《In the Sky with Diamonds » s. hyde》fifteen


Hyde, Fez, and Lucy sat in The Hub. Fez was dialing a number, Hyde was flipping through the paper and Lucy was doing homework while snacking on fries.

"Hello, House of Chicken?" Fez asked. "How big are your wings?" he laughed.

"Breasts!" Hyde corrected. Lucy rolled her eyes at the two.

"Oh! How big are your breasts?" Fez smirked. "This is Fez, who is this?" he replied. Lucy shot up from her seat and hung up the phone. "My first prank call!" Fez chuckled as he sat down. "Everynight with you two is an adventure!"

"Yeah Fez, it's a real rollercoaster," Hyde said sarcastically.

"Almost as good as living the big life in LA," Lucy scoffed.

"Are you sure you don't mind me intruding on your date?" Fez asked.

Lucy dropped her fry in shock, "We're not dating!" she said quickly.

The two boys just stared at her, "Well, we're not dating!" she yelled.

"We heard you the first time doll," Hyde said.

Lucy sunk in her seat feeling embarrassed.

Just then, a leather clad girl burst through the door. She strided over to the three's table and Lucy suddenly felt like she was being judged by the smokey eyed girl for her purple sweater and bellbottoms, even so, she sat up straighter in her seat.

"Hey you! Is there a motel in this pukehole?" the stranger asked Hyde.

"There's a Sleepy Time Lodge three pukeholes over," Hyde answered.

"Thanks. I'm Chrissy," the girl smirked.

"No one asked," Lucy said unimpressed, receiving a glare from Chrissy.

"I'm Hyde."

"Who cares?" Chrissy said coolly. "You wanna hop on my Vespa and show me where it is?"

The three leaned forward to look out the door and see a blue Vespa. Hyde looked over to Chrissy, "Mother of God, I think I love you."

"Steven!" Lucy whispered, knowing that Chrissy meant no good. Hyde just looked at her and shrugged with a smirk.

"Love is an outdated concept, used by industrialists to keep women subservient!" Chrissy explained.

"Bit extreme if you ask me, but if a woman wants to get married or doesn't shouldn't matter, so your heart's in the right place," Lucy said, Fez looked over at her and nodded in agreement.

"Mother of God, I do love you," Hyde said in awe.

Hyde got up from his seat and started walking with Chrissy outside.

Lucy pushed her seat back to follow him, "Steven!"

"Don't worry LSD, I'm a big kid," Hyde taunted. "Plus we're not on a date so it doesn't matter if I ditch right?"

It was a challenge. If she said she didn't want him to leave, even if it was to protect him from the likes of Chrissy, it would seem they were on a date. If she said she didn't care if he left, then he'd be gone and swept away by the mystery of the new girl. And Lucy hated him for challenging her.


"Right," she tucked her hair behind her ear, "I'll just stay here with Fezzie," she smiled.

"Fine, don't wait up then," Hyde said casually.

"Wasn't planning on it," she said annoyed.

The door slammed shut and Lucy huffed as she spun around towards the table. She sat down, biting her lip nervously.

Fez took her hand and squeezed it reassuringly, "So now...are we on a date?" he asked innocently.

Lucy chuckled, "Sure Fezzie."

Eric and Donna sat together on the couch, Fez on the opposite side of the couch, and Lucy in Hyde's chair biting her nails. Jackie was baking a pie with their mom for Home Ec and apparently Kelso was trying to get smaller paddles on Pong, Hyde was still with Chrissy.

"So Donna, what say you and I take a little drive tonight?" Eric asked suggestively.

"I don't know, do you think you can unlock the car?" Donna replied casually.

Lucy snorted, having heard all about her brother and the bra conundrum.

"Hmm, where should the four of us go on our drive?" Fez thought aloud.

"Actually Fez, just Donna and I," Eric explained.

"Oh, I see," Fez said sadly, standing up.

"Fezzie, you and I can stay here and watch a movie," Lucy said.

"So they're going to ditch us?" Fez asked, outraged. "Just like Hyde." He walked over to the freezer behind Lucy. "Everyday, I am here with my heart on my sleeve, hoping only for friendship and acceptance. And what do I get? Abandonment, loneliness. When is it Fez's turn? Where is my whore?"

"Can't help you there buddy," Lucy cringed, moving Fez's hand from her shoulder. "But you'll find her," she said reassuringly.

Just then, Hyde burst into the room, holding his belt buckle.

"Damn you Hyde, did you go horseback riding without me?" Fez asked, betrayed.

"No, he got laid," Lucy rolled her eyes.

Hyde nodded, "Guys, I just met the most amazing woman, Chrissy. And she just ditched her entire life to start over in New York, man."

"Wait, wait, why is she going to New York?" Donna asked.

"Oh don't entertain it," Lucy sighed.

"She's going to start a punk band," Hyde responded.

"A punk band! Cool! What is punk anyways?" Fez exclaimed.

"Punk means she'll be broke and end up on the streets, big deal," Lucy said.

"No, you don't understand. Punk is the nihilistic outcry against the corporate rock and roll takeover. It's the soundtrack to the revolution man!" Hyde said.

