《Klaroline: Capable of Love》Chapter 28


Caroline's POV

"Ugh.", I sigh, "Look Klaus, I know your family has been really kind taking care of me and letting me live here and everything, but if I don't get out of here soon I will lose my mind."

He sighs and says, "Not going to risk your life just because you are bored, love."

I say, "I am going out, if you want you can follow me and keep me safe, but I am perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

"Let me grab my jacket." He leaves the room and I produce a huge smile. Where should we go? I'll just go to the bar that I have been to a few times before.

Klaus walks in the room and says, "Let's go."

We head out of the door. I grab his hand and flash us to the bar. I drop his hand and walk into the bar. We sit down at the stools and the bartender, Cami, walks up to us.

"Hey Klaus", she says, "Your usual I assume?"

He gives a stiff nod and I say, "I'll just have some bourbon." She walks away to go get our drinks. The bar is pretty much empty so Cami sits down beside Klaus once she got us our drinks.

She asks him, "Are you going to Marcel's party?"

He says, "Don't think so, why are you going?"

I down my drink at their small talk. It is obvious Cami has a huge crush on Klaus, she isn't very subtle.

"Well, I was hoping you could take me, but I guess I'll just have to go alone." I grab my jacket and walk away quietly. I don't bother in listening to the rest of their conversation. I see a girl around my age, I compel her to follow me into an alleyway. I bite into her neck, I really need to have human blood more often. The little voice in my head tells me to stop so I compel her to leave and forget me.


A girl who seems to be in her twenties, walks up to me and asks, "Are you Caroline Forbes?"

"Who wants to know?", I ask.

She repeats, "Are you Caroline Forbes?"

Then I see it, she was compelled. I feel bad for the poor girl. I say, "Yes."

She says, "Marcel will kill innocent people until you turn yourself in. When you want to turn yourself in, just go to the main entrance to the city."

I say, "He can't be serious, I am not going to turn my self in."

She says, "Then this will be the start of the killings." She pulls out a little bottle and downs its contents. She immediately falls to the ground and I flash to her. I hear her heart stopping and I try to feed her my blood, but it is no use. Whatever she drank must have been super poisonous.

I feel tears coming and I just can't stop them as I clutch her dead body. I don't even know this person's name and they are dead because of me. I must turn myself in.

Klaus's POV

"Well, I was hoping you could take me, but I guess I'll just have to go alone.", Camille says.

I say, "Cami, you and I had a thing going for a while, but I am simply not interested in humans."

"Then turn me Klaus."

I laugh and say, "I am not going to turn you. I am sorry, but I am not interested in you because I am interested in somebody else."

She leans a little closer and I lean back. Wait, I should be leaning into Caroline. I whip around and see she is not there. I listen closely and hear her crying. I flash towards the noise and see her getting up. By her feet is a dead human, although I can't see any bite marks or signs of struggle.


I ask her "Caroline, what happened?"

She cries more and says, "Marcel compelled her to kill herself since I wouldn't turn myself in. It's my fault she is dead Klaus, it's all my fault."

I grab her shoulders and pull her into a comforting hug. I shush her and tell her that it's all right. She relaxes a bit, but not much. Her crying dies down a bit and I say, "Let's get you home."

I flash her into her room onto her bed. I grab her a blood bag and a blanket. I say, "What happened?"

She sips from the blood bag and says, "Marcel is going to keep on killing innocent people until I turn myself in. I need to turn myself in, if anyone else dies because of me, I don't know what I'll do."

I say, "Sorry love, but I like you alive so I don't think you will be going anywhere soon."

She takes my head in her hands. She says, "I'm sorry Klaus." Then everything goes black.

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