharp words. Many were taken aback by the boy's skillful control of his strengths and powers, how had he learned to control the water so masterfully without ever having gone to camp before? How is he naturally so good in sword fighting? What the Hades is a wizard?!?!

Wherever he ends up in Percy will always strive for the best of himself, will always work hard to reach the standards pureblood society and his father have set up for him. Anything short of perfection was unacceptable, he won't stop until he was satisfied.

But the young teen was a Slytherin after all, he will find ways to achieve his goals even if it takes him everything he is.

And he will succeed.

He always does.

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