《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》fifty five
The young blonde rushed around her room as she made sure she didn't forget anything she would need in New York. Meanwhile, her mother sat on her bed sniffling, not being able to bring herself to be of any help.
"Mama," Lucy sighed, sitting down beside her, "You've been like this all weekend."
"Well excuse me!" Kitty shouted indignantly, waving her arms wildly, "For having empty nest syndrome!"
Lucy furrowed her eyebrows for a moment and pursed her lips, "Mom, Eric is staying and Laurie came back home."
"It's not the same!" Kitty sniffed, reaching for another tissue, "You're my daughter, and—well, Laurie doesn't do nice mother-daughter stuff with me!"
Lucy smiled and reached into a drawer on her bedside table before smiling, "Like go through an old scrapbook the weekend before going to college?"
Kitty took one glance at the scrapbook and let out a sob before opening it and seeing the first photo of Lucy and Eric in matching outfits as infants—bonnet and all. "Exactly like that!" her mother laughed her trademark laugh when looking at her babies.
"Listen," Eric whispered lowly in the kitchen, "As we all know, Lucy is leaving tonight and uprooting her entire life to go to New York. And if I know my sister at all, she's gonna be torn up about it—like sure she's excited, but damn does she get nostalgic. So just, no one bring up the good ol' days or crap like that."
"Got it," everyone chorused and Red merely grunted while Kitty sniffed, hugging Schotzie close to her.
Kelso nodded, "Yeah, and be sure not to bring up how she missed the opportunity of a lifetime to not rebound with me!" Causing everyone to shoot him quizzical looks and Hyde and Jackie to each give him a swift punch.
Just then, Lucy pushed through the kitchen door, rubbing her eyes and looking up to see her friends and family.
"Hey," Jackie said, a sad undertone in her voice. Everyone sat on the edge of their seats as they waited for the girl to freak out about leaving.
But her eyes widened with excitement and she shot her arms up in the air before shouting, "It's my last morning before going to college!"
Everyone looked at Eric out of the corner of their eye and smiled warmly at his twin. "Luce, aren't you going to miss all our adventures?" He asked warily.
The blonde caught her toast as It popped up from the toaster, "What adventures?" she furrowed her eyebrows together as she took a bite.
"Wh—" Eric scoffed, "What adventures?" his voice went up a pitch.
Everyone sat at the table quietly and Lucy squinted at them, "What the heck is up with you guys?" They continued to look at her forlornly, "Oh knock it off! It's not like I'm dying!" Jackie, Fez and Kelso batted their eyelashes at the girl before she put her coffee mug down and sighed, "Fine! We'll go do stuff today! Let me get ready."
The gang sat in the Vista Cruiser, parked outside the lake, "We are not going skinny dipping again!" Jackie screeched.
"Calm down," Donna laughed, slinging her arm around the two girls' shoulders. "Eric here wants to take a trip down Memory Lane."
"Have they filled in the potholes there?" Fez asked curiously.
Eric gestured grandly to the lake, "Oh look here! This! Was the first of many of our adventures!"
The blonde shrugged, "I just remember having to drive back to Hyde's place with all of us naked."
"Well, more than that happened!" Kelso laughed goofily, "I mean, I saw you naked."
"Kelso!" All the girls shouted, Lucy smacking him upside the head.
The brunette clutched the back of his head, "Damn, I'm sorry, it's just, I thought we could look once you turned around!"
"We said you can't look once we turned around!" Lucy rolled her eyes. "Okay, either way, not a terrible day, still gave us some laughs and stuff I guess."
"Hey!" Donna pointed, "They added a rope to swing on!"
The teens all looked at one another before the all darted over to the conglomeration of rocks. The boys quickly took off their shirts and jeans—luckily Fez no longer wore whitey-tighties. The girls took off their shirts and stayed in their shorts and bras.
Kelso swung off first, after accidentally stepping too far back while talking to the gang—he took a moment to resurface and the girls had to hold Fez back so he wouldn't jump in and accidentally jump on top of him. The boy resurfaced, shaking his hair away from his face and giving a thumbs up, "That was awesome!"
