《Klaroline: Capable of Love》Chapter 29


Bonnie's POV

I say, "Kol, that is so not how you make spaghetti."

He smiles at me and says, "Well darling, I have been around a lot longer than you, so I think I know how to cook..."

He suddenly stops talking and I ask him, "Kol, what happened?"

He says, "Nik and Caroline are home and it doesn't sound good."

I feel a breeze fly past me and ask, "What was that?"

He says, "Nik was getting Caroline a blood bag, if I heard correctly, she had a run in with Marcel of some sort."

I run into the living room and head for the stairs, if Caroline did run in with Marcel, I should probably be there for her. Then another something whooshes past me and I turn and see Caroline at the door, it looks like she was trying to get out, but Kol is in her way.

He says, "I heard your conversation and Klaus would be very upset with me if I let you get away."

I ask them both, "What is going on?"

Kol says, "You can voluntarily stay or I will snap your neck like you did Klaus."

Caroline says, "Please I just want to turn myself over, innocent lives are being lost!"

I ask, "What?"

The continue to ignore me and Kol says, "Caroline, darling, we don't want you to hand yourself over to Marcel."


I hear a voice behind me say, "I believe I could fill you in witch."

I whip around and see Klaus. I hear a snap and see Caroline on the floor, unconscious, with Klaus standing over her frowning.

"But first, I need you to do a locator spell."


Klaus's POV

She asks, "For who?"

I say, "Marcel, I am going to find him, and I am going to kill him and everybody he has ever met."

She says, "Tell me what happened to Caroline."

I sigh and say, "As far as I know, Marcel is killing innocent people until Caroline turns herself into him."


I say, "Yes, so I want to find him and kill him."

Now she sighs and says, "I would need something of his."

"Easy", Kol says, "I have a special compass he had when he was a kid."

Kol leaves the room and comes back with an old compass I remember young Marcellus holding in his hand all of the time. Apparently his grandmother gave it to him before she died.

The witch does the locator spell and we decide to make a plan. Bonnie will stay here to make sure that Caroline won't leave. Rebekah will try to be a distraction to Marcel as Kol, Elijah, and I kill his vampires and anyone who gets in our way. Elijah says that he wants to send a message, no hurts our family and gets away with it.

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