"I thought you said Blue Oyster Cult was the soundtrack to the revolution," Eric chimed in.

"The Beatles did it first," Lucy sang.

"Look, the point is, she asked me to go with her," Hyde said seriously.

Lucy's eyes went wide, it'd be throwing his life away; he had no job, no money, no friends, no family, it'll all be for some rebellious punk chick.


"Whoa, whoa, why would you want to go to New York?" Eric asked confused.

"Well it's a big city man. All the bars are open until 4:00. That's where all the music's happening." Hyde explained wistfully. "Hey, if I can make it there—"

"You can't make it there," the twins said at once.

"But if I can make it there—"

"But you won't make it there!" the twins yelled again.

"Would you just listen? If I can make it there—Damn it you guys now I lost my train of thought!" Hyde yelled, jumping up from the couch.

The sat the rest of the time watching tv uneasily, Hyde had picked Lucy up from his seat and she had scurried to sit across the room from him.

Fez got called home by his host family and Eric walked Donna home but they probably just went to make out.

"You don't think I can make it there?" Hyde asked suddenly.

"Look, if you want to get out of this hellhole, I'm all for it. Steven, you gotta be smart about it. But you're stubborn as hell, so if you wanted to make it you would just to spite me," Lucy said crossing her arms and looking at the tv.

"Yeah I probably would," Hyde said seriously, not looking away from her.

Everyone sat around the table. Most of the time they had stupid conversations but this time, the twins were both jittery.

"I don't know Hyde, I mean here, you're the cool guy. But do you know how many cool guys live in New York? There's like Lou Reed man, do you want to mess with that?" Eric said perplexed.

"I mean there's at least twelve cool guys in New York," Lucy nodded.

"Why do you want to leave Point Place? It is fun!" Fez added.

"Yeah it is fun, and I'm gonna miss the hell out of you guys. But Chrissy's cool. And it's the Big Apple man! Hey do you think Lou Reed is in the phone book? Because I bet he'd really like me," Hyde said, passing the jar of peanut butter.

"Lou Reed," Kelso laughed. "Where are you going? Who's Chrissy?"

Eric looked at Kelso concerned, "It's not so bad here. We got the tv and the peanut butter. And I got this thing," he held up a broken paddleball with a sad looking string. "Well the ball part rolled under the dryer."

"Steven! You cannot follow around some girl like a hopeless little puppy all the way to New York! If you want an easy girl, there's plenty of those in Point Place!" Lucy said, stealing the paddle from Eric.

"He is already following around a girl, so what does it matter to follow another. But Hyde, you cannot leave. You gave me my first beer remember? And then I threw up on that cop," Fez laughed.

"That was a good time man," Hyde chuckled.

"Wait a minute, back up, nobody tells me anything what's the ball doing under the dryer?" Kelso yelled in outrage.

Lucy sat on Hyde's porch, Eric had drove her there and was trying to get the car parked because some man came out accusing them of trespassing.

"It is too my suitcase!" Hyde argued with his mother.

"Nothing in this house is yours!" Edna shouted.

"Shut up!" Hyde retorted.

"Edna doesn't seem too keen," Lucy noted as Hyde walked outside.

"Oh I haven't told her yet," Hyde replied.

"You're actually gonna do it?" Lucy asked.

"Yep. I mean I know people spit on you there and the rats are as big as your head or whatever but..." Hyde trailed off.

"But you can't leave!" Lucy said, bewildered. "You promised me you'd help paint the pot leaf on the water tower! Right now it's the grinch!" Lucy rambled, her usually calm voice sounding very panicked.

"Vandalism, while tempting, is not enough reason for me to stay," Hyde smiled.

Lucy sighed, "All your friends?"

"They'll get over it," Hyde shrugged.

"No we won't," Lucy said dumbfounded that he would think so.

"Lucy, this may be my only chance to escape," Hyde explained.

Lucy nodded, understanding the need to get out, "You'll just have to take me with you then," Lucy said decidedly.

"Don't do that, don't throw away your life for me," Hyde shook his head.

"Then don't throw away your life," Lucy pleaded. "Look, turn of the decade, we'll take a trip and we'll just travel until we find a place worth staying in. Okay?"

She was basically begging him, she never begged anyone for anything, and a part of Lucy hated Steven Hyde for being the person that she would beg to stay.

Hyde walked through the motel door.

"Where's your bag?" Chrissy asked. Hyde just stayed silent. "You're not going," she scoffed.

"No, I'm not," Hyde said.

"Is it for the girl? The little blondie that you wouldn't stop talking about?" Chrissy asked.

Hyde nodded, "She's my friend and she made me realize I couldn't leave any of them."

"You love her?"

"What? No! God, we hated eachother for years," Hyde laughed at the thought.

"Good, 'cause remember, love is the concept created by the institution," Chrissy said, picking up her bag, walking towards Hyde. "But, here's my friend's number in New York, don't call me!" she yelled, shoving him away.

"Yeah, I won't," Hyde said.

And just like that, Chrissy was out the door. Hyde sighed, dumping the cigarette butts from the ashtray and pocketing it before walking out the door, and dropping the slip of paper in the trash.

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