Donna took a running start and grabbed the rope before swinging in. And Fez did a graceful dive after bragging about his gymnast abilities and Lucy daring him to show them.
Lucy stood next in line, still laughing in awe at Fez's dive. She turned around and looked at the three behind her. Her eyes widened and she made a gesture and said "After you," to Eric who was doing his best to hide his laughs.
"Ladies first Luce," Eric shrugged.
The blonde frowned and muttered "You suck."
Jackie giggled and shook her head, "Go on Lu," she reached out for the rope and put it in Lucy's grasp. "Just go."
When the girl hesitated and looked down, Hyde scoffed, "You're not actually scared are you? You go up the water tower all the time!"
"Yeah! But—" Lucy stuttered, "But I never go up the water tower and have to worry about falling! That's up to Kelso! Listen guys, just give me a second and I'll go, I just ne—" the blonde was cut off right as she was looking down the rocks, gauging how high up they must be—she hadn't remembered it being that high, when Hyde shoved her shoulders and sent her flying.
Lucy came up from the water, sputtering and pushing her hair away from her eyes, "You absolute asshole Steven Hyde!"
Meanwhile, up top, the three couldn't contain their hollers of laughter at the girl's reaction. The boys were doubled over and Jackie was doing her best to not laugh. And as soon as they composed themselves after Lucy's whining from below they all jumped in one after the other.
They spent the better part of the afternoon there, going to The Hub for lunch and then Eric wracked his brain to think of other stops along Memory Lane. Leading them to the basement in a circle.
"I just, I can't believe there's nowhere else for us to visit," Eric scoffed.
Lucy coughed and grabbed the M&M's from the center of the table, "When I move to New York I'll bring you guys and we'll go around and make actually enjoyable memories. And after this wears off, I have to like say something to you guys, before you know, I go to New York. I like the way that sounds. New York, Ye-ork!" she shouted loudly.
Jackie frowned, "You know, if my dad wasn't in jail, and my mom was—not wherever she is—I would force them to move to New York, I can't stand it here anyways."
Kelso looked at the two wide-eyed, "Now kiss!" He cheered before Lucy pelted him with M&M's.
Donna rolled her eyes, "I'm so proud of you for going and not being locked down by a scrawny man and giving up your future for him—oh, um, except you honey," she smiled sweetly at Eric who darted his eyes between his twin and his fiancé.
Hyde shook his head and rolled his eyes, "Listen here Lucy, cities are constantly controlled by the government, they use them to get a large population together—because they know that people hate people. People are never going to riot against the government because the government makes them riot against eachother!"
The girl sat with her chin in her hands and nodded intently, "That actually makes a shit ton of sense. And I'm so frustrated that it makes sense."
"Frustrated? Sexually? When does the kissing start?" Fez asked, shoveling M&M's into his mouth.
The teens sat in the basement as the smoke slowly dissipated and they watched Scooby Doo reruns per request of Lucy. At commercial Lucy jumped up suddenly, "All right," she clapped, "Kelso, can you come with me?"
Kelso shot up with a wide grin and nodded, "After you," he said as she grabbed his hand and walked out the back door. The boy turning around to whisper, "We're so gonna do it!"
"Kelso, I'll kick you to make sure you can't get another girl pregnant!" Lucy's voice was heard as she pulled him through the door.
Once outside Lucy smiled at the boy and he looked at her bewildered, "Well since you say you don't want to do it, and we're out here in the daylight what is it?"
"Well," Lucy shrugged, "I want to say goodbye to everyone. Mom's gonna be such a mess, so goodbyes would make it worse. And, I wanted to start with you—besides Eric, and before Donna moved in six months later, you were the first kid I met and actually liked. So, I wanted to thank you for that. And, I brought you out here because that—" she pointed to the garage fridge, "Is where we snuck beers to bring to your house when Casey was watching you when we were 12. And that—" she pointed to the driveway, "Is where I constantly cream you in basketball. And that—" she pointed to the fence boarding the back of their house, "Is where you and I made Jackie and Hyde jealous at my dad's barbecue."
