《Klaroline: Capable of Love》Chapter 30


Rebekah's POV

"Nik", I sigh, "you can't kill everybody, just the inner circle, then Marcel."

He huffs and says, "Rebekah, dear sister, all I ask of you is to distract Marcel at the bar, then lure him outside once we have killed his inner circle so that I can torture information out of him. So please, do not criticize my plan."

Elijah says, "I agree with Rebekah, we spare as many as possible, but if they come at us or get in our way, we kill them."

Nik smiles and says, "Fine by me, brother."

Kol walks in and says, "Let's go kill some day-walkers."

Elijah turns to me and says, "We will text you when you can snap Marcel's neck and bring him here. Until then, stall him long enough for us to kill his inner circle."

I say, "Fine, but if it takes longer then an hour I will probably snap my own neck."

The three of them chuckle and I say, "Let's just get this over with."

Bonnie's POV

Caroline and I wish the Mikaelsons good luck. We sit on the couch and I say, "I feel so useless."

Caroline says, "Me too."

I ask her, "What do you think happened with Silas? Do you think he went back to Mystic Falls?"

She smiles and says, "How about we ask Elena?"

I ask, "Like call her?"

"No, lets Skype her."

"Okay.", I say smiling. It seems like it has been a while since I have talked to Elena. I love spending time with Caroline, but I wish I could be with both of them. I mean, they are vampires, and they are going to be around forever. I, on the other hand, am a witch and I don't want to become a vampire. I love my friends, but if I became a vampire I would lose my powers and would be what witches are supposed to hate since vampires upset the balance. I just want to cherish the time I have with them now. I am going to get older and they aren't, sometimes I wish that our lives were normal, but then I remember that if they were normal, things wouldn't be the same.


I am snapped out of my thoughts by Caroline telling me she has started the call with Elena. I see Elena's face on Caroline's laptop and say, "Hi."

Elena says, "Bonnie, I so wish that I was there right now."

I say, "I wish you were here too."

Caroline says, "Me too. So has Silas made an appearance?"

She says, "No, we haven't seen him in a while. How are things in New Orleans?"

I laugh and say, "Not good, both of our heads are wanted."

She looks scared and asks, "Why?"

Caroline says, "Well Bonnie did magic so now the vampire king wants her, and he also wants me to hurt Klaus. I HATE being bait."

I give a little laugh, and then Caroline giggles, all of a sudden we are all laughing hysterically. We pause, then exchange glances through the screen and laugh again.

Finally we all stop laughing and Caroline asks, "So Bonnie are you and Kol official or what?"

I feel the blush coming and say, "We had a thing, but now we are here and he is really sweet and I can't tell if it is all an act or if he is serious."

Caroline says, "You know at first, I thought Klaus only wanted me to get to Tyler, but now I have no idea what to think."

Elena says, "I never thought my best friends would have things with the most powerful creatures on the planet!"

Caroline exclaims, "We had a thing, but now it is over okay?"

Elena and I smile. I say, "Yep, sure."

Caroline says, "You know what? I am sure that Klaus is over me. I mean we slept together, what more could he want? I am sure that he has moved on to his next challenge."


I say, "Care, you have to stop thinking that people don't like you. You are always so down on yourself, and you are honestly one of the best people I know and you need to realize that you are amazing. Any guy would be extremely lucky to have you, especially Klaus."

She sighs and says, "I am going to go to bed, I'm tired."

Once she is out of the room I ask Elena, "Why does Care always think no one could actually like her for who she is?"

Elena says, "I think we need to do something to make her feel better about herself. How about when all of this is over we take a trip, just us girls, and show her how amazing she is?"

I say, "That sounds fantastic."

Elena says, "Well I better go, I have a bunch to do tomorrow, but we need to Skype more often, okay?"

I say, "Okay bye, love you Elena."

"Love you too, Bonnie."

I close Caroline's laptop and go to the kitchen to make myself a cup of hot chocolate. I start sipping it when I hear the doorbell ring. Caroline is probably already asleep so I figure I should get it. If it is a vampire, they can't come in anyways. I can easily take down any werewolf and a witch probably wouldn't hurt me.

I am overthinking this, it is probably just some girl scout trying to sell cookies. At eight at night? I decide to chance it as I head over to the door.

I open it and I am completely shocked with who I see there.

She smiles and says weakly, "Hi, Bonnie."

I regain myself and ask harshly, "What are you doing here Abby?"

A/N: I just wanted to say thanks to you guys who are reading, voting, and commenting. I never thought my story would get this much attention and you guys are amazing! I hope you guys like it, I am really trying my best to write an awesome story for all of you.

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