《Those Who Love Us... (Sequel to Best Served Cold)》Bad News


I stood there in shock for a good minute. Matt did not say anything else, he was probably waiting for me to recover so he can continue.

"What? Where did you hear this and when?!"

He looked at me apprehensively and answered. "Okay, you have to not tell anyone, okay? As I was coming back this morning, I happened to pass by two cops, probably out on early patrol. I heard them talk about a body being found in the forest but no information has been released yet. Duskwood's finest is probably doing a redo of Amy's finding."

Jessy started panicking inwardly. No, no, no! This can't be happening again! Everyone is going to bite their nails until the circumstances of the murder are uncovered, but how long would that take, knowing Duskwood?

Matthew spoke again, breaking Jessy out of her trance. "It's best if we stay put for a while. Come on, let's go relax for now." After a sigh, Jessy reluctantly followed. But then, Matthew changed the direction he was going to upstairs.

"I have to do something. I'll be right back. Oh, and here's some water on the table if you need it." He pointed to the glass on the table and disappeared upstairs.


"So what do we have so far?"

"The victim was a female in her thirties. Married with no kids, and we're still investigating to know more from people who knew here, sir."

"Very well. Inform me as soon as you have something new."

"Yes, sir."

Alan watched the officer leave and then he stood and looked out his office window. Another murder in Duskwood. Victim was found in the forest just like the first time, but something was off. The police chief pulled out his phone and made a call.


"Hello? Yes, this is me. I must inform you that your suspicions might not have been that inaccurate. We are looking further into the matter but I will awaiting your call. My men will be with you as soon as possible. Alright, goodbye."


After turning on the TV earlier, Jessy noticed that Matthew stayed up longer than she anticipated. "What on earth could he be doing now?" But she quickly forgot that question when she heard something on the TV.

"Tragedy strikes in Duskwood once again as a body is found in the woods. Police are yet to release information so all we can do now is wait..."

This made her remember something important.


The redhead grabbed her phone to text the hacker, hoping he wouldn't take long answering.

Jake? Please answer me. There's something important we have to talk about

A body has been found in the woods

Yes! I just remembered because they mentioned it on the TV. Matthew told me that we need to stay inside so that's what we're doing.

What? Why? What are you talking about?

Jessy felt tired from all of what's been happening. "I need some water." Thankfully that had already been set up from her thoughtful special someone.

Jessy reached for the glass, drank from it and stood up. She had to think of something to lie about so she can leave...


"Why...why am I feeling so tired all of a sudden? I didn't do anything yet...What..."

A loud thud was heard as the girl fell down unconscious.

The sound of footsteps came closer, a pair of arms rested her on the couch.

And a hand reached for her phone and typed back while hiding a sinister smile.

I'm on my way, Jake

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