Kelso scoffed, "First off, hell yeah we made Hyde and Jackie jealous because we're hot as hell. Second off, I let you cream me in basketball."
Lucy smiled softly, "I know," she nodded. "All these things are what make you such a great friend to me. None of the other guys wanted to play one-on-one games with me because I wasn't good enough to make it fun, you're the only one that ever lets me win. And you helped me when I was upset about Hyde and didn't even realize it—and when we kissed you never even made our friendship weird afterwards. And Michael, I really hope you and Brooke work something out, because I know you're going to be such a kickass dad and I'm so sad I'm not going to be here to see it."
Kelso's eyes were becoming slightly red and his face flushed as he held back tears. "God you're such a chick Lu."
"Kelso," Lucy laughed, wiping away her own tears, "You were supposed to be an easy goodbye! Stop crying you're gonna make me cry!"
"You were supposed to be an easy goodbye! Well screw you too Lu! You didn't think you cared about me enough to cry!" He shouted, laughing slightly, "And I'm not crying! My eyes are red because of the smoke."
"Alright! Alright, come here," Lucy held out her arms and the two childhood friends hugged, "Also," she whispered, "That night, when you helped me sneak beers, I definitely had a crush on you and wanted you to kiss me."
Kelso pulled away with wide eyes and shouted, "I knew it! Oh my god!"
Lucy smiled evilly, "No one is ever going to believe you."
Kelso gasped at the realization, "Shit."
The pair walked down to the basement once more where the gang looked at the pair quizzically since Kelso had obviously been crying.
Lucy cleared her throat, "Hot Donna," the redhead looked up at her with a smirk, "If you would kindly meet me in our top secret place."
The two girls laughed as they were out of breath in the Wallace's old treehouse.
"I can't believe they still have this!" Donna laughed.
Lucy laid on her back, "Remember all the time we spent up here?" Donna hummed as she laid beside the girl, catching her breath. "Remember how this was the only place to get away from our crazy parents without having Eric know where we went? God, we were up here so much and thought we were like spies or something on the lamb up here. I'm so glad we had this space Dee."
"We made some masterplans up here," Donna nodded, smiling at the thought of it.
"Hell yeah we did. How we were gonna convince the cafeteria to serve pizza everyday. How to get our parents to increase our allowance. How to get the boys back after pranking us..." the blonde slowly trailed off. "Donna, you were like my first girl friend, and I'm so glad it was you and not anyone else, you helped me walk the balance of being a girl and surviving around all the guys," she chuckled lightly, "And you were the first person to treat me like my own person. With everyone else it was always Lucy and Eric, Lucy and Eric, but with you it was just Lucy and Foreskin."
The two friends burst out into laughter remembering the old nickname for her brother. "God I'm gonna miss you. Who am I supposed to talk to about stuff now!" Donna whined.
"There's your fiancé—"
"Can't talk to him if it's about what weird stuff he does," Donna quickly pointed out.
"There's Jackie—"
"Not the same Lucy," Donna shook her head, leaning on her elbows to look at the girl, "None of Point Place is gonna feel the same without you."
The girls walked back to the basement laughing at old memories and trying to not think of being separated. The group in the basement looked between Kelso and Donna warily before Fez shouted, "What are you doing here, woman! You make some cry and some laugh? What is your plan?"
Lucy shrugged, "Fezzie, you're next."
"I don't want to," Fez said anxiously as Kelso nodded furvantly.
"I have Twizzlers in my room," she started up the creaky wooden stairs.
"Coming!" Fez yelled, running up past her.
The pair sat in her room, Lucy's hair pulled up as they did facemasks and Fez painted her nails precisely. "I swear Fez, I should just take you with me. You're better than I am and you're cheaper than going to the salon," the blonde shook her head as she looked at her nails and the boy's work in amazement.
"You don't have to ask me twice mama, I'll come with you," Fez grinned boyishly.
