《Dark Percy One Shots *NOT ACCEPTING NEW REQUESTS AT THE MOMENT*》The Letters (Percabeth)


It started after summer break ended and the group was back for their second year.

Once in awhile, during breakfast when the letters and parcels would come, a great horned owl with the strangest gray eyes would fly across the long Slytherin table and land on the shoulders of one Perseus Riddle. The young teen would stop his eating and calmly take the letter tied to the owl's outstreched leg. As he slipped said letter into his bag, Percy would take bits of his bacon and offer it to the owl still waiting who would nip his ear affectionately before taking off with the food. Daphne, Blaise, Theo, and Pansy (Crabbe and Goyle was too busy shoving food down their throats) all would take note of the unknown owl but otherwise paid no heed to it.

None of them saw the small smile tugging at the corner of Percy's mouth every time this happened.

Draco on the other hand knew of the other boy's true heritage, he knew that somewhere in the United States of America there was a camp filled with the children of gods and goddesses (took awhile for him to even process that sentence) so when he saw the same owl usually native to the US swoop down with a letter week after week the Blonde one day turned to his friend and raised a slight eyebrow "is this letter perhaps from a certain girl from a certain camp?" Draco teased quietly with a smirk, making sure no one can hear their conversation.

Calmly sipping the last of his orange juice Percy had merely winked and gathered his stuff to leave "I'm heading to the library to find a book on the medical uses of charms, I'll catch up with you all in class" shooting a final glance to Draco the boy made his way out the great hall.


The son of Poseidon knew that Malfoy was never going to stop teasing him for this.

And so it went on, week after week- when a letter came from the strange gray eyed owl Draco would smirk, lean close to the other boy and murmur words that would either get him an eye roll, a lazy retort or on particularly interesting days a subtle hex that would leave him itchy in all the wrong places.

"Is that your girlfriend Riddle?"

"What? Jealous that I have friends outside of school?"

"Ever talk about me with her Percy?"

"Yes, I tell her what a fucking prat you are"

"How is your girlfriend doing Riddle?"

"She's doing well, unlike you if you don't shut up and let me eat my breakfast in peace"

And on and on it went for the rest of the year.

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