《Everything Im Insecure About (SouDam)》8



Kazuichi shoved Gundham off of him and glared, "...and don't hug me... It makes me uncomfortable"

"... Ah! I apologize! I didn't know!"


Kazuichi just grinned, "alright, then... Let's go"


Everything Gundhams doing is making Kazuichi uncomfortable...

That's all hes good at...

Kazuichi just walked out the room...

"Kazuichi, Uhm.. I command you to halt this instant, I need to inform you on something...

"Hurry up, schools about to start..."


Tanaka shook his head, "never mind..."

"Oh, Okay"

Souda walked out the room and headed for the living room.

"... Gundham, come on! I don't want to wait for you just so I could end up late!"

"Mhm! Coming!"

Gundham speed walked towards the door and opened it for Kazuichi.


... He didn't even say thank you?



Gundham closed the door and they made their way to school.

-school building-

"Hey Fuyuhiko!" Kazuichi shouted with a wide smile, "sorry about yesterday, I don't really remember what I did, but I guess I got drunk" He chuckled.

"Nah, it's fine..."

Souda turned to Tanaka and smiled, "like my new outfit? Gundham got it for me"

"...eh... It's okay? I guess...."

Kazuichi just laughed, "Anyways, Cmon Gundham!" He grabbed his hand and pulled him into the classroom, making the others face turn a bright red...

"Kazuichis hands are warm... Its-... Soothing..."

-homeroom -

"Hey! Also, forgot to say, Yesterday was fun! We should go out more" Kazuichi smirked, letting go of Gundhams hand quickly.


Tanaka turned to Souda with a frown, "..."

"Sorry dude ehe! I know you wanna hold my hand a bit longer, but Miss Sonia'll think we're dating!" He joked, punching Tanakas shoulder.



"Mhm..." Gundham nodded his head and slowly touched his shoulder, "...He...Still has his eyes on the dark queen... What a shame..."

Tanaka took a seat and continued to view the beauty of Kazuichi.

The others hair flew as his eyes reflected off the sun...

"The dark queen seems to rather have much luck...'

That is until it hit him...

Kazuichi is looking directly at him...

And not only that, but he accidentally said that out loud.

"Gundham? You good?" Kazuichi chuckled.


"Ah! Yes, i-im fine!" Gundham blushed, hiding in his scarf, "yeah... Okay... Uhm... Wanna like, hang out after school? Me and Fuyuhiko were planning on going to the beach, since you kno-"

"Of course, I will never decline a friendly gesture from you Kazuichi" Tanaka interrupted him, looking at the window, "oh! Cool! Uhm... Me and Fuyu'll pick you up? Is that good?"

"Mhm, just... Not too late..."

"Mhm, I already know..." Souda smiled, messing with the hoodie strings, "... This hoodie smells like you... You know?" He murmured, stuffing his face in it.

"... D-dont say such odd things..." Gundham blushed even more, placinf his head down on the desk, "... It flusteres me..."

"Oh! Didn't think you blush easily!" Kazuichi laughed, "its kinda cute"


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