Lucy laughed under her breath and plopped down on her back dramatically, Fez following her lead. Lucy scooted closer to him and rested her head on his shoulder, his arm now around her and playing with her hair gently. The pair could always cuddle—even if Fez flirted with her from time to time, physical contact was such a casual thing in his culture so he didn't overthink it too much. Whereas, obviously with Hyde it was never platonic and if she tried it with Kelso he would get horny. So the two laid there and looked up at the ceiling fan.
The blonde girl broke the silence by saying "Even though you married my sister and gave my dad a heart attack you know I still love you right Fezzie?"
Fez chuckled, "You can't resist my foreign gruffiness!"
She looked up at him slightly and rolled her eyes, "Yeah, sure Fez. Act cocky now but you know you're going to miss our quality time! Who else can you talk to about your crazy dreams or ideas!"
The boy furrowed his eyebrow and thought to himself for a moment, pouting, "Yeah, that's it, I'm going with you."
"Fez!" Lucy giggled as he pulled her closer, wrapping his arms around her entirely. "You know, out of all the girls you could've married, I definitely thought I was on the top of that list," she teased with lips pulled up in a smirk.
"You were," Fez laughed, "But I knew that would never work. You're still way too in love with Hyde to go for me."
"Who says I'm still in love with him?" Lucy scoffed, pulling herself up and grabbing the bag of Twizzlers at the edge of her bed, tossing one to Fez.
"Uh, it's written all over your face sweetheart," he said in a duh tone. "Plus I was talking to Laurie and she kinda maybe let it slip."
"Oh that bitch!" Lucy squealed, rocking back as she laughed, "Mom always said she had loose lips. And to uh, set the record straight, I don't know if I'm still in love with him. I just know I could never hate him. But, uh, how are things with Kelso?"
Fez sighed and took a bite of the Twizzler, "Fine, he's been weird since the whole—damn dream and newspaper incident."
Lucy hummed, "Um, so, do you like him?"
The boy shrugged nonchalantly, "Maybe not Kelso but like, yesterday I was watching I Dream of Jeannie, and I realized I thought both Jeannie and the Major were attractive! So I'm thinking I appreciate Kelso's—physique."
"Strictly aesthetically?" Lucy asked with raised eyebrows.
"Strictly aesthetically," Fez nodded.
The blonde sighed, "Thank God, Fez I don't give two-shits who you like. But I couldn't handle it if more people in the Circle dated."
"Damn, who the hell am I supposed to talk to about this stuff now! You're right, I am going to be hopeless without you!" Fez whined.
Lucy smiled softly at the boy across the bed from her, "Fez, honey, you're hopeless already."
The pair bounced down the staircase as they giggled softly, Fez shoving her when she muttered under her breath, "Hey, remember Buddy Morgan?"
At the foot of the stairs stood Jackie, tapping her foot with her arms crossed. "Lucy, I'm gone for five minutes to fix my hair since this basement is so humid and I find out you say goodbye or whatever to Fez before me?"
Standing on the first step Lucy chuckled, her hands on the brunette girl's shoulders she shook her slightly, "Jacqueline, calm down, Miss Sunshine. Let's go on a walk."
The pair walked for a bit, stopping at The Hub to grab a soda and a burger, before continuing to walk and finally settling at a bench outside the highschool.
The older kicked a rock before muttering, "I hate this place."
"I can't believe you guys are all leaving me," the brunette pouted before taking a sip of her soda.
"You'll still be able to hang out with them all the time," Lucy chuckled.
"Yeah but," Jackie started, "I mean maybe not. You know the others never really liked me."
"Jackie, that was years ago! I didn't even know if I liked you then!" Lucy rolled her eyes.
The brunette sighed, "But like, so it used to be I hung out with you guys because I was going out with Kelso. And then, after we broke up, it was to like, even the ratio and because you, Donna, and I hung out. But lately, I haven't been seeing Donna as often, and she's going to be so busy planning the wedding and junior college classes. The guys don't include me in stuff, it was always you Lu, you were the one who gave me a shot and made sure I didn't feel left out."
The blonde looked to her friend with a sad look on her face as she worried for Jackie, "Jackie, it's not that the guys don't like you. It's just that—well you guys don't have a lot in common."
Jackie scoffed, "That's one way to put it."
