《Those Who Love Us... (Sequel to Best Served Cold)》In The Flesh


I stared at the man in front of me, Alan Bloomgate, registering the question he just asked me.

It took every fiber of my being to gather the courage to say what I'm about to say.

"Hello, Mr. Bloomgate. I'm here for a very serious matter." I sat down in hopes of calming down my nerves.

Alan raised an eyebrow. "Well, that is typically why people come here. I hope it's not a favor like getting your brother out last time."

"That wasn't a favor. That was your duty."

"Ah right, you're not the first to say that today. What's happening?"

"I think...I think I found out what actually happened three months ago. When my friend Hannah was found."

"I'm sorry, come again?" He asked.

"There were more things that we didn't discover. Someone actually tricked us into thinking this. Someone....who's actually very close to me..." I looked down in sadness.

"You don't mean... Matthew, do you?"

I looked up abruptly. "What? How did you know I thought it was him?"

"Well, he would be in the best position to pull it off. Would he not?"

"Yeah...He would."

We both stayed silent for a few seconds. Alan looked contemplative before asking again.

"And what made you come to that conclusion?"

I pulled out my phone immediately. It's a good thing I took screenshots of the evidence so I don't give away Jake's involvement. Here I go...

I handed my phone to him and watched carefully as he observed the evidence, the urgency on his face becoming more apparent.

"Ms. Hawkins, how on earth did you find these?"

The question I dreaded the most.

"Actually, I have a friend who looked into it and found this conversation between Matthew and Ri-...the kidnapper. They couldn't come so I'm here instead."


Alan stroked his chin. "Intriguing...So where is Mr. Anderson now?"

"He actually came by to stay with me for a few days yesterday but left today in the morning because he forgot his laptop. He's coming back tomorrow." As the meaning of what I'm saying hits me, I feel myself about to cry again but I held it in for now.

Alan got up from his chair and stood next to me. "Ms. Hawkins, I sympathize with what you're going through. I know how soul crushing it must've been to find this out after all this time, so I will make sure that Matthew never hurts anyone again. Okay?"

I must've looked so heartbroken in that moment, but I stood up and nodded my head. "Thank you, Mr. Bloomgate. I will inform you as soon as he's back in town. Farewell."

I left the police station after that.

I didn't know whether to be relieved or saddened. Either way, I had to tell Jake now.

I went to the police station.

Alright, Jessica. Are you ready to meet up?

I'm on my way.

The place really was isolate and quiet. It kinda freaked me out but we had no choice in the matter.

I couldn't believe I was actually about to see Jake in the flesh.

I parked and got out of my car in a road then texted him again. He replied that he's on his way.

A few minutes go by and I'm still alone...Where is he?

"Hello, Jessica."

I turned and saw him. He was pale, with dark hair and black eyes, and he wore a black hoodie as well. I wanna say he's cute, but nobody compares to my Matthew.


"It is very odd to see you in person."


"Trust me, I feel the same way."

We both sat on the hood of my car as we continued the conversation.

"So Alan believed you?"

"Yes. I told him I would tell him when Matt's back as so that..."

Jake sighed. "I know, it is very soul crushing for me too. I trusted Matthew more than anyone else and to think he used me..."

"He used all of us. He deserves to be jailed, but..."

Jake turned back to me. "Yes?"

"I still love him. I really do..." I finally let out the tears I was holding in in front of Alan. "Jake...I don't know how I'll go on knowing what he did..."

Jake didn't say anything. He just took me in his arms. "Jessy, it will all be fine. If it's not fine, it's not the end." I found the words comforting.

After calming down considerably, I was wondering about one more thing. "What will you do when this is over?"

"I have to go back into hiding, Jessy."

"So does this mean I won't see you again?"

"Trust me, that would be best for you. You have other friends you can lean on. Much better than me. But I will still be here for you when you need me, to the very end."

After our conversation ended, we said goodbye and he disappeared behind trees. I drove back home to get some rest.


I woke up the next day after a dreamless night. Immediately hearing someone downstairs, I knew who.

Matt saw me coming and immediately ran up to hug me. "Hey! I missed you, sweetie!"

"I missed you too. Did you get your laptop?"

"Sure did! Right there." He pointed to it on the table.

"Good to have you back." I smiled at him, or at least tried to.

Matt looked happy, but suddenly he looked nervous. "Hey Jessy...Can I be honest with you?"

What? No. He's not doing that now? Is he?

"W-what's wrong? You look scared."

Matt looked around some more, then back at me.

"I think there's been a murder in Duskwood."

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