
Theirs was an... interesting relationship.

The boy with the jet black hair and turbulent sea green eyes and his counter part, the platinum blonde with his icy gray gaze.

A leader with his right hand man.

A captain and his lieutenant.

The Dark Lord's son and his most trusted ally (friend).

The house of snakes in particular were careful around this duo, you do not want Riddle and Malfoy to be your enemies. Alone, they were powerful enough as it is with their cunning, connections and family riches.

But together? You would be lucky to even have a reputation left to hold on to.

Riddle was observant, he had a calculating air about him that would make the bravest of Gryffindors terrified and the cleverest of Ravenclaws wary. He was incredibly charismatic, with his blunt humor and sarcastic and witty retorts he was popular with almost all the students. At his side in this social pyramid Malfoy was always there, ever supportive and never wavering in his loyalty. Unlike Percy however, Draco was always thought of as a bully. Never hiding away mean words and cruel smirks, always ready with a vicious insult (especially for Potter and his friends) that have made first years cry.

They balanced each other out, each bringing out a trait -whether they were bad ones or good ones remains to be seen- from the other that make their partnership something to behold. Riddle was mysterious, unpredictable and stormy like the most turbulent of seas. Malfoy was cold, as cold as the biting winters and facing them together was like dipping into the most iciest of waters in the Arctic.

There were whispers in the house of Slytherins, warnings to those who do not know better.

Don't go looking for trouble from those two, they murmur in low voices, they're some of the most dangerous people here.

The ice prince and the son of seas.

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