"Damn Jackie! Even we don't have that much in common. I mean besides being cute and besides yearbook—we don't have too much in common," Jackie nodded, conceding before Lucy continued, "But here's the thing. Even though we have nothing in common, you have to be one of my favorite people ever. Remember when we used to stay up talking about how we wanted a guy to like us, and love all the crazy things about us."
Isaac Unknown: The Albatross Tales (Book 1)
Everywhere Isaac goes people die. The magician has learned to shrug in the face of death. Not foolhardy enough to laugh, nor fast enough to run, he greets its repeated appearance with blasé resignation. Whether he's collecting arcane artifacts for the mysterious agency known as Arrangement or doing a freelance demon summoning, all of his half-hearted attempts at preserving life seem to go awry. Blanketed by the shadow of his former master - a magician most believe to be a myth - Isaac just wants to do his job and keep his head low. As he encounters professional witch hunters, a failed feline familiar, angry cannibals, a possessed moonshine jug, and a competitive cabal of necromantic surgeons, Isaac finds that he's becoming very popular with the wrong kind of people. Book 1: The Albatross Tales - complete Book 2: The Furious Sons - TBA Cover by @Guinealove2005 at Instagram - Her business inquiry email is: [email protected]
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Somewhat unemotional, and cynical main character who is bored of monotony of normal days. Walking to a two graves, he slowly looked at them and said-"""How long has it been?"With silence as answer he slowly turns back and walks away."""I will visit soon again mom, dad..."""" said person with dead fish eyes, walking as sun was setting, giving red and depressing feel to the scene as he was descending the graveyard. Yeahh....dunno what to write more, don't want to spoil. Follow our main character as he will be in world not as boring as ours and live dream, all of us want.-Disclaimer: I will definitely make MC be OP. As i not just like op main characters--- I LOVE THEM!!!. I hate harems, not just hate but I DESPISE THEM!!!!... so no harem. English is not my first language so pardon my errors in story.
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Currently aiming for releases around the 14th and 28th of each month. How do you deal with waking up every night for almost a year because of a nightmare? I guess it doesn’t matter because I am certain my particular nightmare isn’t a normal one. My Uncle even tried to use magic to guard my dreams and prevent the nightmares, but nothing is working. With my 21st birthday coming up, I honestly hope I can get a good night’s sleep. Yet, I can’t help but wonder why Labyrinthia, goddess of Dreams, insists on tormenting me so. Not only that, but mom and dad have been on edge ever since uncle returned from his latest travels. I hope everything is OK out there. Surely, my recurring nightmare isn’t a bad omen or anything, right?
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Aphids, ants, beetles, and bees...Creepy crawlies of every type always fascinated Matt. After his death, instead of reuniting with his lost loved ones, Matt is reborn as a Dungeon core. Determined to make the best of the situation, Matt decides to create the Dungeon of his dreams and others’ nightmares. Welcome to the Dungeon of bugs.
8 60Silence ✔️
Zelda Harkinian is a girl with impaired hearing and has been bullied mercilessly for it her entire life. Years later, one of her former tormentors, Link Forrester, sets out to make amends, in hopes of earning her forgiveness and help with the new problems he now faces. ••The Legend of Zelda and its characters belong to Nintendo. Cover art was created by Finni Chang. If you would like your art removed, please pm me!Inspired by the Japanese animated movie "Koe No Katachi" (A Silent Voice). All writing is mine. Please do not repost my work anywhere else.Highest Rank: #1 in Zelink3rd place in the Popularity Contest under the Modern AU category for the Zelda Watty Awards 2018!Word Count: 52KPublished: January 22, 2017 11:07 PMCompleted: May 2, 2017 10:51 AM-KatyWritesStuff- ©
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Maria Cruz is your average teenage girl who's head over heels for the late King of Pop, until one day she mysteriously acquires the ability to time travel. With this new found power, Maria races against time to save Michael from his untimely death. Will she succeed? Or will she end up wrecking havoc in Michael's life instead?Note: This will be a very short story since I did intend it as one. I wrote this a long time ago. Nevertheless, I hope you all enjoy❤
8 153