《Those Who Love Us... (Sequel to Best Served Cold)》Maybe We Need Backup


Yeah, a few minutes ago. I double checked just in case too

How far is his hometown?

Well...he actually takes almost a whole day to come here. There's a good chance he'll be returning tomorrow

I see.

Jake... You're not thinking about doing it now, are you?

I am, Jessy. It's a good opportunity. We might not get it again.

Are you absolutely sure we can do that safely?

Yes. I will just direct you to somewhere desolate where we won't be disturbed nor found out.

When do you plan on doing that?

Are you busy right now?

No, I am not

Alright. I will get myself ready then send you the coordinates in a bit. Stay put until then.

Okay, Jake

And he went offline.

After that, I just sat alone with my thoughts. I felt like crying again. All of this means that the person I love hurt me and all of my friends and lied about it, and the future I hoped to have with him is gone forever.

But a tiny voice is telling me, he actually loves me after all. Every kiss we shared in these three months felt genuine, every "I love you" he said, every favor he did for me. Our love is real but it can't carry on.

Somehow that hurts me even more.

I told myself then that I should focus on finding a way to help us do this. If we corner Matthew somewhere, we'll need to get the police there as soon as possible.

...I know this is the part that Jake is gonna hate hearing.

If I go to the police, I will have to show them evidence of our findings on Matthew, and I can't really do that without mentioning Jake....

But we have no choice. I'll bring it up to Jake when he gets back to me.


I barely finished the thought when I heard the message sound. It was Jake, sending me the info I needed to meet up with him. From the map, it looked like it wasn't far from the infamous darehouse. Another painful reminder of Richy.

I'm expecting to see you soon, Jessica. Please hurry.

I will, but Jake...first I wanna run something by you. It's very serious

I was thinking about our plans coming to fruition, and I thought we need to do the one thing that could stop Matt for good: talk to the cops for help.

Jake started typing, then erasing, then stopped.

I know what you're gonna say, I understand. But...well, you know. I'll talk to them myself. It's the only way

I will. Thank you, Jake


"Well, if it isn't Ms. Hawkins, how may I help you?"

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